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This isn't exclusive to Colts fans, but some seem to think that recognizing the greatness of other teams, or players on another team somehow diminishes your favorite team or players.

Why do some people automatically believe that saying a QB from another team is an elite player it lessens the quality of a QB you think is an elite player?

Can't a homer also recognize other teams can have great players and such? Why can't homers come to terms with another team being dominant for any period of time?

Why do homers think that recognizing greatness in others is an insult to their guy?

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This isn't exclusive to Colts fans, but some seem to think that recognizing the greatness of other teams, or players on another team somehow diminishes your favorite team or players.

Why do some people automatically believe that saying a QB from another team is an elite player it lessens the quality of a QB you think is an elite player?

Can't a homer also recognize other teams can have great players and such? Why can't homers come to terms with another team being dominant for any period of time?

Why do homers think that recognizing greatness in others is an insult to their guy?

There's a difference between recognizing a good team and constantly bashing your own saying they'll be blown out like it's already a fact.. the same thing happened last year and it turned out better than most thought.
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This isn't exclusive to Colts fans, but some seem to think that recognizing the greatness of other teams, or players on another team somehow diminishes your favorite team or players.

Why do some people automatically believe that saying a QB from another team is an elite player it lessens the quality of a QB you think is an elite player?

Can't a homer also recognize other teams can have great players and such? Why can't homers come to terms with another team being dominant for any period of time?

Why do homers think that recognizing greatness in others is an insult to their guy?


Because the other teams homers fail to recognize the greatness of our team, so we might as well return the favor :)

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Because the other teams homers fail to recognize the greatness of our team, so we might as well return the favor :)


I don't know your definition of "greatness" is but mine is winning at least 1 MVP and multiple championships.


With regards to Andrew Luck, he's very good, but he's not elite yet.  He's not in the Manning/Brady/Rodgers/Brees stable yet.  I would pick Philip Rivers and Matt Stafford over Luck as of now.  But that could change after this season.

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I don't know your definition of "greatness" is but mine is winning at least 1 MVP and multiple championships.


With regards to Andrew Luck, he's very good, but he's not elite yet.  He's not in the Manning/Brady/Rodgers/Brees stable yet.  I would pick Philip Rivers and Matt Stafford over Luck as of now.  But that could change after this season.

I'm not arguing what greatness is. 


Actually, you are on your way to illustrating my question

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If someone says Rogers, Ryan or Wilson is an elite QB, someone here responds as though those comments are a slight against Andrew Luck.  I just don't understand that mentality. 


 Football isn't is a zero sum game, meaning if one player is considered elite, it doesn't take away from others. 

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If someone says Rogers, Ryan or Wilson is an elite QB, someone here responds as though those comments are a slight against Andrew Luck.  I just don't understand that mentality. 


 Football isn't is a zero sum game, meaning if one player is considered elite, it doesn't take away from others. 

Everyone has an opinion and if you write it on a forum board anybody can argue it. Some may feel Rodgers, Ryan, and Wilson are elite, some may feel there should only be a few elite QB's and these guys aren't them. The only thing you can't argue is that those guys are good quarterbacks.

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That's not the point.  The point is that some fans think it's a slam on their guy to recognize the excellence of another. 

Give me an example because I haven't seen it.. only thing I see is argument if people say their quarterback is better than Luck or their quarterback is in the elite group and they leave Luck out.

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The word fan comes from the word fanatic and explains It sll. Most fans are just irrational when it comes to their team. Fans create violence because other people wear different color of laundry so being suprised that some fans will not accept anything less than their players bring the best at every position should not come as a suprise.

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Give me an example because I haven't seen it.. only thing I see is argument if people say their quarterback is better than Luck or their quarterback is in the elite group and they leave Luck out.

Unknowingly, you just demonstrated my point. 


with you, if someone mentions the excellence of another QB, must they also acknowledge Andrew Luck? 


Or any other player for that matter.

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The word fan comes from the word fanatic and explains It sll. Most fans are just irrational when it comes to their team. Fans create violence because other people wear different color of laundry so being suprised that some fans will not accept anything less than their players bring the best at every position should not come as a suprise.

So, you're saying it's just another example of the irrational behavior motivated by team loyalty?

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This isn't exclusive to Colts fans, but some seem to think that recognizing the greatness of other teams, or players on another team somehow diminishes your favorite team or players.

Why do some people automatically believe that saying a QB from another team is an elite player it lessens the quality of a QB you think is an elite player?

Can't a homer also recognize other teams can have great players and such? Why can't homers come to terms with another team being dominant for any period of time?

Why do homers think that recognizing greatness in others is an insult to their guy?

Epic troll engagement...   


this is the silliest Q I have ever read on a "MESSAGE BOARD" ... 


oh..  did I answer your Q?       YOU are on a         ^^^^^^^^


Controversy?      No..........     Educated debate?      Really>   ?

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Epic troll engagement...   


this is the silliest Q I have ever read on a "MESSAGE BOARD" ...


oh..  did I answer your Q?       YOU are on a         ^^^^^^^^


Controversy?      No..........     Educated debate?      Really>   ?

Uh.... say what?

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Who the QB is

Who he plays for

And the fans background


I am a bit of a underdog so I have real problems being a fan of teams and/or players who are media darlings


I am a Chiefs fan so I have real trouble cheering for Peyton Manning

I too have players that I like and dislike, but I have no problem acknowledging that a player I dislike... retired Ray Lewis, Tom Brady and some others are elite players.

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Everyone has different opinions of different players. Say you think player A is better than player B.


Someone compares the two, saying that player B is better. You're probably gonna disagree, even though they may both be good


I still can't find any examples of what you're talking about though. Nobody is going around saying Tom Brady or Russell Wilson is trash because they think Manning or Luck is better. 

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Unknowingly, you just demonstrated my point. 


with you, if someone mentions the excellence of another QB, must they also acknowledge Andrew Luck? 


Or any other player for that matter.

No one does that.. its only if someone brings up Andrew Luck when talking about another quarterback.

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No one does that.. its only if someone brings up Andrew Luck when talking about another quarterback.

I see it happen all the time here. 


For some reason, some fan bases suffer from an inferiority complex. 


The Atlanta falcons fan base is the worst example of that, but Indy is a close number two. If someone brings up the issue of another QB's excellence, they go crazy carping about the disrespect shown nationally to Matt Ryan and the falcons.


I'm not sure what causes that.  Perhaps it has something to do with the recreational / outdoor opportunities of the surrounding area?  I lived in the Indianapolis area for a few years once and I never could figure out why that mind-set existed there.

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I am a sports fan all around and can accept other athlete's greatness. I may not like them, or depise them.....but it doesn't mean they aren't elite. 

My wife cannot understand that..she is the true dfinition of "homer".


For example....she is a SF Giants fan ..die hard....I have adotped the team, she heard me cheering on Clayton Kershaw during his no hitter...and WOW I almost slept on the couch....


What I get irritatated about is ..... Wilson is Elite....how is he Elite?  Yes he won a superbowl.  He is a superbowl winner.  But not Elite yet. RG3 suckz..... no he does not.  Geez.


Now, I am a homer when it comes to my own team.....  I may defend luck to the end until he loses like 5 superbowl or something :) But that is what being a fan is about and I don't care.

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I see it happen all the time here.

For some reason, some fan bases suffer from an inferiority complex.

The Atlanta falcons fan base is the worst example of that, but Indy is a close number two. If someone brings up the issue of another QB's excellence, they go crazy carping about the disrespect shown nationally to Matt Ryan and the falcons.

I'm not sure what causes that. Perhaps it has something to do with the recreational / outdoor opportunities of the surrounding area? I lived in the Indianapolis area for a few years once and I never could figure out why that mind-set existed there.

Are you a Colts fan or some other team?
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I see it happen all the time here. 


For some reason, some fan bases suffer from an inferiority complex. 


The Atlanta falcons fan base is the worst example of that, but Indy is a close number two. If someone brings up the issue of another QB's excellence, they go crazy carping about the disrespect shown nationally to Matt Ryan and the falcons.


I'm not sure what causes that.  Perhaps it has something to do with the recreational / outdoor opportunities of the surrounding area?  I lived in the Indianapolis area for a few years once and I never could figure out why that mind-set existed there.

Now I know you're just trolling. Lol okay

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Now I know you're just trolling. Lol okay

I'm telling you what I think in the NFL general forum.  I thought that's what this was for?


Why is it that any time someone says something someone else has trouble responding to they say you're "trolling"?

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I'm telling you what I think in the NFL general forum.  I thought that's what this was for?


Why is it that any time someone says something someone else has trouble responding to they say you're "trolling"?

Because you just called the entire Colts fan base a bunch of homers with an inferiority complex.

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