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I wasn't being serious


Typically, if one is not serious, they preface their post with an emoticon or other signifiers such as  a j/k, or /sarcasm  etc.


Yes, it is up to you to not use those, if you so choose.  But without the ability to see your body language and hear the tone and inflection of your voice, it is vastly more difficult to infer if one is joking around or not.  To be sure, I was not positive whether you were or were not.  Nonetheless, I decided top point out what I did if for no reason that maybe there is at least one person out there who might think that or something similar was a good idea to implement.

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He's a card carrying multiple repeat offender of the "Conduct detrimental to the Team" club.  Anyone ready to give him a chance deserves every bit of trouble he brings to their organization. Every last bit.

It's no trouble to cut a guy like that. He would get the short-leash, easy opt out contract, no matter where he goes. 

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It's no trouble to cut a guy like that. He would get the short-leash, easy opt out contract, no matter where he goes. 


Why even take reps from one of your young guys and give it to a guy that won't  be around long enough to produce?  All he would likely do is take Irsays cash and another players reps before getting booted out the door for the umpteenth time.  No thanks.

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Typically, if one is not serious, they preface their post with an emoticon or other signifiers such as a j/k, or /sarcasm etc.

Yes, it is up to you to not use those, if you so choose. But without the ability to see your body language and hear the tone and inflection of your voice, it is vastly more difficult to infer if one is joking around or not. To be sure, I was not positive whether you were or were not. Nonetheless, I decided top point out what I did if for no reason that maybe there is at least one person out there who might think that or something similar was a good idea to implement.


You're joking, right?

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You tell me.


Case closed.


I ask if you were joking, only to emphasize how ridiculous your response was. If you can't tell I was obviously being facetious when I "suggest" we go into an actual game (preseason or not) without any offensive linemen on the field, without me using an emoticon, the problem might lie more within your interpretation skills than my posting style. Just sayin






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I ask if you were joking, only to emphasize how ridiculous your response was. If you can't tell I was obviously being facetious when I "suggest" we go into an actual game (preseason or not) without any offensive linemen on the field, without me using an emoticon, the problem might lie more within your interpretation skills than my posting style. Just sayin






Why you would even post that in the first place is beyond my understanding.  If it were me trying to be a sarcastic funny man, I might have gone with- "I think we should add a few more QB camp bodies and let Harnish start, and the camp bodies finish each of the rest of the pre-season games.  We must have Luck and MH healthy for game 1"  :thmup:

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Why you would even post that in the first place is beyond my understanding...

Based off of our brief encounter in this thread, i'd say that wouldn't be much of a voyage to reach

Let it go, guy. It was a tongue-in-cheek comment, basically saying (in a sarcastic manner) that our linemen are getting hurt so often, that I'd rather play the remaining preseason games without them on the field, to preserve their health. If you couldn't comprehend the facetious nature of my post (based off the sheer absurdity of what I suggested) that really is YOUR hang up, not mine

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