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Why Cant We Win


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there are a lot of reasons we cant win#1 other teams want to win too, #2 our o-line is bad efforts have been made to fix it but they have not worked, #3 our small dbs cant intercept or bat passes down, system or talent ? i dont know,#3 cant stop the run,small dts or small lbs? i dont know, #4 cant stop anyone on 3rd and long, bad lb coverage or bad system? i dont know,#5 cant run the ball bad rbs or bad o-line ,? i dont know,#5 cant move the ball? bad qbs or bad o-line not giving time? i vote bad o-line not letting receivers getting down field and open and qb no time to throw. why cant we win? i say bad lines on both sides of the ball.

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our players do not believe that they can win a game without Peyton.

Clark, Wayne, Freeney, Mathis, Saturday, Addai, Bethea and many other great players we have. Maybe they are no so great. A normal team can win at least a game or two with these top names. We are not a normal team. Our players do not wanna try anymore. They do not care anymore.

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I don't know, what went wrong this year.

This team should be able to win a few games even without Manning. After the manslaughter in NO, I think they have lost their faith in being able to win and there is nobody to shake them up.

Offense seems to be embarrassed, running the ball isn't for Colts. Based on game against the JAX we couldn't convert 3rd situations to first downs, to get to at leas field goal position. Two interceptions against a team like JAX is too much.

The whole team seems to lack power, to stop opponents' drive and piercing through D-lines.

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IMO its a little bit more complex question, however I'm not keen on Caldwell neither.

With better coaching we had more wins, with Manning and a D with average performance Colts had a result list similar to last year.

With Manning, D performing average and better coaching we could stand far better.

Manning's absence shouldn't hit the team so hard, the players aren't so bad, still the team doesn't work. And I don't know the reason of this mess. Perhaps the team feels lost without Manning, and losses in pre-season and at the start of regular season broke the confidence of the players and they've started to believe they can't win w/o PM. And there was nobody to shake them up.

Perhaps they've lost their faith in HC and front office.

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Or it shows true problem, and many people outside Colts HQ are capable of seeing it for themselves.

It is part of the true problem. If You read my posts, You'll see, I'm not a Caldwell fan, and I think he should go and learn coaching elsewhere. I don't mean he is a lousy expert, but he doesn't know other part of coaching (e.g. being teacher, psychiatrist, parent, best friend, no1 critics of the players).

Perhaps other reasons (like loosing faith, no plan B if PM is out) can be conducted to coaching.

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one could argue that our QB might be more competant with a decent coaching staff. For too long has this offense been run by Manning and Manning alone.

Nope, I just don't see any talent with our QB, watching him play you can see him fix in on 1 WR and not look off or to other options.

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Nope, I just don't see any talent with our QB, watching him play you can see him fix in on 1 WR and not look off or to other options.

A good coach would work on that.......

Do you see where this is going? Are we to be two immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day?

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A good coach would work on that.......

Do you see where this is going? Are we to be two immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day?

You can't coach bad players, a player has a ceiling on what his talent can do and with Painter we have seen that ceiling and need to try another choice.

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You can't coach bad players, a player has a ceiling on what his talent can do and with Painter we have seen that ceiling and need to try another choice.

Let me start by saying I don't like Curtis Painter and I honestly think he doesn't belong in the NFL. That being said I still completely disagree with your logic. You have no idea what Caldwell's coaching capacity is and you can't tell me otherwise. I've already heard you say he took them to a superbowl which myself and every other member not on the colts payroll believe to be false. He was riding Manning's coat tails. Now that he has to walk on his own he is failing in epic fashion. Weather you like it or not Caldwell will not be coaching the Colts next season. Mark My Words.

Edit before you reply I just want to point out Caldwell's record as head coach @ Wake Forest: 8 years 26–63 and one winning season.

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Let me start by saying I don't like Curtis Painter and I honestly think he doesn't belong in the NFL. That being said I still completely disagree with your logic. You have no idea what Caldwell's coaching capacity is and you can't tell me otherwise. I've already heard you say he took them to a superbowl which myself and every other member not on the colts payroll believe to be false. He was riding Manning's coat tails. Now that he has to walk on his own he is failing in epic fashion. Weather you like it or not Caldwell will not be coaching the Colts next season. Mark My Words.

Edit before you reply I just want to point out Caldwell's record as head coach @ Wake Forest: 8 years 26–63 and one winning season.

I don't know if Caldwell will be back next year or not, it's not my call and I have faith that both Polians and Irsay have a firmer grasp on what kind of coaching job Caldwell is or isn't doing. As for what he did at a basketball college really doesn't matter.

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Why we cant win hmmm, I agree out players think we cant win because peyton is out but they only started that way because of the 60-7 smackdown. Injuires killed us of course and we have no running game and defensive. Our coach is loosing his time in hear in my opinion he is not a good one (sorry only call it as i c it) But WHY get someone like kerry collins, no offense to the guy but hes so old he cant make a simple 20 yard pass, he was missing the sideline throws and he couldnt run the no huddle. We had two choices of decient QB's in the offseason, 1:Mark Bulger- he came off of a season without play or injury so he could of been really not that bad and this wouldve of been a risk but jake delhome- i mean he has a strong arm but who knows he always shined flashes of a good QB before but it started with a bad choice at QB then to injuries and bad RB and Defensive play all the way to coaching. However this is just my opinion.

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Simple no QB. We don't even have an adequate QB we have no ability to move the ball and score points.

49ers, Jets and many other teams can win with a vanilla QB.

Even Tebow wins games.

QB is not the answer. We have enough stars to win games. Our players just gave up.

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49ers, Jets and many other teams can win with a vanilla QB.

Even Tebow wins games.

QB is not the answer. We have enough stars to win games. Our players just gave up.

We don't even how a vanilla QB the 49ers/Jets and even Tebow are/have better football players at the QB position then the Colts do. If we had Alex/Sanchez or Tebow we wouldn't be 0-10.

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