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Cris Carter's Rookie Symposium Advice


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I'm not gonna crucify Cris Carter over something so minor that it's crazy all the fake outrage this story is receiving. Was it a dumb thing to say? Sure it was, but Cris isn't evil. Can't people make mistakes anymore? He apologized & that's good enough for me. Relax people. This scandal is weak to me personally. JMO. 


"Fall Guy" you say...So, Cris is a fan of Lee Majors 80's TV show? LOL! 



I've always liked #80 & this tiny blemish means nothing to me. 

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Well to be fair, CC isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, haha!

I personally would never take any societal or fatherly advice from him.

If we were talking about Bill Clinton driving someone's daughter to their senior prom unsupervised, you'd have a point M-432. However, Cris is harmless. He just had a brief moment where he said something foolish that's all. Nothing more. 


Did he fire a gun in a public building? No. Sell narcotics at the Symposium? No. Pass out booze to minors in a school parking lot? No. Much ado about nothing. 

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If Tom can have "Free Brady" signs of support from loyal NE fans over "Deflate Gate," then I wanna sponsor a Tom Petty concert with "Free Falling" T-shirt sales going to Cris Carter's favorite charitable organization. 


Seems reasonable to me. Of course, there's that pesky copyright infringement problem & Mr. Petty doesn't owe me any favors let alone know who in the world I am either. Details; details... haha


What I'm getting at is the absurdity of all this attention over nonsense that really doesn't affect average people's daily lives. 

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If we were talking about Bill Clinton driving someone's daughter to their senior prom unsupervised, you'd have a point M-432. However, Cris is harmless. He just had a brief moment where he said something foolish that's all. Nothing more. 


Did he fire a gun in a public building? No. Sell narcotics at the Symposium? No. Pass out booze to minors in a school parking lot? No. Much ado about nothing. 

You might feel different if you had a son or grand son that were entering the NFL. You make a minor thing out of his telling young men to not be responsible for their own actions? That may not seem too bad for you but think about that after you have taught your young man to stand up and be a man by facing his mistakes. We all have made comments about young sports players being catered to from young ages because of their ability and their mistakes being covered up dating all the way back to high school. Now Carter gave advice that catered that mindset into the pros? Just because you like Carter does not mean that practice needed to be continued. These young men have a hard enough time to be mature enough to handle fame and money without a HOFer telling them stuff like this. Sorry SW, I have to disagree with your assessment.

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You might feel different if you had a son or grand son that were entering the NFL. You make a minor thing out of his telling young men to not be responsible for their own actions? That may not seem too bad for you but think about that after you have taught your young man to stand up and be a man by facing his mistakes. We all have made comments about young sports players being catered to from young ages because of their ability and their mistakes being covered up dating all the way back to high school. Now Carter gave advice that catered that mindset into the pros? Just because you like Carter does not mean that practice needed to be continued. These young men have a hard enough time to be mature enough to handle fame and money without a HOFer telling them stuff like this. Sorry SW, I have to disagree with your assessment.

You're certainly entitled to your viewpoint CC1 & yes, friends don't always agree or see eye to eye on everything naturally, which is perfectly fine of course. I understand your point: The institution Carter represents the NFL, the occasion- new rookies he is speaking too matters as well as being a HOFer now does carry some considerable weight. However, Mr. Carter did not say that the Commissioner is a wuss & a player can do whatever they want as long as it makes them feel good for purely get out of prison gratification purposes either. 


Here's my main issue with all this fake outrage hoopla: You don't symbolically lead Carter to the firing squad simply because of over the top ridicule when up until this story broke he had an impeccable reputation. It's ridiculous & I'd say that even if I had a son about to enter the NFL CC1 because if I haven't taught my kid to have a good head on their shoulders for 18 years under my household then nothing Cris Carter said should make my kids life unravel over a 2 hour speech. If it does, that's on me not Mr. Carter. 


It's all about the totality of a HOF WR's career & not trashing him over a pointless comment that has nothing to do with the values, ethics, & honesty a parent has bestowed upon their child from day one. 


I get into arguments with relatives of mine who don't like the idea that their 16 year old kids need contraceptives for their own protection but they refuse to believe that their children have urges & will experiment so why not be satisified in the knowledge that they are informed & protected because biology won't be denied. Translation: Keep things in perspective, be real, & let's not live in the land of make believe shall we. Directed at my relatives in denial not you BTW CC1. 


Okay yes, a number of NFL rookies come from impoverished backgrounds or broken homes with no mentors or role models just athletic talent that's true. But, Cris isn't the only speaker there & the NFL has outlets in place for those that need financial guidance or substance abuse help or domestic counseling etc. etc. Yeah, I realize it can be difficult to ask for help. I get that.  

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When I said that Carter had an impeccable reputation, I am referring to after he dealt with his alcoholism that got his cut from the Eagles up to the fall guy remark obviously. Just to be clear. 


If I hated Carter, would I still feel the same way? Hmmm...Good question. I'd like to think I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, but I can't swear I automatically would either. Tough one there. 


Honestly, I know how fire & brimstone holier than thou some speakers can get like they are all knowing & rookies know nothing which rubs people the wrong way sometimes. That's part of the criticism sometimes AKA the mythical hypocrisy of I'm in an ivory tower & you are a dumb peasant persona which generates a misguided relationship to an audience. 

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When I said that Carter had an impeccable reputation, I am referring to after he dealt with his alcoholism that got his cut from the Eagles up to the fall guy remark obviously. Just to be clear. 


If I hated Carter, would I still feel the same way? Hmmm...Good question. I'd like to think I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, but I can't swear I automatically would either. Tough one there. 


Honestly, I know how fire & brimstone holier than thou some speakers can get like they are all knowing & rookies know nothing which rubs people the wrong way sometimes. That's part of the criticism sometimes AKA the mythical hypocrisy of I'm in an ivory tower & you are a dumb peasant persona which generates a misguided relationship to an audience. 

I can respect you opinion and do. My point was instead of Carter using himself as an example on what not to do he advised them to circumvent the law. I have no hatred to Carter and respect what he did as a player. Carter's problems were more than just alcohol and I give him credit on walking the straight line once he got straight. I also don't think this thing got blown out of the reality of the issue. I am curious as to why it has taken all this time for this to be known? It should have been addressed when it took place IMO.

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When I said that Carter had an impeccable reputation, I am referring to after he dealt with his alcoholism that got his cut from the Eagles up to the fall guy remark obviously. Just to be clear. 


If I hated Carter, would I still feel the same way? Hmmm...Good question. I'd like to think I'd give him the benefit of the doubt, but I can't swear I automatically would either. Tough one there. 


Honestly, I know how fire & brimstone holier than thou some speakers can get like they are all knowing & rookies know nothing which rubs people the wrong way sometimes. That's part of the criticism sometimes AKA the mythical hypocrisy of I'm in an ivory tower & you are a dumb peasant persona which generates a misguided relationship to an audience. 


That is probably because he used a fall guy to keep his impeccable reputation intact.  


And the NFL wonders why they have a problem with people acting the way they do.  When you have one of the speakers going on about getting a fall guy instead of the idea of staying out of trouble and not being around the wrong people tells you everything.  


Why tell these guys they need to hold themselves accountable for their actions and move on from person relationships that are toxic and pull them down when you can just say get a fall guy for you when you get caught.  


I am not naive enough to not think this happens, but to have someone publicly say it is laughable and not surprised at all that it came from Chris Carter. That guy comes off as fake as can be.

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If we were talking about Bill Clinton driving someone's daughter to their senior prom unsupervised, you'd have a point M-432. However, Cris is harmless. He just had a brief moment where he said something foolish that's all. Nothing more.

Did he fire a gun in a public building? No. Sell narcotics at the Symposium? No. Pass out booze to minors in a school parking lot? No. Much ado about nothing.

Yeah he's harmless now but had has his fair share of issues back in the days. I was just saying I personally would take any advice he offered w a grain of salt.

I'm not proclaiming him to be a bad person, it would kind of be similar to taking advice from Rodney Harrison perse, haha.

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I can respect you opinion and do. My point was instead of Carter using himself as an example on what not to do he advised them to circumvent the law. I have no hatred to Carter and respect what he did as a player. Carter's problems were more than just alcohol and I give him credit on walking the straight line once he got straight. I also don't think this thing got blown out of the reality of the issue. I am curious as to why it has taken all this time for this to be known? It should have been addressed when it took place IMO.

Thank you for your kind words on my behalf CC1. Rest assured, it's a mutual admiration society my friend & I respect your viewpoints on this issue & a variety of other matters as well. Exactly, why was this mishap by Carter not dealt with immediately by the NFL as soon as possible? Yes, you do bring up a valid point CC1. Cris shouldn't be telling rookies how to break rules or blur the lines of honorable conduct as professional players. Well put. 

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Yeah he's harmless now but had has his fair share of issues back in the days. I was just saying I personally would take any advice he offered w a grain of salt.

I'm not proclaiming him to be a bad person, it would kind of be similar to taking advice from Rodney Harrison perse, haha.

It's all good M-432. I wasn't mad at you or anything like that. We're perfectly fine & I like your take on things. You're smart, funny, & you have a spot on bull crap detector man. Keep it up.  :thmup:


Yeah, Rodney Harrison is a piece of work. No question. He's always good for a laugh. 

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That is probably because he used a fall guy to keep his impeccable reputation intact.  


And the NFL wonders why they have a problem with people acting the way they do.  When you have one of the speakers going on about getting a fall guy instead of the idea of staying out of trouble and not being around the wrong people tells you everything.  


Why tell these guys they need to hold themselves accountable for their actions and move on from person relationships that are toxic and pull them down when you can just say get a fall guy for you when you get caught.  


I am not naive enough to not think this happens, but to have someone publicly say it is laughable and not surprised at all that it came from Chris Carter. That guy comes off as fake as can be.

True, Carter didn't do himself any favors by demanding perfection from NFL rookies in a pep talk & then encouraging new recruits to take the heat for another man's shady behavior. That lesson does send a mixed message at best & deliberate sabotage at worst. I agree 100% However, 1 gross error in judgment on Cris's part doesn't necessarily mean that he hiding a ton of personal sins in secret either. 


I get what you're driving at though: Does an athlete own up to their mistakes or frantically search for scapegoats to avoid assuming any responsibility in a possible criminal situation? A legitimate question that needs to be asked. 

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Interesting that ESPN suspended Curt Schilling over his tweet about Muslim extremists, but choose to keep Carter on when he is advising new NFL players on how to get out of trouble and not take responsibility. I wonder what there rationale is for the two situations and there subsequent consequences?

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