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Players Who Should Be Unemployed Next Season


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Jeff Linkenbach- don’t quite know why he’s still in the NFL (and starting??) does he have some polaroids of Polian??

Fili Moala-this is the end of year 3, this is when DT’s start showing their potential; unfortunately, like most of the Colts recent early draft choices, he seems to have the potential of being a very mediocre back-up(unless you are on the Colts, then you start)

Antonio Johnson- basically Moala in 2 years

Jerry Hughes-my heart wants to give him a 3rd year but(like with Linkenbach) what’s the use. Nothing he has done indicates he can make it at this level (at any position). Maybe the Colts need to just cut their losses.

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Jeff Linkenbach- don’t quite know why he’s still in the NFL (and starting??) does he have some polaroids of Polian??

Fili Moala-this is the end of year 3, this is when DT’s start showing their potential; unfortunately, like most of the Colts recent early draft choices, he seems to have the potential of being a very mediocre back-up(unless you are on the Colts, then you start)

Antonio Johnson- basically Moala in 2 years

Jerry Hughes-my heart wants to give him a 3rd year but(like with Linkenbach) what’s the use. Nothing he has done indicates he can make it at this level (at any position). Maybe the Colts need to just cut their losses.

I love the topic and your analysis of these players. I will admit I have to disagree with you on Moala. I think the ineffectiveness of the DTs has more to do with the system rather than the players. The tackles have very little linebacker support, since they play coverage first. And since the Colts have lead the league in 3 and outs on offense, it is really hard for the defense and the tackles to look good.

I would put on my list:

Jeff Linkenbach

Curtis Painter

Jerry Hughes (I do think he will be picked up by a 3-4 team and actually be pretty solid. He just has zero moves to get to the QB other then run straight at them)

Gary Brackett (He has been great for the Colts. But he costs too much, is hurt, and Angerer arguably is a better player at MLB then him. Cost cutting)

Jim Caldwell, Clyde Christenson, and any defense coach who wants 7 yard cushions. Bring in Spagnola if he is fired by the Rams as DC.

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Wheeler, Gonzales, Vinatieri, Hughes, Painter, Orlovsky, Lefeged and Diem

The ones in bold are the ones I don't agree with. Wheeler has been better than expected, not sure why the hate on him. Vinatieri would have to be a cost cutting measure, because he's been solid. Orlovsky should be back b4 Painter is, and Lefeged needs work knowing when to bring a kick out of the endzone, but otherwise has been a good player for the Colts. Hughes, I would like to see used like Farrior or Willis (pass rushing LB, specialist), but he could be replaced. Gonzalez, Painter, and Diem I couldn't care less about.

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I disagree with both AJ and Moala. I want to see Nevis move into the starting spot over Moala but Moala would still be good to have for depth unless we replace him. Same goes for AJ. AJ has played well more often than not and would be good at the very least to keep around as a backup in the DL rotation. He's not a playmaker at NT but let's be fair...in a 4-3 defense, more often than not the NT isn't a playmaker but rather a role-player. He's not going to get a lot of tackles or sacks because he's going to be facing double teams most of the time. IMO our DT issues are more scheme related than lack of talent. That's not to say we have elite talent at DT, but I don't think our DTs are as bad as they often look.

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Gonzo, Brackett, Painter, Addai, Link, Hughes, Lacey, Clark, Moala.

All coaches. Period. Overhaul time.


I also find it interesting that you put Dallas on there. Lot of people wouldn't even consider that.but after this year he's kinda in the same category as Brackett. Great player and will always be a Colt but the cost outweighs the production at this point.

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I also find it interesting that you put Dallas on there. Lot of people wouldn't even consider that.but after this year he's kinda in the same category as Brackett. Great player and will always be a Colt but the cost outweighs the production at this point.

Exactly. Ir'd two years in a row. Too much money tied up in a a Sanders type situation.

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We have to replace both corners...They try..but they are small and relatively slow...

I understand Bracket's cash money issue but I'd keep him and slide Angerer outside for at least another year..

Bracket is very good against the run...

The Painter-Orlovsky duel has begun..and Curtis has fallen behind.

We'll be drafting a QB somewhere so one has to go.

It would be insane to cut Vinateri...he could play 6 more years..

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I would disagree highly with Wheeler. Yes, Angerer who was the leading tackler in the NFL had more tackles, but wheeler is usually right there with him. I would definately keep Wheeler.

Brackett, is too expensive in my opinion. He is getting old as well, I would get rid of him strictly for a cost-reduction. We can get a younger, faster back. This position is not going to matter that much though, until we can get some more defensive schemes. I look forward to who they bring in as Def. Coordinater, which should be Jack Del Rio in-my-opinion if he would accept the Def. cord. position... he is awesome with defense.

Clyde Christiansen should already be fired in my opinion. He obviously does not know enough about football to call plays suited for his QB's... If you call plays suited for Painter, you get a better performance. What did Painter do at Purdue after Brees Left? I am sure Peyton would understand this point.

I would have to say that the offensive line coach should be fired as well. We have sucked at providing protection for any QB we've tried this year...

I would keep vinateri as long as he wants to stay, even though I think that Mcafee would make a better long-distance field goal kicker.

Diem should be gone from this team already, not sure why he's still around. He always kills us with penalties.

I would cut Painter, as he has proven he is not a viable backup. Even though, ALL of the losses were not ALL his fault.

Lefeged, I would agree, he should be gone. White was much better at bringing the ball out... He makes dumb decisions... That's hard to teach..

Gonzo, Link, Hughes, Lacey, Clark, Moala - I agree All of these players should be cut as well.. Clark is expensive and his production this year is minimal.. and he seems to be getting hurt more and more now.. Gonzo, why is he even still there... he is always hurt.

Jim Caldwell - He should be fired now in my opinion.. I understand that Polian likes a yes-man type coach but you still have to be able to get your team to perform. He obviously cannot do that. I believe had we used a different coach than him in the first place, our 2nd superbowl could have gone a lot differently. I feel sorry for Manning that he has only won 1 because the team won't make the decisions to keep qualified people around. Not all of it was bad, but I think the bad decisions all speak for themselves if you're a true fan, you will know what you've seen...

The Suck for Luck Campaign.. I believe he would be a bad pick for us, simply because usually the hype outweighs the skill... and I personally do not think that Manning is finished.. and he will probably be around 4 -5 like the other person said.. I don't see Luck turning into Aaron Rodgers.... But, I bet a team would LOVE to trade for him!... He would be a good trade option.

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