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Question of the Day - 10/13


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 Seems like it is a player consensus that they are loosened back up by Wednesday.
 Knowing that injuries are likely to occur at some point, I think teams should be developing their backups along the way with game experience rather than waiting to throw them in the game when forced to. Thursday games can do that and that long break till the next game should benefit most players i would believe.

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:blueshoe:   Yes - the NFL is being hypocritical.  NFL players have indicated their displeasure with Thursday night games because of not having enough time to rest up between games.  The NFL has listened to the rustle of $$$$ instead of listening to their product - aka players.



:blueshoe:   While I think it is a moot point that Thursday night football is here to stay - there has to be some way to improve the quality of the product while NOT "adding insult to injury" - literally & figuratively.  I personally think the NFL should STOP Thursday night games - it isn't going to happen.

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:blueshoe:  Is the NFL being hypocritical when they say that player safety is their number 1 priority - but - continue to play Thursday night football - forcing players to travel and/or play on a "short week" ??  :blueshoe: 

No..its not unsafe to play on Thursday night

Head to head collision are unsafe whether you have 2 weeks off or are playing a short week.

They've played Thursday games on Thanskgiving for 75 years

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I have said it before on here keep it a special event like on Thanksgiving.


No..its not unsafe to play on Thursday night

Head to head collision are unsafe whether you have 2 weeks off or are playing a short week.

They've played Thursday games on Thanskgiving for 75 years

There is a big difference between playing one time a year as a special event as opposed to getting every team except the 2 who have to play twice on Thursday night to be ready to go. The players are are more apt to be hurt when they are playing two full games 4 days apart, and then have a little over a week to play a third one. The shots to the head are the least of their worries if you ask me.

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