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KC-Indy Wild-Card Game  

123 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think will happen on Saturday?

    • We got this. Colts win easily.
    • I'm a little worried, but still convinced we pull it out.
    • I'm 50-50. The game could go either way.
    • We're going to lose.

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I think some playoff jitters are normal. And lets face it, we don't have the best recent history either in the playoffs.


But, I am confident we can start over with a clean slate this Saturday and turn things around. If we win everyone will feel a lot better getting this monkey off our backs in the new era too.

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The more I think of it, the only game I will be genuinely disappointed in losing is this weekend. That's just a honest look at where we are as a team. The pieces are still coming together and the machine is still being tuned...Rebuilding, no. But still a work in progress. We need more pass rushers. We have to get more guys involved in disrupting plays than Mathis (consistently I mean). 

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I don't think it will be as easy as the last time we faced them, but I have faith that the Colts can do this. They're going in on a winning streak, they have momentum, and I think that counts for a lot. I just hope they start hot, keep pressure on Smith, and keep Charles under 100. 

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If the D plays well we will be in this game. If Luck takes his game up a notch, passing well, escaping the rush with his legs when needed and gashes the Chiefs with some first down runs then we will win. If we are to go deep in the playoffs I think we will have to see Andrew play at a different level. I am 100% confident Andrew can take his game up a notch or two but will he do it this soon in his career? IDK

I am hoping the team allows Luck to run. What I mean from that is design 3-4 plays for him to run out of formations that also show deep threat pass as well. Get Fleener involved early and often. Too many times where Fleener gets a big pass catch and then we never see another pass to him again. More crossing patterns and use the big body of Da'Rick.

Defense will have to contain that little rb of theirs and expect a lot of screens. Hope to see those knock down or batted up in the air passes out of Werner. I'm worried about Davis and his injury, not one you want out if your star cb.

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There is talk of Robert Mathis getting to know Alex Smith on a VERY personal level on Saturday as well....


When you said that, I could see Robert Mathis, standing over the Alex Smith, like Julius did to the other team's QB in Remember the Titans. "Boy, you better get comfortable down there..REAL comfortable"


(wish I could find a video clip for that for added emphasis)

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I'm Pretty sure alot of their starters did take the day off and Houston sat due to injury so yes I believe they did not go all out.


Aside from those who were injured, they didn't sit anyone. To think that the Chiefs were not playing to win (e.g., weren't going all out) is silly. They still had a chance to win the division at that point in the season.

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Aside from those who were injured, they didn't sit anyone. To think that the Chiefs were not playing to win (e.g., weren't going all out) is silly. They still had a chance to win the division at that point in the season.

I just don't think they went all out. If you think that that is the best the chiefs got. Then good for you.

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I just don't think they went all out. If you think that that is the best the chiefs got. Then good for you.


I don't think they played their best game, but that's completely different than not going all out. You seriously think they had a gameplan leading up to the game that involved them not playing hard?


The Cheifs will most likely look better on Saturday but that does not mean they didn't play hard the first time we played them.

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