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Manning Contract And Cap Impacts For Cutting/trading

Larry Horseman

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It makes more sense for Manning and the Colts to just part ways, its in the best interest of both parties. Don't you think Manning would love the opportunity to play for SF49er's with their defense in his last 2 years for Superbowl runs?

You have posteed this so many times and I have yet seen anyone completely agree with you so why do you keep posting it? :???: I think Irsay will do what he thinks is the best interest for all concerned. I know by your avatar that your a Luck lover but that is okay but there are still some that think that if Peyton is healthy and can play he will probably be a Colt. :thmsup:

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You have posteed this so many times and I have yet seen anyone completely agree with you so why do you keep posting it? :???: I think Irsay will do what he thinks is the best interest for all concerned. I know by your avatar that your a Luck lover but that is okay but there are still some that think that if Peyton is healthy and can play he will probably be a Colt. :thmsup:

There are plenty that agree with me. Peyton IS NOT healthy, i don't know why so many people keep chanting this, because it is not true and has never been verified, so tell me why THIS is constantly posted? Of course I am a Luck supporter, because it represents the best for our future and I will continue posting this.

Edited by shecolt
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You have posteed this so many times and I have yet seen anyone completely agree with you so why do you keep posting it? :???: I think Irsay will do what he thinks is the best interest for all concerned. I know by your avatar that your a Luck lover but that is okay but there are still some that think that if Peyton is healthy and can play he will probably be a Colt. :thmsup:

then count me as the first to completely agree with him

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There are plenty that agree with me. Peyton IS NOT healthy, i don't know why so many people keep chanting this, because it is not true and has never been verified, so tell me why THIS is constantly posted? Of course I am a Luck supporter, because it represents the best for our future and I will continue posting this.

And this is the issue confronting Irsay... take a chance and pay 28m out of unconditional loyalty (which has ened every great teams run) ... outside of GB and SF. or cut ties and just say "hey, we are starting over" ??

I guarantee Peyton wants to play in "meaningful" football games. Indy is in a tough cap spot "this season"... I just cannot see how they can keep Manning and Luck. I just doesn't add up.

But I am on record....... I want Peyton back if "healthy" .... and trade the top pick.

But the whole scenario is so dicey I really think Irsay will roll with Luck and move on.

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You have posteed this so many times and I have yet seen anyone completely agree with you so why do you keep posting it? :???: I think Irsay will do what he thinks is the best interest for all concerned. I know by your avatar that your a Luck lover but that is okay but there are still some that think that if Peyton is healthy and can play he will probably be a Colt. :thmsup:

I agree also kinda .... It is all about Manning saying "I am 100% healthy March the 8th... Which I don't think is realistic.

So Indy has got to release him. They can't trade him.

And the Colt roster as is ..... Manning would embrace a change of venue......

Some take this whole thing personally. It is "business".....

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For those old enough to remember it was a sad day when Johnny Unitas was traded to the Chargers in 73. Peyton is todays Johnny U & I for one do not want to see him play for anyone else. Re the Cap I'm sure Irsay was well aware of any consequences before the start of this past season. JMHO you take Luck and you make it work.

not the same situation at all!

if you really saw him play then, you would know that unitas was only a shell of a great qb when the colts traded him. manning is still at the top of his career.

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Posted · Hidden by Peytongirl, January 16, 2012 - inappropriate
Hidden by Peytongirl, January 16, 2012 - inappropriate

There are plenty that agree with me. Peyton IS NOT healthy, i don't know why so many people keep chanting this, because it is not true and has never been verified, so tell me why THIS is constantly posted? Of course I am a Luck supporter, because it represents the best for our future and I will continue posting this.

My response was edited by 'shecolt' and was totally inappropriate. I made a response questioning the abuse of power by the moderators on this forum because I am in the minority and always get 'edited'. If you don't want opposing points of view on our future, then WHY would there be a need for a forum; it's called freedom of speech!

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The whole situation is based on Peyton's health. I would love to have him back if healthy, but the only way to know if he is truely back to form is to watch him play and that cant happen until september. And the option is due in March. I love the idea of the perfect situation in getting a bunch of picks for the 1st and Peyton being great for 4 more years and surounding him with young talent with all of our picks this year and next. But this isnt a perfect situation because of all the unknowns. So I believe we will keep the pick and take Luck.

I would hate for Peyton to be released and play for a new team for 4 years and kick our butts. But that is one possibility as well as keeping Peyton and him not being the same or Luck being a bust or Luck on the bench for more than one year. There are multiple ways that this could go bad. As well as there are multiple ways this can go well. There is no right wrong choice for the FO as of now. It will be wrong or right in a few years when we see where this offseason takes us in the future. Hindsight is 20/20.

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Posted · Hidden by Peytongirl, January 16, 2012 - just readit...wigh
Hidden by Peytongirl, January 16, 2012 - just readit...wigh

I would like to state that I have been told by 'PeytonGIrl' that there is no freedom of speech on this colts website... if anyone has a dissenting point of view and if you anger a mod, you will just be suspended by the mods who are FAT power hungry nobody's. You can kiss my butt, we defeated the Nazi's in WW2 but yet oppression lives on. Have fun deleting this post too you FAT nobody with NO life.

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I had reconstructive ankle surgery in August, and couldn't put weight on it until November. I will probably be sports-ready mid-March. I don't see why we can't have a definitive answer on Manning's future by March. I know the neck and the ankle are different parts, but the healing of the nerve-canals and muscle re-growth shouldn't be exceptionally different.

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And this is the issue confronting Irsay... take a chance and pay 28m out of unconditional loyalty (which has ened every great teams run) ... outside of GB and SF. or cut ties and just say "hey, we are starting over" ??

I guarantee Peyton wants to play in "meaningful" football games. Indy is in a tough cap spot "this season"... I just cannot see how they can keep Manning and Luck. I just doesn't add up.

But I am on record....... I want Peyton back if "healthy" .... and trade the top pick.

But the whole scenario is so dicey I really think Irsay will roll with Luck and move on.

We can keep both. Manning and Luck are NOT MUTUTALLY EXCULSIVE ENTITIES.

The cap hits are manageable over TIME. And as time goes by the cap goes up.....ergo....

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