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NFL investigating the NY Giants


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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Pats cheated with Deflategate and how Pats fans come up with these excuses to why the balls were deflated is almost comical. Any 10 yr old could see they cheated. Now were they better than us, yes and still wouldve beat us IMO, but that isnt that point. Brady having his phone destroyed was priceless.

Yep as soon as you cheat I don't care if your better or not you just cheated I agree they were better could of beat us straight up that's what is so lame 

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1 minute ago, JCPatriot said:


If the Giants were actually doing this (and it sounds like they were), this was actual cheating as well.  So when the Cowboys catch cheating they are whiners but when the Colts catch cheating they are right?  Yeah, no hypocrisy there at all.

How is use of walkie talkie cheating this seems lame 

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1 minute ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

How is use of walkie talkie cheating this seems lame 


Because it gives the coaching staff the ability to communicate with the QB beyond the time limit that is specified by NFL rules.  The normal headsets are controlled to cut out with a certain amount of time left on the play clock.  After that point, the coach can't communicate with the QB any more (except by hand signals).  By using a walkie talkie and not the normal headsets, the coach gains the ability to communicate with the QB at any time.....even at times when it is not allowed per NFL rules.  That is cheating, plain and simple.

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2 hours ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

How is use of walkie talkie cheating this seems lame 




Regarding the Giants, coach Ben McAdoo broke a rule that is clear and known and obvious. Every year, all 32 teams are reminded of it. There is no ambiguity or confusion or lack of clarity. The walkie-talkie is present on the sideline, it can be used only by the backup quarterback, it can be used only for listening not speaking, and the coach can never, ever touch it.

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7 hours ago, JCPatriot said:


You're kind of on thin ice there considering that it was our team that pitched a ridiculous fit over deflategate.



.....but I don't.  It just doesn't matter to me.  The only thing that I care about is that the NFL does not show preferential treatment to one team over another with regard to rules violations.  They shouldn't come down hard on one team for rules violations and then give another team a pass.  So yes, the NFL should investigate and punish accordingly if rules were broken.  But me, personally, I don't care about this.  I recognize that teams are going to try to do this kind of stuff, and it doesn't bother me as long as the NFL is fair and neutral when dealing with it.


Given the Patriots involvement in rules violations your response is nothing short of.....    astounding and NOT in a good way.


You're not in a position to comment on anyone here in this thread because YOU just said that YOU DON'T CARE.


I don't know how to break it to you......    but for discussion purposes,  that's pretty much game over.




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17 hours ago, JCPatriot said:


If the Giants were actually doing this (and it sounds like they were), this was actual cheating as well.  So when the Cowboys catch cheating they are whiners but when the Colts catch cheating they are right?  Yeah, no hypocrisy there at all.

I don't disagree with you pointing out the hypocrisy of those two statements and to the extent that people actually feel that way.  I disagree with the contention that the Cowboys are whiners, though.  If a team is going to break a rule, especially intentionally, and they get caught, someone crying foul is within their every right to do it and the person getting caught shouldn't complain about whatever the fallout is because at the end of the day, if you don't want to deal with the repercussions of getting caught cheating, then don't cheat.

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On 12/17/2016 at 7:34 PM, 19colt said:


Holding the title of scientist, even one at MIT (as the prominent scientist in this case), does not make someone correct or immune from bias. I am trying to earn a PhD and this becomes more evident the longer I study. There is a huge battle waged every day among scientists for funding and you can't underestimate the lines people will inch across to gain an edge or get their name out there.     


Also, those texts are pretty obvious unless we are expected to believe that "deflator" refers to weight loss. 

I don't want go down deflategate ally again. But there were 5 different groups did research on deflated balls in the cold... Only ONE said Ideal Gas law did not apply. That was the same company said second hand smoke did not cause cancer. Guess which one the NFL used? 


As for the deflator reference that was a YEAR old text, and why is the text of Brady ripping them a new one forgotten? Seems people forget the deflator text happened after that Jets fiasco of a 16 psi ball. My point is if (and they probably did) they did it was protect their jobs as Brady could and would get them fired if they screwed up again.


My point on deflategate was it was SUPPOSE be about only the AFCC Game and even though they knew they were doing it they never kept the readings OR what gauge they used! Hell Wells believes the refs in everything else except which gauge he used to test the balls. Why? Because it didn't fit with what he wanted to find. With Spygate pats were guilty than hell, with deflategate it was Guilty until we can prove Guilty. 

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