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Colts minicamp June 11th, 2015


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Today is the FINAL day of MC. Hope those of you who went to LOS yesterday enjoyed your time there. Let it be known, all of us who didn't go envy you :P

Final day of offseason work at #Colts complex. Practice starts at 10:50. Robert Mathis expected to talk later today.

— George Bremer (@gmbremer)

June 11, 2015

Hugh Thornton, big Blackhawks fan, singing the Blackhawks goal song on his way to the practice field. Good night last night.

— Steve Andress (@ColtsReporter)

June 11, 2015
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Grigson didn't give indication on a Hilton contract extension this offseason. He said obviously want to keep him but team focused on 2015.

— Steve Andress (@ColtsReporter)

June 11, 2015

Colts GM Ryan Grigson just met with the media and he's confident that they would be fine if Jack Mewhort has to start at right tackle

— Mike Wells (@MikeWellsNFL)

June 11, 2015
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Grigson just wrapped up interview at minicamp. Takeaways: No deal likely rt now for Hilton; Mathis wait and see; Cherilus still far away

— Stephen Holder (@HolderStephen)

June 11, 2015


Colt's physicians really missed badly with Cherlius. Word back then was many teams needing O line help had him as a "medical no go." I guess that's how free agency is.. win some lose some.

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Expecting an announcement from #colts on training camp practice partner today or Friday. Still expecting Bears to be the dance partner.

— Mike Chappell (@mchappell51)

June 11, 2015

Pagano: Message today. Can't just drop football over next 6 weeks. Connect with family. Get with kids, family. Then stay working out.

— Mike Chappell (@mchappell51)

June 11, 2015
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Pagano: will keep in contact with players over next 6 weeks, but can't talk football with them. Will stay in close contact.

— Mike Chappell (@mchappell51)

June 11, 2015

Pagano said new LB-Nate Irving will stay here during the break for his ACL rehab. Possibility he will be back for start of Training Camp.

— Kevin Bowen (@KBowenColts)

June 11, 2015
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This front office is still new to this whole thing about retaining their own talent, so none of us really know how they're going to approach this or how they'll typically operate. They've only ever extended or renegotiated one contract, Mathis last year, and those were unusual circumstances. Never renegotiated for a tagged player or an RFA, never extended a player before his contract ended, etc. I guess Vontae is the only one that they've really had an opportunity to work on so far. I don't know what their protocol is going to be.


But I'll say that I don't like waiting any longer than training camp to start working on AC and Hilton. In a perfect world, both of them would be locked up before long. I get waiting on Luck; no right or wrong answer there, IMO. And I get waiting on the TEs, because Allen is better but has a serious injury history, and both of them have an indistinct market value. Playing out the TEs is fine. But don't miss the boat on AC and Hilton.

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This front office is still new to this whole thing about retaining their own talent, so none of us really know how they're going to approach this or how they'll typically operate. They've only ever extended or renegotiated one contract, Mathis last year, and those were unusual circumstances. Never renegotiated for a tagged player or an RFA, never extended a player before his contract ended, etc. I guess Vontae is the only one that they've really had an opportunity to work on so far. I don't know what their protocol is going to be.


But I'll say that I don't like waiting any longer than training camp to start working on AC and Hilton. In a perfect world, both of them would be locked up before long. I get waiting on Luck; no right or wrong answer there, IMO. And I get waiting on the TEs, because Allen is better but has a serious injury history, and both of them have an indistinct market value. Playing out the TEs is fine. But don't miss the boat on AC and Hilton.


For a very rare time, I think your memory has betrayed you....


This front office has extended Reggie Wayne when they came on board.    They extended Mathis twice.   Once in 2012,  once when he got hurt.     They've extended Vinatieri and they extended McAfee.     They extended Reitz this past off-season.    They extended Hasselbeck, though that might've been the easiest deal to do of all-time.


As for the AC and TYH deals,  they've got a 50-day window starting tomorrow.    I think THIS is when they should be doing those deals.    Heck, I'd even try to do the Fleener deal, if only to try and set-up rough parameters for the Allen deal.  


It's not hard to project catches and yards for all our receivers.   That should set an approximate market value for someone like Allen.     If Fleener signs and we're sincere with what we offer Allen, I think he'd sign up too.


I hope Grigson saying "they're focused on the 2015 season" is public posturing to lower the expectations bar.   Because otherwise,  if we just sit and let this time pass,  I think we're missing the boat.    I get the idea of keeping guys on edge and keeping them hungry.    But let's not get careless, push our luck,  and be faced with unnecessary deadline pressure this coming off-season.   Why not try for those deals in the roughly 5 weeks between Super Bowl and the start of Free Agency?    Show the team that the guys who have earned their money and are due for their money get paid appropriately.

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For a very rare time, I think your memory has betrayed you....


This front office has extended Reggie Wayne when they came on board.    They extended Mathis twice.   Once in 2012,  once when he got hurt.     They've extended Vinatieri and they extended McAfee.     They extended Reitz this past off-season.    They extended Hasselbeck, though that might've been the easiest deal to do of all-time.


As for the AC and TYH deals,  they've got a 50-day window starting tomorrow.    I think THIS is when they should be doing those deals.    Heck, I'd even try to do the Fleener deal, if only to try and set-up rough parameters for the Allen deal.  


It's not hard to project catches and yards for all our receivers.   That should set an approximate market value for someone like Allen.     If Fleener signs and we're sincere with what we offer Allen, I think he'd sign up too.


I hope Grigson saying "they're focused on the 2015 season" is public posturing to lower the expectations bar.   Because otherwise,  if we just sit and let this time pass,  I think we're missing the boat.    I get the idea of keeping guys on edge and keeping them hungry.    But let's not get careless, push our luck,  and be faced with unnecessary deadline pressure this coming off-season.   Why not try for those deals in the roughly 5 weeks between Super Bowl and the start of Free Agency?    Show the team that the guys who have earned their money and are due for their money get paid appropriately.


I was talking about extending a player before he plays the last year on his contract. They added a year for Mathis last season, but other than that, they've never done it. McAfee, Vinatieri, Butler, Davis, Reitz, Hasselbeck, all of them played out their contracts before getting a new deal. McAfee even played a franchise tag season. 


Fleener and Allen, we'll see. I don't know if we'll pay a premium to keep both of them. If we can get them both on reasonable, even team friendly deals, then great. If not, we might have to pick between the two, and that's a tricky decision to make. 


I don't think Grigson is big on public posturing. I think between his comments and Irsay's comments, they've had some talks with the agents of AC and Hilton, and they don't feel a deal is imminent or that there's a deadline right now, so they're focusing on the roster and practices and such. They might take some time to work on contracts at some point before camp, but my point in the previous post is that this is completely uncharted territory for this regime. This is the first time they have a chance to re-sign any of their drafted players. But if the way they've handled veterans is any indication, they might wait for free agency, and I don't think that's smart.

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I was talking about extending a player before he plays the last year on his contract. They added a year for Mathis last season, but other than that, they've never done it. McAfee, Vinatieri, Butler, Davis, Reitz, Hasselbeck, all of them played out their contracts before getting a new deal. McAfee even played a franchise tag season. 


Fleener and Allen, we'll see. I don't know if we'll pay a premium to keep both of them. If we can get them both on reasonable, even team friendly deals, then great. If not, we might have to pick between the two, and that's a tricky decision to make. 


I don't think Grigson is big on public posturing. I think between his comments and Irsay's comments, they've had some talks with the agents of AC and Hilton, and they don't feel a deal is imminent or that there's a deadline right now, so they're focusing on the roster and practices and such. They might take some time to work on contracts at some point before camp, but my point in the previous post is that this is completely uncharted territory for this regime. This is the first time they have a chance to re-sign any of their drafted players. But if the way they've handled veterans is any indication, they might wait for free agency, and I don't think that's smart.


Sorry for the misunderstanding...


In a story over on NFL.com,  the writer was speculating that it's the Hilton camp that is stalling.   They want to see how things shake out with guys like Bryant and Thomas and one other WR whose name escapes me.   They see Hilton in that company.  There's your Drew Rosenhaus approach.


I'm trying to be hopeful that we can get him for Jeremy Maclin money 5/55.    I was hoping Cobb's deal with Green Bay, 4/40, would help set Hilton's market,  but we may have to go higher,  that's why I tossed out the Maclin money.    But if Hilton's camp wants to go higher than that,  then things could get very problematic for the Colts....


I'm hopeful Castanzo is not a tough sign.   I'm somewhat hopeful he'd get done in the 8-9 Mill range per.   Hope that one doesn't get contentious.....

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Sorry for the misunderstanding...


In a story over on NFL.com,  the writer was speculating that it's the Hilton camp that is stalling.   They want to see how things shake out with guys like Bryant and Thomas and one other WR whose name escapes me.   They see Hilton in that company.  There's your Drew Rosenhaus approach.


I'm trying to be hopeful that we can get him for Jeremy Maclin money 5/55.    I was hoping Cobb's deal with Green Bay, 4/40, would help set Hilton's market,  but we may have to go higher,  that's why I tossed out the Maclin money.    But if Hilton's camp wants to go higher than that,  then things could get very problematic for the Colts....


I'm hopeful Castanzo is not a tough sign.   I'm somewhat hopeful he'd get done in the 8-9 Mill range per.   Hope that one doesn't get contentious.....


I don't see what's hard about Maclin money. But if guys like Bryant, Thomas, Julio Jones and AJ Green get $15-16m/year, then I could see Hilton asking for $13-14m/year. Too much, IMO, all the way around. We'll see. But it makes sense for them to wait for those guys to get done, from Hilton's side. That's kind of why this is the time to go ahead and make the big offer right now, and hopefully you save some money long term. If they're trying to see if they can get him for $9-10m/year, when maybe he'd go for Maclin's $11m, then I think it's a mistake.


I don't know anything about what's going on behind the scenes, where the negotiations are, if they've started, what the numbers might look like... Like you said, just using the Maclin numbers as a frame of reference, it's gonna be expensive, but it should be workable. 


And I don't know what's gonna happen with AC. 

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