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Bears (+6) at Houston (9-11-16)


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4 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

He can't make the wr run the correct route on a timing play.   That was on the inexperienced wr

No..I don't thnk so.......'J..

If Jay isnt sure where the WR is going..dont throw he ball..especially off the back foot. Be careful Be safe


One guy is playing his first NFL games and they otherhas played for a decade..

Jay always tries to make a play out of stuff and he gets himself in trouble....

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1 hour ago, oldunclemark said:

OMG..Jay threw the ball right to Vince Wolfolk


Best post of the thread and cracked me up. lmao 


I didn't see the game but this is not suprising to hear. lmao 



Bears might be good at times on defense this year but no way do I trust Cutler.

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21 hours ago, Bluefire4 said:

Don't understand how anyone can be a fan of multiple teams... but to each his own.

It's that way in my family too. I'm not sure your age but before 84 we didn't have a football team here in Indy...so most people over the age of 45/50 likely were Bears fans since they were the closest team in our area and on tv almost every Sunday. Heck many years growing up my dad made me watch the Bears (this is when they were competitive in the 80s). Now me....I grew up and was just starting to watch Football when the Colts came to town. My dad slowly became a Colts fan but he was always a two team fan. He had his NFC team and his AFC team. I even rooted for them too because those early years most of the Colts games were blacked out due to not being able to sell out most weeks so the Bears were all that was on. I think my dad officially became a Colts fan when Jim Harbaugh became our QB and then rooted like crazy ever since. Myself well I quickly lost interest in them but its very easy to be a two team fan....in that circumstance its more than logical...it would be crazy to sell out your favorite team growing up just because a new one came to town...so you make room for both. I also don't know how old oldunclemark is....but judging by his name....I'm sure he was a Bears fan long before the Indianapolis Colts were even a glimmer in Bob Irsay's eye.

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1 hour ago, dgambill said:

It's that way in my family too. I'm not sure your age but before 84 we didn't have a football team here in Indy...so most people over the age of 45/50 likely were Bears fans since they were the closest team in our area and on tv almost every Sunday. Heck many years growing up my dad made me watch the Bears (this is when they were competitive in the 80s). Now me....I grew up and was just starting to watch Football when the Colts came to town. My dad slowly became a Colts fan but he was always a two team fan. He had his NFC team and his AFC team. I even rooted for them too because those early years most of the Colts games were blacked out due to not being able to sell out most weeks so the Bears were all that was on. I think my dad officially became a Colts fan when Jim Harbaugh became our QB and then rooted like crazy ever since. Myself well I quickly lost interest in them but its very easy to be a two team fan....in that circumstance its more than logical...it would be crazy to sell out your favorite team growing up just because a new one came to town...so you make room for both. I also don't know how old oldunclemark is....but judging by his name....I'm sure he was a Bears fan long before the Indianapolis Colts were even a glimmer in Bob Irsay's eye.

I've never been in that situation so I cannot relate but if I was a Bears fan before the Colts came to Indy, I would remain a Bears fan. I'm not rooting for a team just because it is in my city. Whatever team I root for first will be my one and only favorite team because it will always be the only team I will get excited and nervous to see play. But I can see where you guys are coming from.

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42 minutes ago, Bluefire4 said:

I've never been in that situation so I cannot relate but if I was a Bears fan before the Colts came to Indy, I would remain a Bears fan. I'm not rooting for a team just because it is in my city. Whatever team I root for first will be my one and only favorite team because it will always be the only team I will get excited and nervous to see play. But I can see where you guys are coming from.

I agree 100%. I started watching Football in the late 70's but never had a true favorite team. I played peewee football and into JR High, etc. and just loved the game. We got a team here in Indy in 1984 when I was just turning 13 and from then on I was a Colts fan. Had I been a fan of a team before 1984 as a young kid I would've stuck with them though. 2 of my very good friends are diehard Bears fans but they were Bears fans before the Colts moved to Indy and they just remained Bears fans. I here about 1985 all the time but when I bring up 2006 they want no part of me! I think most Colts fans in general became fans because of Peyton IMO because before that the Colts got no attention and were a dull team by media standards. We had trouble selling out games before Peyton got Drafted. I remember in 1995 the media was in absolute panic mode that we might actually make the SB by beating the darling Steelers haha. I mean we got 0 respect during that run and we actually got screwed in that AFCCG. We did stink the first 3 years here but when we got Dickerson we were relevant. I started going to Colts games when we got Dickerson in 1987.

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