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Happy Birthday Frank Gore


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Bananabucket is very fun to say. As in "holy bananabucket man! Did you see that?" LOL!  Do you mind if I ask you how you came up with that username?  


Was it motivated by the "yes we have no bananas" song or the Name game song? "Shirley Shirley bo burley; Banana fana fo firley. Fe fi fo firley SHIRLEY!" 


Or this Gwen Stafani "Hollerback Girl" song sequence maybe...Anyway cool name BB.  :thmup:



Perhaps, you loved the "Jungle Book" children's movie as a kid with bananas & orangutans in it too. Just a wild stab in the dark here. 


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Hey BananaBucket, is your top secret code name Chiquita like this 1940's TV commercial too? 



Only teasing! Okay, out of respect for TK who started this thread, I will stop my crazy comedic antics now & focus on Gore from this point forward. 

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lol, the source of my name isnt quite that interesting.  I didn't know what to call myself, and there happened to be an ad on the page containing bananas sitting next to a big jug of drink mix.

That's quite alright BB. Some of the best things in this world were discovered by sheer accident or random chance. It's all good. Thanks for sharing bananabucket. Still a very catchy username IMO. 

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That's quite alright BB. Some of the best things in this world were discovered by sheer accident or random chance. It's all good. Thanks for sharing bananabucket. Still a very catchy username IMO. 


You are very correct sir:


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lol, the source of my name isnt quite that interesting.  I didn't know what to call myself, and there happened to be an ad on the page containing bananas sitting next to a big jug of drink mix.

Good thing it wasn't an add showing Viagra next to a bucket, I suppose. Then we could call you ViagraBucket.


I'm sayin'.....you got lucky those were bananas in the add. 

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