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Pats Exec Rejects Colts Gm Position


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The amount of idiocy about "Spygate" in this thread is downright pathetic.

Colt fans do realize that their own HC and GMs have said that "Spygate" did not help the Patriots win their SBs, correct?

Or that the year after "spygate" was broken, the Patriots went 18-1? Strange how not having those "tools" didn't slow them down.

Get over the hate. It's pretty lame at this point.

Regarding ESPN: The Patriots loathe ESPN, and have for a long, long time. Kraft deliberately brought CBS into the planning for his Patriots Place for a good reason.

By the way, much of Connecticut, particularly where ESPN is, is New York Giants territory. ESPN took a lot of glee in the '07 SB loss.

Haters gonna hate, though. Keep it up.

Interesting to know a Pats fan perspective on this.

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The amount of idiocy about "Spygate" in this thread is downright pathetic.

Colt fans do realize that their own HC and GMs have said that "Spygate" did not help the Patriots win their SBs, correct?

Or that the year after "spygate" was broken, the Patriots went 18-1? Strange how not having those "tools" didn't slow them down.

Get over the hate. It's pretty lame at this point.

Regarding ESPN: The Patriots loathe ESPN, and have for a long, long time. Kraft deliberately brought CBS into the planning for his Patriots Place for a good reason.

By the way, much of Connecticut, particularly where ESPN is, is New York Giants territory. ESPN took a lot of glee in the '07 SB loss.

Haters gonna hate, though. Keep it up.

I'm pretty sure that 18-1 season was included in spygate until late in the season. And if it didn't help, then why even cheat and risk getting caught? You can't make up excuses for everything. I'm happy that no one does it anymore.

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The amount of idiocy about "Spygate" in this thread is downright pathetic.

Colt fans do realize that their own HC and GMs have said that "Spygate" did not help the Patriots win their SBs, correct?

Or that the year after "spygate" was broken, the Patriots went 18-1? Strange how not having those "tools" didn't slow them down.

Get over the hate. It's pretty lame at this point.

Regarding ESPN: The Patriots loathe ESPN, and have for a long, long time. Kraft deliberately brought CBS into the planning for his Patriots Place for a good reason.

By the way, much of Connecticut, particularly where ESPN is, is New York Giants territory. ESPN took a lot of glee in the '07 SB loss.

Haters gonna hate, though. Keep it up.

With all due respect, if you don't like it, get off the forum. It's a Colts forum - what do you expect they'll say against the Pats? Likewise, if I go on the Pats forum, what do you think they'll say against us?

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With all due respect, if you don't like it, get off the forum. It's a Colts forum - what do you expect they'll say against the Pats? Likewise, if I go on the Pats forum, what do you think they'll say against us?

Short answer? I've been posting here for 6+ years....:flag:
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I'm pretty sure that 18-1 season was included in spygate until late in the season. And if it didn't help, then why even cheat and risk getting caught? You can't make up excuses for everything. I'm happy that no one does it anymore.

Untrue. Spygate broke after the first week of that 18-1 season.

Secondly, BB learned at his dad's knee (his dad coached at Annapolis for decades) how to break down film. BB misinterpreted the rule, and was penalized for it.

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The amount of idiocy about "Spygate" in this thread is downright pathetic.

Colt fans do realize that their own HC and GMs have said that "Spygate" did not help the Patriots win their SBs, correct?

Or that the year after "spygate" was broken, the Patriots went 18-1? Strange how not having those "tools" didn't slow them down.

Get over the hate. It's pretty lame at this point.

Regarding ESPN: The Patriots loathe ESPN, and have for a long, long time. Kraft deliberately brought CBS into the planning for his Patriots Place for a good reason.

By the way, much of Connecticut, particularly where ESPN is, is New York Giants territory. ESPN took a lot of glee in the '07 SB loss.

Haters gonna hate, though. Keep it up.

So, first I want to apologize to the OP & the mods, because I am about to respond in a way that adds to hijacking this thread into something It was not originally intended for. But I have to because the point I need to make has so rarely been spoken on this subject.

First, to create some common ground, the Pats did not lose to the Giants because BB suddenly had no illegal filming info to use. They lost because they got beat by a better team. Next, the idea of using inappropriately acquired information via film, and using it against opponents during gametime situations is not without merit. If what they were doing was ok, they(NFL) wouldn't have warned them, and they wouldn't have stopped them. Next, this isn't about signal from the sidelines as a direct usable slice of info, it was about tendencies. Over time, with enough film, I.....and obviously the NFL, feel that filming of signals during games and used as an onion skin over a pattern of tendencies, could give a team an advantage later in that contest. Do I believe that helped the Pats? Hard to say no as I remember games where the defense reacted against us as if they knew the play before it even started. But since I can't prove it, it doesn't matter. In addition, the Pats have not been back to the dance since that 16-0 season....is that the reason? It looks like it affected them, but again...no way to prove it.

Finally, this pattern of Colt fans jumping on the cheating bandwagon, will probably eventually fade, especially since our rivalry is fading. However, it is no different than going to a Pats board and seeing them state that Polian coerced the competition committee into changing a rule that gave the Colts an advantage over the league. They never changed a rule, he reminded them of a rule that already existed and the league decided to give that rule a renewed emphasis, as it must have appeared that certain teams were abusing that rule.

I will admit (IMO) that many Colt fans have went overboard on the cheating thing. Are you willing to admit that just as many fans from your team have went overboard on the rule change thing?

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Colt fans do realize that their own HC and GMs have said that "Spygate" did not help the Patriots win their SBs, correct?

By the way, much of Connecticut, particularly where ESPN is, is New York Giants territory. ESPN took a lot of glee in the '07 SB loss.

I never bring up the video nonsense, and cringe when others do. While it isn't exactly something to be proud of (questionable character, willingness to push boundaries, "win at all cost") I have yet to read anything which suggested that it had a material effect on the results on the field. It means next to nothing to me.

I've always had a different perception of CT. My best friend went to UConn and has lived in the Hartford area for nearly 30 years. Bristol is only a little bit closer to NY than Hartford, and is less than 40 pleasant country miles from the Mass border. It's a heck of a (misserable) drive from NY and feels like a different world. Well past the NY bedroom suburbs. Hartford is a city in its own right, with it's own newpaper and network affiliates - and if you go to their websites you will see that they cover both NY and Boston. I'm quite sure that the area is split - much like the Trenton, NJ area is split between NY and Philly. That being said, I'm sure that more of the total population of the State in total is oriented towards NY because so much of the population is in the southern portion of the state. And I'm sure that the Giants have the advantage of having been in existence a lot longer (they have a similar advantage over the Jets). But they didn't call the hockey team "The Whalers" because of New Yorks history. When ever I've driven up to that area it's been blatently obvious when I'm not in Kansas (I mean New York) anymore.

I also think that your comment about ESPNs glee is just the perception of a biased fan. The conversation that I was referring to in my last post was with a fan who was convinced that ESPN hated the Colts and favored the Patriots. I told him the same thing that I'll tell you - that the entire concept is just absurd. Each talking head may have his own preferrence, and people love to see David take down Goliath, but there is no way on earth that the entire network is biased one way or another. Thats just people over-reacting and seeing what they want to see.

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Untrue. Spygate broke after the first week of that 18-1 season.

Secondly, BB learned at his dad's knee (his dad coached at Annapolis for decades) how to break down film. BB misinterpreted the rule, and was penalized for it.

I think I read that Bill Belicheck learned how to do spygate from Jimmy Johnson, who had a lot of success in Dallas...

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With all due respect, if you don't like it, get off the forum. It's a Colts forum - what do you expect they'll say against the Pats? Likewise, if I go on the Pats forum, what do you think they'll say against us?

Man....let me tell you.

For starters they are NOT fans of Bill Polian.

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