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My Thoughts On Everything And I Mean Everything.


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This was pretty good...until you told people what to do, how to cheer, and what they should accept. People don't have to take such a stance on any of things, and they are no worse (or better) for behaving differently. This isn't like those people who actually hope Manning is gone, or want injuries to befell players from other teams. This comes down to what each person wants to see happen for the Colts next season. Since everyone is uncertain, Manning and Irsay included, the subject is wide open.

I have no desire to "rally around Luck", for example, because this team owes Manning more than just the money he will get. They built an outhouse around him and denied him championships. Not only was his legacy tarnished by the 5-ton anchor he had to carry by himself, but now the franchise finally decides they want to re-tool and rebuild with a college kid instead? They finally want to do the right thing AFTER dumping Peyton? That's grade-A horse turd, and I hope they tank for years to come should they go this route. The inability of this franchise to give the greatest QB of all-time is now going to propel Brady, of all people, into the widely accepted consensus GOAT in the very house Manning built. How does that taste?

No, Luck doesn't deserve my support. He's done nothing to earn it. He's never done anything for the Colts, and I highly doubt he will give us any measure of success even remotely close to what we had with Manning. The Colts >>>ed him over, and now I'm supposed to be on board for then to make it don't with some other guy? I was a Colts fan first, but I've slowly become a Manning fan first in the last few years. If they want to give him what he deserves, they would have a team ready for him, not Luck. Luck can wait.

As I clearly stated that is my opinion and if you don't like you don't have to and there is nothing wrong with that people are welcome to have and express any opinion they may like. I said what I think should happen clearly I can't make people do that and if they don't fine that is up to them. I feel Luck will deserve you support because he will be the starting qb of your team next year again if you disagree you are more than welcome to do so.
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Then we are discussing something other than being a fan of the Colts. We're discussing being a fan of Manning. I would love to know, and the question has been asked before on this forum, how many here are Colts fans now basically because of Manning. Since I have lived through Unitas, and Jones, and Harbaugh, and Manning, my take on eras ending, watching success, failure, rebuilding, and success again (we hope) might be different than most, or some. All great team eras end, all great players stop playing. I couldn't fathom not watching the Colts with as much interest because Manning isn't playing. We, or most of us, watched 2-14 happen this year. And ironically, we all should have been rooting very hard for Painter and Dan O, since had they won even a couple more games, this entire conversation and the fate of Manning might be very different.

Interesting comments.........NCC

I like the Bears....(I still like the Bears and the Colts. They are in different conferences and rarely meet)

but was a Johnny Unitas fan.....(his story of how he came from nothing is probably the greatest NFL story ever told)

His quiet leadership amazed me and everybody else ( I actually wish I knew more abut him. He was not an open, talkative person and there's relatively little wriiten on him that includes his words)

I had mixed emotions in '69 when the Jets beat them because......everybody liked Joe Namath....the NFL's Muhammad Ali...a big talker..showboat

..It was sad to see Unitas struggling...trying to rally them that day...

You guys may not remember that the 60s and 70s....the pass was changing the game..most folks ran the ball 75% of the time

..and passers like Bert Jones and Stabuch and Kenny Stabler and Len Dawson were the Mannings and Bradys and Brees' of that time..

Bert Jones threw the football like a baseball...he threw it a lot like Joe Namath..It was something to watch..

I loved Jones..because he played like Namath..a hard-throwing gambler.

I think QBs lead you as a fan to a team..Unitas. Earl Morrall and Jones..and Manning....(I know the 80s were weak) Mike Pagel? led me through Colts years

I had very mixed emotions when the Colts moved....because I'm from Indiana but retired Baltimore heroes like Unitas hated the 'Indianapolis' Colts..

...But the Manning era obviously brought me back full force...

That's why its unfair to me to say..you either are a Manning fan OR a Colts fan.

I'm both..because of what he's done...and the ressurection...of Colts history in my home state.

The Colts have a unique history...

..and I worry about what a 'Jeff George' like future holds without Peyton Manning.

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I read somewhere on here that the colts pretty much gave manning a mediocre team the last few years..... first off it wasnt Irsay who did that. it was Polian who was getting these players which is going to bring me to what im about to say....im going to start with the defense first

discussion of luck would not be happening if POLIAN would have had a back up plan for when or if manning went down, and in this case was down for the whole year. he drafted QB's just for the depth chart, not for a potential manningless season. IDK who it was exactly who wanted dungy, but im guessing polian and if that was the case the blame is put on him again because it gave us fans the defense that we have been seeing. a defense that was built tto protect a 14 point lead not a 3 point lead. this fast paced defense worked at first, then teams started their build to beat it. the only team that really had any success over the colts was the patriots because they figured out Manning. Dungy was a defensive minded coach, but after what i saw happen to the bucs after they won the superbowl and the defense was dungys defense it fell apart and their still trying to rebuild from it. it was a speed defense and not built to last long just like the colts defense.

the offense...

there was really never an issue with the offense except the Oline in run blocking. the colts put together a line that was built to block for manning not the run game, which is why i believe the colts did not have as much success as the steelers and patriots have had. you gotta have a run game to open the passing game and put the defense on their heels. with the colts is strictly all passing, and the last time the colts had a rb run for 1,000 yards or more was in 07' and the colts went 13-3. that season was overshadowed by the patriots going 16-0. I believe if the running game was more involved and better the colts would prob have 2 or 3 superbowls in the last 6 years. because after 07 the colts had only gotten close to a 1,000 yards one more time and that was 09 when addai ran for over 800 yards. in 08 530 yards 2010 and this past season 400 yards. I can see the colts letting addai walk as the last 2 rb's they had (faulk and james) were only around for 4 or 5 years before let go. this was the 5th year for addai and Brown and carter have showed they can run. so bye bye addai. if the colts put a FB in the back field i believe brown and carter can be a Foster/Tate or Mathews/Tolber type tandom and both can come close to running for 1,000 yards in one season. but the Oline needs alittle tinkering with and really its just the guards.

To be honest, if they fix the defense up alittle make em bigger and into a power defense on the front 7 add a olineman or two this colts team with andrew luck should start contending again in 2013 maybe even as early as next season if the new GM plays his cards right brings in the right guys. Laron Landry, Ray Lewis is a FA maybe he will follow pags to indy? or maybe evne sign someone like Mario Williams, because everyone knows the texans wont be able to sign both Williams and Foster and Tate. and they need Foster and Tate more then they need willliams.

again its just my opinion and i prob will take flak for all of this lol

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As I clearly stated that is my opinion and if you don't like you don't have to and there is nothing wrong with that people are welcome to have and express any opinion they may like. I said what I think should happen clearly I can't make people do that and if they don't fine that is up to them. I feel Luck will deserve you support because he will be the starting qb of your team next year again if you disagree you are more than welcome to do so.

Arhhh.. ok here is why you were met with the reaction you got from him..

You once again stated Luck WILL be the starting qb next season. For the love of all things holy, YOU DONT KNOW THAT!!

Good god almighty. Ok, state it as an opinion please. Not fact. Its not fact! :devil:

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So I cannot be a Peyton Manning fan and want to see Jim Irsay refuse to pay 28 Million dollars to Peyton even though Jim Irsay paid Peyton 26 Million dollars with the certain knowledge that Peyton might not be able to play during the last season. Jim paid that 26 Million dollars so that the Colts franchise would have Peyton this year. This year is here, and Jim Irsay still doesn't know if Peyton can still play football. Peyton doesn't know if he can play football this season.

But so what? Pay Peyton the 28 Millions and hope for the best. Give me a break. Peyton has been well paid and, IMO, he has been so well loved by the fans and so well treated by the Colts (read Jim Irsay) that now Peyton is sure he is entitled to another 28 Million whether or not he can play football this year or ever.

I like Peyton Manning. He is for sure a Hall of Fame QB. But for me, I am a Colts fan. It has been great Peyton. Sorry about your neck bro. But life happens. The Colts franchise has to keep the TEAM first. Jim Irsay has a responsibility to the City of Indy and to the team, to do what seems best moving forward.

Maybe Peyton plays for another team next season. Life happens. I will still hold Peyton is high esteem, wish him the best, but look forward to how the Colts, with Andrew Luck do this coming season.

I am ready for some smash mouth football. No more Cover 2. No more defense that cannnot stop the run. No more Colts team that cannot get one lousy yard for a first down when it so so darn important. We would have beaten the Pats if Edge could have gotten one lousy yard and scored a TD. We would have beaten the Bolts if our RB could have run for one lousy yard to keep the clock moving.

I for one am more than ready for a team that can compete whether our QB can throw for 50 TD's or not.

Welcome Chuck Pagano. Let's hunt.

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Wow, sour grapes. Rookies don't receive support from you? Seriously?

And how have the Colts neglected Manning? By making him the highest paid player in the NFL? By giving him the biggest assortment of weapons on offense than virtually any other team in the NFL? By allowing him to make adjustments and plays at the line?


Plays at the line and offensive freedom I agree with but from what I've read, he didn't end up being the highest paid player. his contract matched brady's not surpassed. I also don't beleive that he had a great assortment of offensive weapons. he had good receivers and some RB's but when was the last time the colts have boasted any rushing or receiing titles. Not busting on ur argument but just making a point that for many of his years, he made due with what he had all be it doing it well. What Peyton has received in the NFL as compared to othe players, he's deserved everything he's been given.
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Really? Life happens huh. Put yourself in his shoes. Have everything you have ever known taken from you, go through it and see show you feel. The man has played football his whole life, no all the sudden is not. He future is uncertine and mark my words it is depressing him. It has to. His world has done a 180. Has two kids now, not usre if he can do what he has always done, coaches are gone, and a whole new system is being put in place. He is torn, scared, not sure. And you say 'oh, life happens'. Well, have life hand you a rotten situation and take what you know away from you, leave you with an uncertine future and see how you react.

Im impressed he didnt lay off a rant sooner. I dont blame him for what he said.

Cut the guy some slack. Its a very stressful time for him and his family right now.

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Interesting comments.........NCC

I like the Bears....(I still like the Bears and the Colts. They are in different conferences and rarely meet)

but was a Johnny Unitas fan.....(his story of how he came from nothing is probably the greatest NFL story ever told)

His quiet leadership amazed me and everybody else ( I actually wish I knew more abut him. He was not an open, talkative person and there's relatively little wriiten on him that includes his words)

I had mixed emotions in '69 when the Jets beat them because......everybody liked Joe Namath....the NFL's Muhammad Ali...a big talker..showboat

..It was sad to see Unitas struggling...trying to rally them that day...

You guys may not remember that the 60s and 70s....the pass was changing the game..most folks ran the ball 75% of the time

..and passers like Bert Jones and Stabuch and Kenny Stabler and Len Dawson were the Mannings and Bradys and Brees' of that time..

Bert Jones threw the football like a baseball...he threw it a lot like Joe Namath..It was something to watch..

I loved Jones..because he played like Namath..a hard-throwing gambler.

I think QBs lead you as a fan to a team..Unitas. Earl Morrall and Jones..and Manning....(I know the 80s were weak) Mike Pagel? led me through Colts years

I had very mixed emotions when the Colts moved....because I'm from Indiana but retired Baltimore heroes like Unitas hated the 'Indianapolis' Colts..

...But the Manning era obviously brought me back full force...

That's why its unfair to me to say..you either are a Manning fan OR a Colts fan.

I'm both..because of what he's done...and the ressurection...of Colts history in my home state.

The Colts have a unique history...

..and I worry about what a 'Jeff George' like future holds without Peyton Manning.

I agree with you. As a person who grew up in Maryland, when they left I was heartbroken. But I didn't walk - the same players, in the same uniforms kept me a fan. I also understood why the siituation in Baltimore was at a crossroads, and why Irsay made the decision he did. That situation was horrible, on all sides.

It's funny, I have always seen similarities between the Jones era and the Manning era. Manning had to play in the same era as Brady, Jones had Stabler and Bradshaw. The Colts were good enough to win a SB with Jones, but didn't because the Raiders or Steelers were just a little better, or got those breaks in games the Colts just didn't. And Jones career being cut short by injury was so tough. He was very, very good.

I am both a Colts fan, and Manning fan. All I was trying to say above is, I am confident that in 20 years I will be a Colts fan, and will find players on that roster I will really enjoy watching and rooting for too. I by no means meant to minimize or lessen the impact of Manning. It isn't an either or situation to me. I am only suggesting that I won't stop watching or rooting when he goes. I didn't when Unitas went to SD, I didn't when Jones retired. I won't when Manning leaves. I won't when Luck retires. We as fans last a lifetime. Careers last 10 years. I know going in that I will say goodbye to players I loved watching. And be so thankful when you get to root for greatness. I tell my sons, who know nothing else but Manning and the Colts success, that they need to enjoy the now, because this isn't how it always, or even usually, works out.

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Arhhh.. ok here is why you were met with the reaction you got from him..

You once again stated Luck WILL be the starting qb next season. For the love of all things holy, YOU DONT KNOW THAT!!

Good god almighty. Ok, state it as an opinion please. Not fact. Its not fact! :devil:

Yeah I know and he's right I don't know it. That's why I am make it clear that I am stating an opinion of what I think is going to happen (like I said in my first post :) ). I could end up being 100% wrong. Andrew Luck could blow out his knee tomorrow (knocking on wood to prevent that as I am saying this). Peyton Manning's neck may heal and we might keep Peyton Manning and draft RG3.

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So I cannot be a Peyton Manning fan and want to see Jim Irsay refuse to pay 28 Million dollars to Peyton even though Jim Irsay paid Peyton 26 Million dollars with the certain knowledge that Peyton might not be able to play during the last season. Jim paid that 26 Million dollars so that the Colts franchise would have Peyton this year. This year is here, and Jim Irsay still doesn't know if Peyton can still play football. Peyton doesn't know if he can play football this season.

But so what? Pay Peyton the 28 Millions and hope for the best. Give me a break. Peyton has been well paid and, IMO, he has been so well loved by the fans and so well treated by the Colts (read Jim Irsay) that now Peyton is sure he is entitled to another 28 Million whether or not he can play football this year or ever.

I like Peyton Manning. He is for sure a Hall of Fame QB. But for me, I am a Colts fan. It has been great Peyton. Sorry about your neck bro. But life happens. The Colts franchise has to keep the TEAM first. Jim Irsay has a responsibility to the City of Indy and to the team, to do what seems best moving forward.

Maybe Peyton plays for another team next season. Life happens. I will still hold Peyton is high esteem, wish him the best, but look forward to how the Colts, with Andrew Luck do this coming season.

I am ready for some smash mouth football. No more Cover 2. No more defense that cannnot stop the run. No more Colts team that cannot get one lousy yard for a first down when it so so darn important. We would have beaten the Pats if Edge could have gotten one lousy yard and scored a TD. We would have beaten the Bolts if our RB could have run for one lousy yard to keep the clock moving.

I for one am more than ready for a team that can compete whether our QB can throw for 50 TD's or not.

Welcome Chuck Pagano. Let's hunt.

WOW..just WOW.

I agree with yeah let's move on and play some Colts football. BUT my sentiments towards Peyton is different.

Peyton earned every $ he got. So lets not pretend he has robbed the Colts organization.

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I started watching football with more interest in 2000. I don't know the Colts without Manning. They have been carried by our local stations since I cared to watch, so who else would I be a fan of?

With that said, I will be rooting for whoever is under center for the Colts.

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Really? Life happens huh. Put yourself in his shoes. Have everything you have ever known taken from you, go through it and see show you feel. The man has played football his whole life, no all the sudden is not. He future is uncertine and mark my words it is depressing him. It has to. His world has done a 180. Has two kids now, not usre if he can do what he has always done, coaches are gone, and a whole new system is being put in place. He is torn, scared, not sure. And you say 'oh, life happens'. Well, have life hand you a rotten situation and take what you know away from you, leave you with an uncertine future and see how you react.

Im impressed he didnt lay off a rant sooner. I dont blame him for what he said.

Cut the guy some slack. Its a very stressful time for him and his family right now.

I'd love to put myself in Peyton Manning's shoes.

He got paid more money than I will ever see in my entire life in one year in which he didn't even play.

Now, I don't begrudge him that, but I'm not feeling the "poor peyton!" sob story being peddled. If you want to talk about what a franchise mistreating a QB really looks like, I'd be happy to point out some examples.

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I'd love to put myself in Peyton Manning's shoes.

He got paid more money than I will ever see in my entire life in one year in which he didn't even play.

Now, I don't begrudge him that, but I'm not feeling the "poor peyton!" sob story being peddled. If you want to talk about what a franchise mistreating a QB really looks like, I'd be happy to point out some examples.

I like you, Jaric.

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I'd love to put myself in Peyton Manning's shoes.

He got paid more money than I will ever see in my entire life in one year in which he didn't even play.

Now, I don't begrudge him that, but I'm not feeling the "poor peyton!" sob story being peddled. If you want to talk about what a franchise mistreating a QB really looks like, I'd be happy to point out some examples.

Mod Edit Im talking about mental health and no money in the world will make that go away. Money doesnt buy you happiness. Taking away your lifestyle ie: his job and he loves his job makes for some serious termoil internally. He wont say it outloud. Hes too proud. But anyone who has had serious things in life happen know what im talking about.

Ok, i will take away your life and job and see how lost you feel afterwards. The guy lives, eats, and breaths this. Take it away all the sudden because of an unforseen injury and have 3 surgerys.

Edited by shecolt
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I'd love to put myself in Peyton Manning's shoes.

He got paid more money than I will ever see in my entire life in one year in which he didn't even play.

Now, I don't begrudge him that, but I'm not feeling the "poor peyton!" sob story being peddled. If you want to talk about what a franchise mistreating a QB really looks like, I'd be happy to point out some examples.

don't know if anyone is saying "Poor Peyton" in regards to anything but 'the football" aspect.

We could never relate on how it is to be "in Peyton's shoes" nor any other millionaire, so it is not an objective argumnet; it is all in our perception.

It is like if someone's significant other left him/her and that person was heartbroken......for that moment in time, another can't say..hey you have a house, a job, money....don't complain. It is not how life works. We love the thngs that we love.

But in all honesty, Peyton's emotions are least of my concernts. I wish that the organization I root for..will do the "right" thing..as this is what Jim Irsay has preached down to the coaches. Make a business decision and deliver in a humanly way. Let the chips fall where they may.

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Thick skulled sucker arent ya. Im talking about mental health and no money in the world will make that go away. Money doesnt buy you happiness. Taking away your lifestyle ie: his job and he loves his job makes for some serious termoil internally. He wont say it outloud. Hes too proud. But anyone who has had serious things in life happen know what im talking about.

Ok, i will take away your life and job and see how lost you feel afterwards. The guy lives, eats, and breaths this. Take it away all the sudden because of an unforseen injury and have 3 surgerys.


He's going to retire as a first ballot hall of fame player. He won a superbowl. He will forever be in the conversation of greatest QBs of all time. The NFL is not an old man's business. Every career comes to an end at some point. Most far earlier than Peyton's. It's hard for all of them to move on, I get that. But let's not pretend this is some kind of Greek tragedy.

His worst case scenario is that he retires to his mansion to count his money, make commercials, and spend time with his beautiful wife and two newborn children.

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Really? Life happens huh. Put yourself in his shoes. Have everything you have ever known taken from you, go through it and see show you feel. The man has played football his whole life, no all the sudden is not. He future is uncertine and mark my words it is depressing him. It has to. His world has done a 180. Has two kids now, not usre if he can do what he has always done, coaches are gone, and a whole new system is being put in place. He is torn, scared, not sure. And you say 'oh, life happens'. Well, have life hand you a rotten situation and take what you know away from you, leave you with an uncertine future and see how you react.

Im impressed he didnt lay off a rant sooner. I dont blame him for what he said.

Cut the guy some slack. Its a very stressful time for him and his family right now.

I know its not easy on Peyton. I do feel for the guy to a point but come on. He's an extremely rich man who's enjoyed being beloved by a city his entire career. He's also been fortunate to make it this long in this game with the level of success he's had. The truth is he's going to have to come to the reality he wont play forever at somepoint(I mean the actual moment where it hits him this is it). I understand people having a soft spot for Peyton but I just dont get where this thought that he is owed something comes from. He knows that above all this is a business and its about what's best for the TEAM not Peyton Manning.

I always will be a Peyton Manning fan and thankful for what he's done. And I really hope he does stay. Im not lying when I say that. If he's cut, im going to hate it as much as you but ive come to accept that its just going to be too much of a risk for the team if the doctors arent sure he can play.

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He's going to retire as a first ballot hall of fame player. He won a superbowl. He will forever be in the conversation of greatest QBs of all time. The NFL is not an old man's business. Every career comes to an end at some point. Most far earlier than Peyton's. It's hard for all of them to move on, I get that. But let's not pretend this is some kind of Greek tragedy.

His worst case scenario is that he retires to his mansion to count his money, make commercials, and spend time with his beautiful wife and two newborn children.

all you say is true .....Jaric...

but the only people saying he has a career-threatening injury are on cable TV and message boards..

How easy would it be for you to retire because people said you were too old and replaced you...

I'd have a problem with that....I'd fight it....

Its not about material things....Everything he has he also has if he still pushes to return...

It would be a shame if he quit

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You think everythings about cash.

Your talking about the most ceribral qb ever. Its all about the ben's with you isnt it. Lord forbid the guy be human, have feelings, and worry about his future. If only we could all be so robotic like you, no worries, no fears.. but i wont stoop that low. So i will continue to be bashed for stating the mental side of things and not the cash. Let'er rip.

Edited by Maureen
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It seems as this is becoming all about a guy named Luck. I remember a year when I thought it was going to be about a guy named Leaf not sure on the spelling, but he was the all great pick to come out of the draft that year. I remember asking who is this Manning kid I did not know anything about that state south of us but a friend of mine said hay he is pretty good you might want to give him a chance wow what a fool I was he turned out to be good after all. I know there has been some love loss for BP here but I herd an interview with him the other day and he said something about a knee injury that Luck had, it did not seem to effect his performance but it should still be looked at and probably would be at the combine. Yes I am some what of a Peyton fan but I still consider my self a Colts fan as well. Most of us know how much Peyton has done off the field as well as on. hence forth we hate to see him leave football or the city. I read a lot and post very little I figure I make less of a fool of myself that way. I honestly blame this situation on the lockout I believe had it not been for the lock out the surgery would have been done in January instead of Sept. I have three cervical spine fusions in my neck and it did take some time to heal the fusions took place quickly but I was 53 when it was done and the nerves took there time but they did come back as much as possible. My accident was much worse than Peytons I think he will be able to play again it is a shame about the timing . I will still be a Colts fan it just wont be as easy. Emotions are running high around this and I would not want to be in Jim Irsay's shoes. It sounds like a contract that they both thought was right at the time may force the parting of two good individuals. I do not want to be singing God Bless our Colts with Bob and Tom again. So God bless our Colts and let this thing work out well for all.

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This was pretty good...until you told people what to do, how to cheer, and what they should accept. People don't have to take such a stance on any of things, and they are no worse (or better) for behaving differently. This isn't like those people who actually hope Manning is gone, or want injuries to befell players from other teams. This comes down to what each person wants to see happen for the Colts next season. Since everyone is uncertain, Manning and Irsay included, the subject is wide open.

I have no desire to "rally around Luck", for example, because this team owes Manning more than just the money he will get. They built an outhouse around him and denied him championships. Not only was his legacy tarnished by the 5-ton anchor he had to carry by himself, but now the franchise finally decides they want to re-tool and rebuild with a college kid instead? They finally want to do the right thing AFTER dumping Peyton? That's grade-A horse turd, and I hope they tank for years to come should they go this route. The inability of this franchise to give the greatest QB of all-time is now going to propel Brady, of all people, into the widely accepted consensus GOAT in the very house Manning built. How does that taste?

No, Luck doesn't deserve my support. He's done nothing to earn it. He's never done anything for the Colts, and I highly doubt he will give us any measure of success even remotely close to what we had with Manning. The Colts >>>ed him over, and now I'm supposed to be on board for then to make it don't with some other guy? I was a Colts fan first, but I've slowly become a Manning fan first in the last few years. If they want to give him what he deserves, they would have a team ready for him, not Luck. Luck can wait.

Although I dont agee with you that I hope Indy tanks for the next few years, I will say I agree with alot you have said. The problem I have with all this is simple. Everyone seems to think Luck or any other college kid is going to come right in here and do everything that Peyton did. Before Peyton there just wasnt a QB that took over an offense like he did. He was the offense. Yeah, i know that also ended up being the down fall. But, if you listen to most people on here they really think some rookie QB is going to beable to do the same thing. Well, that probably wont happen. Sure Luck supposedly ran his own offense at Standford. Well, I watched alot of his games this year and its funny how the head coach has a huge offensive playbook in his hand and Luck hundled up after every play and was looking at the sidelines. Anyways, even if he was calling his own plays that dosent mean that translates into the ability to do it in the NFL. As far as RG3. Please, that dude needs to sit a few years. So, what I am saying is too many people have been spoiled by Peyton. They truely believe that we can just draft another QB and they will be able to replace Peyton. I heard a stat that since 1990 only two number one drafted QBs have been to a superbowl. Both named Manning. It is very difficult to catch lightning in a bottle. For some reason Mr. Irsay thinks he is smart enough to do it twice. There are way to many references back to 1998, and the only reason 1998 was successful was because the man he is trying to drive off was drafted. And that man worked his rear off to be the greatest. It wasnt just given to him.

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People like you must not have too much of a life. To write a short novel about something you can't change, and have absolutely no influence on, astounds me. Don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE colts fan, and have been for many years. I LIKE GAMEDAY! Everything else in between is waste. Instead of spending an hour telling people your unimportant opinion, you could have been with your kids, mother, friends, cooking, making love, etc.......

Do people believe their opinion makes a difference? Yeah, I get why forums exist, but it seems like a big waste of time. And yes, I tell MY FRIENDS my opinion about the colts, and we talk about what's going on. THEN WE MOVE ON! Some of you obviously don't have a life. Don't like my opinion, too bad. Waste another hour of your life bashing me. Clowns.

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People like you must not have too much of a life. To write a short novel about something you can't change, and have absolutely no influence on, astounds me. Don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE colts fan, and have been for many years. I LIKE GAMEDAY! Everything else in between is waste. Instead of spending an hour telling people your unimportant opinion, you could have been with your kids, mother, friends, cooking, making love, etc.......

Do people believe their opinion makes a difference? Yeah, I get why forums exist, but it seems like a big waste of time. And yes, I tell MY FRIENDS my opinion about the colts, and we talk about what's going on. THEN WE MOVE ON! Some of you obviously don't have a life. Don't like my opinion, too bad. Waste another hour of your life bashing me. Clowns.

you have wasted your time 74 times then.

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    • Food for thought… Once again, you continue to be your own worst enemy.     The Colts overall TE room is loaded with young players most of whom have had very little playing time for a variety of reasons.   So if you want to say the room might not be ranked high, that’s fair.    But you don’t say that.  You call them “trash”.  Why you feel that’s appropriate is a mystery.   Whenever you try the internet tough guy approach it typically blows up on you.     No one is trash.     You ignore the last three years and the QB and HC carousel the Colts have dealt with.  All of which has impacted the Colts weapons, especially the TE’s.   Ballard has publicly talked about how promising he thinks his TE room might be.   Woods, Granson, Ogletree, Mallory and MAC.    Only MAC is questionable and that’s because the salary hasn’t matched expectations.  But the first four?   All are promising.   They’re just young and looking for opportunity.  But they are NOT trash.     There’s a difference.     
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    • Diana Taurasi has been trashing on Clark and Indiana since April. And today the Fever finally had a chance to shut her mouth up. Fever win over the Mercury 88-82. 
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