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The picture it paints is that Phil Wilson isn't a journalist, he is just another fan with an irrational agenda - he just has a bigger pulpit. That blog doesn't say much that isn't already being discussed here - he just chose to interpret it as it suited him.

Exactly and that agenda includes a big dislike for Bill Polian himself. He has admitted it on the radio and says he often tends to try to be fair to Polian because he doesn't like how secrective Polian is and has been extremely vocial about his dislike about Polian giving stories to the national media rather than the local guys in town.

Wilson could be right I don't know so I am not going to dismiss him but when the guy himself admits he isn't a Polian fan I am not going to rule out the fact he's going to take a shot when the situation presents it's self like it is right now I am not going to dismiss that either.

Frankly, like someone else said in this thread none of us really know what is going on over there. I would even beat Tryon doesn't know everything that is going on over there because I doubt he is in on the converstations that Caldwell and Polian have. The one person who does that is talking is Jim Irsay and he's saying it's Jim Caldwell's call. Personally I am going to side with the owner but that's just me.

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Exactly and that agenda includes a big dislike for Bill Polian himself. He has admitted it on the radio and says he often tends to try to be fair to Polian because he doesn't like how secrective Polian is and has been extremely vocial about his dislike about Polian giving stories to the national media rather than the local guys in town.

Wilson could be right I don't know so I am not going to dismiss him but when the guy himself admits he isn't a Polian fan I am not going to rule out the fact he's going to take a shot when the situation presents it's self like it is right now I am not going to dismiss that either.

Frankly, like someone else said in this thread none of us really know what is going on over there. I would even beat Tryon doesn't know everything that is going on over there because I doubt he is in on the converstations that Caldwell and Polian have. The one person who does that is talking is Jim Irsay and he's saying it's Jim Caldwell's call. Personally I am going to side with the owner but that's just me.

Keep in mind polian is no fan of the local press.He has a look of disgust when given a question.

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Exactly and that agenda includes a big dislike for Bill Polian himself. He has admitted it on the radio and says he often tends to try to be fair to Polian because he doesn't like how secrective Polian is and has been extremely vocial about his dislike about Polian giving stories to the national media rather than the local guys in town.

Wilson could be right I don't know so I am not going to dismiss him but when the guy himself admits he isn't a Polian fan I am not going to rule out the fact he's going to take a shot when the situation presents it's self like it is right now I am not going to dismiss that either.

Frankly, like someone else said in this thread none of us really know what is going on over there. I would even beat Tryon doesn't know everything that is going on over there because I doubt he is in on the converstations that Caldwell and Polian have. The one person who does that is talking is Jim Irsay and he's saying it's Jim Caldwell's call. Personally I am going to side with the owner but that's just me.

Agreed - and your earlier comments regarding the possible conversation between Tryon and Caldwell is spot on as well. Any manager - particularly in sports - is going to encourage his employees in order to get the most out of them. Plus in sports the coaches sometimes end up as father figures. Caldwell is never going to tell any player that they have no chance of starting, he is going to tell him what he needs to accomplish in order to get there. And considering the success of UFAs on this team, it's obvious that they do allow an open competition. For all the talk about Polian's ego, it's more likely that Tryon is the one with the problem.

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Keep in mind polian is no fan of the local press.He has a look of disgust when given a question.

But that isn't supposed to mean a thing to a responsible press core. It may make their job more difficult, but it can't influence what they report.

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But that isn't supposed to mean a thing to a responsible press core. It may make their job more difficult, but it can't influence what they report.

Again that's conjecture,because wilson dislikes polian how can you positively prove he is biased.Maybe Mr.Wilson still does his job in what he feel's is accurate and in a truthful manner.

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Again that's conjuncture,because wilson dislikes polian how can you positively prove he is biased.Maybe Mr.Wilson still does his job in what he feel's is accurate and in a truthful manner.

Oh I am not going to disput that. I am just saying part of his job is to put his spin on things. It's not a bad thing. He's not a beat writter like Chappel where his job is to just report what is going on. So by the very nature Wilson's job invovles him putting his own spin on things and that's fine. Not everyone should be Chappel or it would be very boaring. I am just saying people have to be careful taking everything Wilson reports as a fact like you would with Chappel because Wilson is paid to put some spin on things like Kravitz is. It doesn't mean what Chappel reports is wrong or people shouldn't listen to him at all. I admit I quote Wilson when he reports facts like "I asked Coyer about why Tryon isn't a starter and he said ask Jim Caldwell." That's a fact, people can take from that what they want. What I left out is how Wilson went on to make it sound like in that story it was Caldwell that was keeping Tryon on the bench because the latter was Wilson's opinion based on how the converstation went. It was also Wilson who pointed out on 1070 later in the week that Tryon hadn't been playing that well. So I agree Wilson does his job and I think he is good at his job, I am just saying part of his job is to put his own spin on things.

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But that isn't supposed to mean a thing to a responsible press core. It may make their job more difficult, but it can't influence what they report.

I am not alone when I say that there is no such thing as a responsible press core. The job of every reporter is to be popular enough to enable the media outlet he or she works for sell advertising. Even reporters for "nonprofit" media outlets like NPR are responsible for spinning things in a way that the funding agencies will continue to support the outlet. To think anything else is delusional.

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I am not alone when I say that there is no such thing as a responsible press core. The job of every reporter is to be popular enough to enable the media outlet he or she works for sell advertising. Even reporters for "nonprofit" media outlets like NPR are responsible for spinning things in a way that the funding agencies will continue to support the outlet. To think anything else is delusional.

Someone who can't conceive of their personal opinion being questioned is perhaps delusional themselves. Don't draw lines in the sand - it doesn't go over well in a forum.

I will agree that the horrific decline of the newspaper industry is creating more and more of the problems that you describe for a variety of reasons that no-one wants to see discussed here, but it is naive to generalize. For our purposes, the only reporter at The Star is Mike Chappell, and I have no doubt based on years of reading him (with the occasional email correspondence through his mail bag thrown in) that he is in fact a responsible journalist. Kravitz and Chappell are not, but to be fair they aren't purporting to be. You just need to know when to ignore them.

There are still many fine newspapers in this country filled with responsible journalists. The fact that there are many others which are not is frightening and doesn't bode well for the future, but assuming they are all lying will only drive you batty. And I utterly disagree with you regarding NPR. They are arguable the only outlet available that takes the time to discuss stories from every imaginable angle without prejudice so that the listener can make up their own mind. I suspect that you haven't listened to it very much.

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