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You would also find a million people in America that would say Griffin is better than 12. Or more. And it's okay, because they are both rookies.


Yep, you're probably right about that, but as time goes on they'll change their minds. It's ok, I can wait.

And ironically enough, I'm not the one who starts these silly arguments. It's those insecure fans who wish that their new QB would be automatically as good as their old one, but that's a dream they'll have to keep dreaming.



This much I will actually agree with you on, but you do always seem to be chomping at the bit to enter the arguments to let everybody know that you think Griffin is better even though everybody on the boards knows this 1000 times over.

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Says one of the swarmers when I say something as simple as,  " 12's pass was a little to the right."

" O my godz a Texan fan! Take itz bak now! Schuabb suks!"

Right. You guys are hilarious.

You are so right, The Texans are so superior to us we will never win the division again. Every player on your roster is better than any of our players.  Make you happy school boy?

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Yep, you're probably right about that, but as time goes on they'll change their minds. It's ok, I can wait.



This much I will actually agree with you on, but you do always seem to be chomping at the bit to enter the arguments to let everybody know that you think Griffin is better even though everybody on the boards knows this 1000 times over.

No. I'm not waiting for discussions like this to come up. When they do, however, I will make my stance on it. As any other member on this board will. I'm quite tired of it actually, believe it or not lol.

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You are so right, The Texans are so superior to us we will never win the division again. Every player on your roster is better than any of our players.  Make you happy school boy?

Nowhere near as happy as you seem to be calling someone you don't know a school boy. But admission is the first step in the healing process. ;)

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You are in school on your phone right? I can feel the healing beginning..... :highfive:

Nope, I'm at home today. Kind of bored. Did some truck work today too, but no class. And good, I'm glad that you can feel it already. My work is done. :)

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I know that. But he wears #12, does he not? Robert Griffin's name is, well, Robert Griffin but I see Bobby being used all the time, or Scrub or Matty for Schaub. At least 12 isn't an attempt to degrade the opposition. And your cliche' rookie statement is ironic in a discussion started by one person's declaration that 12 is better than Schaub, a seasoned vet.


Come on. You used every other guy's name, but Luck is "12."


And I'm not the one who commented about Luck being better than Schaub, so there's no room for irony. Although, I think an overwhelming majority of unencumbered fans would choose Luck over Schaub right now, despite Schaub's playoff victory last season. Not that it matters; you're supposedly happy with your guy.

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Come on. You used every other guy's name, but Luck is "12."


And I'm not the one who commented about Luck being better than Schaub, so there's no room for irony. Although, I think an overwhelming majority of unencumbered fans would choose Luck over Schaub right now, despite Schaub's playoff victory last season. Not that it matters; you're supposedly happy with your guy.

Because he is 12. I've been calling him 12 or at one point Franchise since he was drafted and I was a new member here. Does it bother you? I don't see anyone questioning Bobby or Scrub or Average Joe. 12 has no negative connotation, I repeat.

Yes, there is room for irony. People praise 12?  " He's an elite QB and he can do things none of the other elites can!"  When someone points out a flaw in his game?  " He's a rookie, get over it."

I'm sure they would choose 12. He's younger, there's that whole potential factor. But based on ability and experience, not even close. You don't have to use the word "supposedly". I'm happy. I expect my team to win the division again and I am hoping for a SB appearance. All with our "Scrub" at the helm.

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Because he is 12. I've been calling him 12 or at one point Franchise since he was drafted and I was a new member here. Does it bother you? I don't see anyone questioning Bobby or Scrub or Average Joe. 12 has no negative connotation, I repeat.

Yes, there is room for irony. People praise 12?  " He's an elite QB and he can do things none of the other elites can!"  When someone points out a flaw in his game?  " He's a rookie, get over it."

I'm sure they would choose 12. He's younger, there's that whole potential factor. But based on ability and experience, not even close. You don't have to use the word "supposedly". I'm happy. I expect my team to win the division again and I am hoping for a SB appearance. All with our "Scrub" at the helm.


Please don't attribute other poster's comments to me.


My response was that you using Schaub's ONE playoff victory in six seasons as an argument that he's better than Luck is kind of ridiculous. I thought it would be as simple as pointing out that, as a rookie, Luck's playoff loss is kind of to be expected, just like Griffin's, because rookie quarterbacks don't often make the playoffs, let alone win once they get there. My favorite quarterback of all time didn't sniff the playoffs his rookie year. But you're not willing to just take my point at face value. So here we go.


Matt Schaub has as many playoff victories as TJ Yates does. As many playoff victories as Tim Tebow does. His lone playoff victory does not, on its own, make him better than ANY quarterback. And that's before we acknowledge that he didn't play all that well in the win; I'd argue that he played better in the loss to the Patriots, as a matter of fact.


It is true that part of the reason many would take Luck over Schaub at this point is that he is younger and has more upside. I'm not calling Schaub a scrub. I think he's a pretty good quarterback. Like I said, stop projecting other's comments onto me. But the only advantage Schaub has over Luck is experience, and that's only going to matter for ... well, it doesn't even matter now. Luck played well enough last season to help his team win 11 games and make the playoffs, with less support than Schaub had, and Luck played well enough in close games for his team to have the most 4th quarter victories in the league. That's a rookie quarterback, lacking experience, needing polish, playing well enough to take a team that was supposed to be the league's doormat to the playoffs.


So yeah, it does bother me that you use every other quarterback's name but his. He's earned that much. You can pretend that it's not meant to denigrate, but I'm not buying it.

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Please don't attribute other poster's comments to me.


My response was that you using Schaub's ONE playoff victory in six seasons as an argument that he's better than Luck is kind of ridiculous. I thought it would be as simple as pointing out that, as a rookie, Luck's playoff loss is kind of to be expected, just like Griffin's, because rookie quarterbacks don't often make the playoffs, let alone win once they get there. My favorite quarterback of all time didn't sniff the playoffs his rookie year. But you're not willing to just take my point at face value. So here we go.


Matt Schaub has as many playoff victories as TJ Yates does. As many playoff victories as Tim Tebow does. His lone playoff victory does not, on its own, make him better than ANY quarterback. And that's before we acknowledge that he didn't play all that well in the win; I'd argue that he played better in the loss to the Patriots, as a matter of fact.


It is true that part of the reason many would take Luck over Schaub at this point is that he is younger and has more upside. I'm not calling Schaub a scrub. I think he's a pretty good quarterback. Like I said, stop projecting other's comments onto me. But the only advantage Schaub has over Luck is experience, and that's only going to matter for ... well, it doesn't even matter now. Luck played well enough last season to help his team win 11 games and make the playoffs, with less support than Schaub had, and Luck played well enough in close games for his team to have the most 4th quarter victories in the league. That's a rookie quarterback, lacking experience, needing polish, playing well enough to take a team that was supposed to be the league's doormat to the playoffs.


So yeah, it does bother me that you use every other quarterback's name but his. He's earned that much. You can pretend that it's not meant to denigrate, but I'm not buying it.

Nowhere did I state that Schaub's only playoff win is the single reason why I believe that he is better than 12. Nowhere. You walked into an argument that was started by your fellow fans, and now, as usual, I'm the one that comes under the hammer for defending myself. I'm not shocked.

Again, as I've said time and time again, 12 managed to squeak out wins against teams that he should not have, with all this "as good as Elway" stuff when he came out. You guys love to cite those wins as though they were all on him, and it is simply not true. Yes, it is true that 12 made due with less personnel. Does that make him a better QB than someone who does have talent? Does that make him better than the other guy, just because the other guy has milk and he has none, so he eats dry cereal just as fast? No. MJD does well for himself on a team that is without a competent passer. Does that mean that he is the best RB in the league, or that he is any better than his fellow RBs? No, not really. He has talent, yes, but just because he's made more out of less does not necessarily send him up and away above everyone else. My point is proven even further when 12 could not muster up enough points when he actually got to the playoffs. If he really is clutch like so many claim, I would have expected more from him in a playoff game against a team that many here were so confident that they'd beat, and who were door mats in a way themselves during the regular season. I will admit that the guy has potential but I'm not going to crown him after one year.

I still find it funny that you take issue with me calling him 12. Oh well. That's just my way of referring to him, believe it is some "secret" way of getting back/teasing him if you want, but I have nothing to prove to you. I like my QB, you like yours, once again, I say let's leave it at that.

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The only games that he won that he "wasn't supposed to" were an emtoion-filled home game against a defense riddled with injury and against the Packers by a mere three points.

Would that be the same Packers who kicked the Texans in the no no zone last season?

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Would that be the same Packers who kicked the Texans in the no no zone last season?

Let's not play this game. By that logic, the Ravens (the ones we destroyed in the regular season) pulverizing you guys in the playoffs makes my team even better than yours. :thmsup:

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Let's not play this game. By that logic, the Ravens (the ones we destroyed in the regular season) pulverizing you guys in the playoffs makes my team even better than yours.


We lost by 2 scores. Pulverise might be a little harsh lol

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Let's not play this game. By that logic, the Ravens (the ones we destroyed in the regular season) pulverizing you guys in the playoffs makes my team even better than yours. :thmsup:

haha I was playing the game you presented by quantifying our win by a "mere" three points.

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Nowhere did I state that Schaub's only playoff win is the single reason why I believe that he is better than 12. Nowhere. You walked into an argument that was started by your fellow fans, and now, as usual, I'm the one that comes under the hammer for defending myself. I'm not shocked.

Again, as I've said time and time again, 12 managed to squeak out wins against teams that he should not have, with all this "as good as Elway" stuff when he came out. You guys love to cite those wins as though they were all on him, and it is simply not true. Yes, it is true that 12 made due with less personnel. Does that make him a better QB than someone who does have talent? Does that make him better than the other guy, just because the other guy has milk and he has none, so he eats dry cereal just as fast? No. MJD does well for himself on a team that is without a competent passer. Does that mean that he is the best RB in the league, or that he is any better than his fellow RBs? No, not really. He has talent, yes, but just because he's made more out of less does not necessarily send him up and away above everyone else. My point is proven even further when 12 could not muster up enough points when he actually got to the playoffs. If he really is clutch like so many claim, I would have expected more from him in a playoff game against a team that many here were so confident that they'd beat, and who were door mats in a way themselves during the regular season. I will admit that the guy has potential but I'm not going to crown him after one year.

I still find it funny that you take issue with me calling him 12. Oh well. That's just my way of referring to him, believe it is some "secret" way of getting back/teasing him if you want, but I have nothing to prove to you. I like my QB, you like yours, once again, I say let's leave it at that.


When did I cite those wins as if they were all on Luck? I did not. I specifically said he helped his team win those games, not that he won them on his own.


And you did try to pass Schaub's playoff victory off as proof that he's better than Luck:

Choke job? Schaub actually won in the playoffs. 12, however...


Something else you said, unrelated:


Does that make him better than the other guy, just because the other guy has milk and he has none, so he eats dry cereal just as fast? No.




I'm not interested in crowning Luck as anything. You might notice me being absent from all these Luck vs. Griffin vs. Wilson vs. Manning vs. whoever threads, because frankly I don't give a darn. But I will argue against the idea that Schaub is better than Luck on the basis of one playoff win in six seasons as a starter, something that the bummiest of quarterbacks has done in the past. (That does not make Schaub a bum, it's just pointing out that his playoff victory is a weak excuse for a defense of his status in the league.) And when Luck is the quarterback for a team that wins a playoff game, I won't be pumping him up as anything on that basis alone.


You can also continue to hide behind the "that's just what I call him" defense, but it's hopelessly transparent.

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When did I cite those wins as if they were all on Luck? I did not. I specifically said he helped his team win those games, not that he won them on his own.


And you did try to pass Schaub's playoff victory off as proof that he's better than Luck:


Something else you said, unrelated:





I'm not interested in crowning Luck as anything. You might notice me being absent from all these Luck vs. Griffin vs. Wilson vs. Manning vs. whoever threads, because frankly I don't give a darn. But I will argue against the idea that Schaub is better than Luck on the basis of one playoff win in six seasons as a starter, something that the bummiest of quarterbacks has done in the past. And when Luck is the quarterback for a team that wins a playoff game, I won't be pumping him up as anything on that basis alone.


You can also continue to hide behind the "that's just what I call him" defense, but it's hopelessly transparent.

Triple facepalm here. I'm not an antagonist, I'm not the boogieman out to sneak from under your QB's bed and tell him scary stories about Griffin. I'm not.

My comment about Schaub winning in the playoffs and 12 not winning was fodder, a mere line meant to finish off an otherwise well-written post. It's like a snarky comment a kid will say to his parents after being told something he doesn't like. Nowhere did I say that just because Schaub won in the playoffs he is ultimately better than the rookie. That's not what I said or meant at all, and I am actually quite shocked that you are taking it that way. If anything it had more to do with the irony of that guy's "choke job" comment, which I see you included in the quote.

Yeah, you stay out of those debates until you see something I say that disparages 12 and you come flying to the rescue. I'm always the one that gets the blame for debaucheries like this. My old adage? A dog will bite if kicked. You seem to be the pound man who comes along and takes that dog away for giving his attacker rabies. But whatever. It's life as a Texan, I suppose.

You didn't like my cereal metaphor? Lol. And what exactly sinister can be associated behind calling the kid by his number? People call PM #18 all the time, poster Adonis calls 12 12 sometimes as well. I don't see what sneaky motive I could possibly have behind calling the kid by the number that he claims as opposed to a degrading nickname like the mature other posters do with players I like. Sigh.

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Triple facepalm here. I'm not an antagonist, I'm not the boogieman out to sneak from under your QB's bed and tell him scary stories about Griffin. I'm not.

My comment about Schaub winning in the playoffs and 12 not winning was fodder, a mere line meant to finish off an otherwise well-written post. It's like a snarky comment a kid will say to his parents after being told something he doesn't like. Nowhere did I say that just because Schaub won in the playoffs he is ultimately better than the rookie. That's not what I said or meant at all, and I am actually quite shocked that you are taking it that way. If anything it had more to do with the irony of that guy's "choke job" comment, which I see you included in the quote.

Yeah, you stay out of those debates until you see something I say that disparages 12 and you come flying to the rescue. I'm always the one that gets the blame for debaucheries like this. My old adage? A dog will bite if kicked. You seem to be the pound man who comes along and takes that dog away for giving his attacker rabies. But whatever. It's life as a Texan, I suppose.

You didn't like my cereal metaphor? Lol. And what exactly sinister can be associated behind calling the kid by his number? People call PM #18 all the time, poster Adonis calls 12 12 sometimes as well. I don't see what sneaky motive I could possibly have behind calling the kid by the number that he claims as opposed to a degrading nickname like the mature other posters do with players I like. Sigh.


You don't get it, really? Griffin gets called by his name, Schaub does, Wilson does ... but Luck is "12"? Come on.


And I'm not coming in flying to the rescue. I try to read all this nonsense about who's better and whatnot because I'm a mod, but after several years of bickering back and forth with Pats fans, honestly it all makes me want to take an impact drill to the temple. It's ridiculous. However, when someone throws out one of those nonsense lines like you did, yeah, I'm gonna jump in every now and then. Add to that the "12" reference -- in a post where every other player gets called by his name -- and you gave me a lot of ammo.


My adage is similar: A hit dog'll holler. I never blamed you for starting this debate about Luck vs. Schaub. These discussions happen, sometimes organically, sometimes in an intent to bait. But your protest is telling. You tell another poster in another thread that baiting is against the rules, but how would you characterize your snarky comment about Luck not winning in the playoffs?


I don't care what you think about Luck, or Griffin, or Wilson, or how they relate to one another. There are some posters around here who have a rabid dislike for Luck, most of them Colts fans. Doesn't matter to me. But when they, or you, or anyone else, throws out sorry comebacks like "Luck lost in the playoffs," I reserve the right to pound that specious-at-best argument into dust and toss it into the wind, to be carried away like the chaff that it is. If you want to have an argument about quarterbacks, one with some substance? I might be game for that, especially during the offseason. But using Schaub's lonely playoff win to support your case is weak. Don't blame me for pointing it out. Just do better.

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You don't get it, really? Griffin gets called by his name, Schaub does, Wilson does ... but Luck is "12"? Come on.


And I'm not coming in flying to the rescue. I try to read all this nonsense about who's better and whatnot because I'm a mod, but after several years of bickering back and forth with Pats fans, honestly it all makes me want to take an impact drill to the temple. It's ridiculous. However, when someone throws out one of those nonsense lines like you did, yeah, I'm gonna jump in every now and then. Add to that the "12" reference -- in a post where every other player gets called by his name -- and you gave me a lot of ammo.


My adage is similar: A hit dog'll holler. I never blamed you for starting this debate about Luck vs. Schaub. These discussions happen, sometimes organically, sometimes in an intent to bait. But your protest is telling. You tell another poster in another thread that baiting is against the rules, but how would you characterize your snarky comment about Luck not winning in the playoffs?


I don't care what you think about Luck, or Griffin, or Wilson, or how they relate to one another. There are some posters around here who have a rabid dislike for Luck, most of them Colts fans. Doesn't matter to me. But when they, or you, or anyone else, throws out sorry comebacks like "Luck lost in the playoffs," I reserve the right to pound that specious-at-best argument into dust and toss it into the wind, to be carried away like the chaff that it is. If you want to have an argument about quarterbacks, one with some substance? I might be game for that, especially during the offseason. But using Schaub's lonely playoff win to support your case is weak. Don't blame me for pointing it out. Just do better.

So...you're not blaming me for starting this mess, yet I am the only one getting scolded and argued with in this entire thread. If my off-comment line about 12 winning in the playoffs (in response to another poster downtalking MY QB, not baiting in any way) and my calling him 12, which, again, I have been doing since he was drafted, is enough ammo to get you to jump into a topic, then you need to find better ammo. Yes, he is 12...or do you want me to call him Bozo the Clown? I call Manning PM the majority of the time, I call Griffin Griffin as opposed to RGIII, the most common use. Do you find that odd as well? Should I dive into every topic everytime I see people saying,  " Bobby benefits from a GREAT team, our QB is better."  No? But if I do, I will be the one being scolded and argued with in a thread that has seen worse posts from other guys baiting me. Heck, a guy started a whole thread on the premise of baiting, yet I'm the one getting scolded about a snarky comment. A comment made in response to another attack. What exactly am I supposed to be trying better at? Arguing points that I myself did not bring up in the first place?

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So...you're not blaming me for starting this mess, yet I am the only one getting scolded and argued with in this entire thread. If my off-comment line about 12 winning in the playoffs (in response to another poster downtalking MY QB, not baiting in any way) and my calling him 12, which, again, I have been doing since he was drafted, is enough ammo to get you to jump into a topic, then you need to find better ammo. Yes, he is 12...or do you want me to call him Bozo the Clown? I call Manning PM the majority of the time, I call Griffin Griffin as opposed to RGIII, the most common use. Do you find that odd as well? Should I dive into every topic everytime I see people saying,  " Bobby benefits from a GREAT team, our QB is better."  No? But if I do, I will be the one being scolded and argued with in a thread that has seen worse posts from other guys baiting me. Heck, a guy started a whole thread on the premise of baiting, yet I'm the one getting scolded about a snarky comment. A comment made in response to another attack. What exactly am I supposed to be trying better at? Arguing points that I myself did not bring up in the first place?


Scolded? Am I your dad?


I'm not scolding you. I'm pointing out that you calling Luck "12" is noticeably disrespectful. Keep defending it if you want, but you're just doubling down on bad policy.


By the way, I agree that posters calling Griffin "Bobby" or "Bob" are intentionally trying to either denigrate him or get under his fans' skin. I don't call him RG3 because I hate media nicknames; I never called Chad Johnson "Ochocinco." For the most part, I don't use nicknames when talking about athletes, because, for the most part, I think they're stupid.


But I know you can do better. Which is I said something to you, and why I don't engage with cross-eyed Luck fans or haters, or Manning fans or haters, or Griffin fans or haters, or whatever. And if you just recognize that you are going to be scrutinized for being a fan of a rival team -- not just by me, but everyone who cares to give you a chance, because many will simply write you off -- then maybe you'd step your game up. Or if you don't want to do that, then go make yourself comfortable in jshipp's thread.


Also, saying Luck is better than Schaub is NOT an attack. It's just an acknowledgment of an evident truth. ;)

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Scolded? Am I your dad?


I'm not scolding you. I'm pointing out that you calling Luck "12" is noticeably disrespectful. Keep defending it if you want, but you're just doubling down on bad policy.


By the way, I agree that posters calling Griffin "Bobby" or "Bob" are intentionally trying to either denigrate him or get under his fans' skin. I don't call him RG3 because I hate media nicknames; I never called Chad Johnson "Ochocinco." For the most part, I don't use nicknames when talking about athletes, because, for the most part, I think they're stupid.


But I know you can do better. Which is I said something to you, and why I don't engage with cross-eyed Luck fans or haters, or Manning fans or haters, or Griffin fans or haters, or whatever. And if you just recognize that you are going to be scrutinized for being a fan of a rival team -- not just by me, but everyone who cares to give you a chance, because many will simply write you off -- then maybe you'd step your game up. Or if you don't want to do that, then go make yourself comfortable in jshipp's thread.


Also, saying Luck is better than Schaub is NOT an attack. It's just an acknowledgment of an evident truth. ;)

Still not getting how it's disrespectful. You're only the second guy to say anything about the nickname, but then again, maybe the other guy hates nicknames too. I like nicknames, and mine is 12 for your QB. Simple lol.

And what you're basically saying is...I shouldn't respond to derogatory posts because I am a rival fan and people will take it the wrong way. Yet it's okay for everyone else to respond or pick on me or my QB and I shouldn't respond to them. Right. Maybe they are the ones that should do better. I am quite fond of avoiding these scuffles.

And say what you will, but it's not the truth lol. 12 could be good one day but no, he's not better than Schaub yet. Not by a longshot. :thmup:

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Still not getting how it's disrespectful. You're only the second guy to say anything about the nickname, but then again, maybe the other guy hates nicknames too. I like nicknames, and mine is 12 for your QB. Simple lol.

And what you're basically saying is...I shouldn't respond to derogatory posts because I am a rival fan and people will take it the wrong way. Yet it's okay for everyone else to respond or pick on me or my QB and I shouldn't respond to them. Right. Maybe they are the ones that should do better. I am quite fond of avoiding these scuffles.

And say what you will, but it's not the truth lol. 12 could be good one day but no, he's not better than Schaub yet. Not by a longshot. :thmup:


That's not what I'm saying.


First of all, saying Luck is better than Schaub isn't derogatory. It's an opinion. Maybe you disagree, and that's fine, but it's not like saying Schaub is a sorry bum with a fat girlfriend.


Secondly, you can respond to whatever you want, but if you don't get that you -- your posts, your style, the topics you choose to participate in, etc. -- are going to be looked at through a different lens, then you're not going to enjoy posting on a rival team's board. It's as simple as that. You, as a Texans fan, can't claim that Schaub is better than Luck without being pegged a delusional homer, not on this board. And your comment about Luck losing in the playoffs makes it worse. I'm not saying it's right or wrong; I'm just saying it is.


And then, the whole "12" thing is just a given. It's like Parcells calling Terrell Owens "the player." Disrespect is inherent.

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That's not what I'm saying.


First of all, saying Luck is better than Schaub isn't derogatory. It's an opinion. Maybe you disagree, and that's fine, but it's not like saying Schaub is a sorry bum with a fat girlfriend.


Secondly, you can respond to whatever you want, but if you don't get that you -- your posts, your style, the topics you choose to participate in, etc. -- are going to be looked at through a different lens, then you're not going to enjoy posting on a rival team's board. It's as simple as that. You, as a Texans fan, can't claim that Schaub is better than Luck without being pegged a delusional homer, not on this board. And your comment about Luck losing in the playoffs makes it worse. I'm not saying it's right or wrong; I'm just saying it is.


And then, the whole "12" thing is just a given. It's like Parcells calling Terrell Owens "the player." Disrespect is inherent.

As inherent as Teo's girlfriend, because there is absolutely no disrespect there. The derogatory things I'm talking about are the injury jokes, the taunting, and, in this thread, the "choke job". I come back with a relatively sensible response (that how can one call Schaub a choke job when he won his first playoff game...12 did not) and all heck breaks loose. I participate in a wide variety of topics. Some posters just seem to like bait and taunting in certain topics, this one included. And these are the ones that I seem to gain my reputation from. Surprise surprise.

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As inherent as Teo's girlfriend,




because there is absolutely no disrespect there. The derogatory things I'm talking about are the injury jokes, the taunting, and, in this thread, the "choke job". I come back with a relatively sensible response (that how can one call Schaub a choke job when he won his first playoff game...12 did not) and all heck breaks loose. I participate in a wide variety of topics. Some posters just seem to like bait and taunting in certain topics, this one included. And these are the ones that I seem to gain my reputation from. Surprise surprise.


Okay, be a martyr then.

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Okay, be a martyr then.

Your comment about 12 being a mark of inherent disrespect. I'm saying that it's as inherent as Teo's girlfriend. Meaning that it doesn't exist. Anywho, if you wish to call me a martyr for doing the exact same thing that everyone else does, sure, go ahead. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it.

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Your comment about 12 being a mark of inherent disrespect. I'm saying that it's as inherent as Teo's girlfriend. Meaning that it doesn't exist. Anywho, if you wish to call me a martyr for doing the exact same thing that everyone else does, sure, go ahead. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it.


I like your avatar.

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Your comment about 12 being a mark of inherent disrespect. I'm saying that it's as inherent as Teo's girlfriend. Meaning that it doesn't exist. Anywho, if you wish to call me a martyr for doing the exact same thing that everyone else does, sure, go ahead. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it.


It's a matter of having thick skin. This is the internet full of some of the worlds brightest at times, but the worst as well. You're a fan of a rival team of a sport that attracts boneheads to it's fan-base. Naturally that is going to draw those boneheads to rib and jibe you, just got to use that handy dandy ignore option. Saves a lot of time and effort from you and the rational posters getting tired of both the jibe and the responses from those getting jibed. No disrespect to superman, from context clues it seems he was one of the rational psoters geting involved in said responses from the boneheaded posters ripping.

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It's a matter of having thick skin. This is the internet full of some of the worlds brightest at times, but the worst as well. You're a fan of a rival team of a sport that attracts boneheads to it's fan-base. Naturally that is going to draw those boneheads to rib and jibe you, just got to use that handy dandy ignore option. Saves a lot of time and effort from you and the rational posters getting tired of both the jibe and the responses from those getting jibed. No disrespect to superman, from context clues it seems he was one of the rational psoters geting involved in said responses from the boneheaded posters ripping.


The only "problem" I had with his response was the use of "12" instead of Luck's name.


Other than that, he's entitled to his opinion on Luck and anyone else, and he's entitled to express and defend his opinion. Just like I am (and anyone else is) entitled to engage in a dialogue about his opinion and the way he chooses to defend it.

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The only "problem" I had with his response was the use of "12" instead of Luck's name.


Other than that, he's entitled to his opinion on Luck and anyone else, and he's entitled to express and defend his opinion. Just like I am (and anyone else is) entitled to engage in a dialogue about his opinion and the way he chooses to defend it.


Don't see how it's disrespectful given it is his number, but maybe it's my lack of sleep or the fact I've heard way worse. Qwiz's only problem on these forums is he responds WAY to much to the jibing and sometimes a little too negatively due too a little too thin skin for the forums. Other than that he is a  decent poster that I, personally, have no problems with. Not saying

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It's a matter of having thick skin. This is the internet full of some of the worlds brightest at times, but the worst as well. You're a fan of a rival team of a sport that attracts boneheads to it's fan-base. Naturally that is going to draw those boneheads to rib and jibe you, just got to use that handy dandy ignore option. Saves a lot of time and effort from you and the rational posters getting tired of both the jibe and the responses from those getting jibed. No disrespect to superman, from context clues it seems he was one of the rational psoters geting involved in said responses from the boneheaded posters ripping.

You're right man, I need to grow thicker skin. I fall into these situations way too much for my own good. I agree with what you said completely...I hate saying something meant for the hecklers and then I manage to offend the countless good and rational posters here. I'm going to have to work on that too, because I want to be on everyone's good side.

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You're right man, I need to grow thicker skin. I fall into these situations way too much for my own good. I agree with what you said completely...I hate saying something meant for the hecklers and then I manage to offend the countless good and rational posters here. I'm going to have to work on that too, because I want to be on everyone's good side.


It happens man, half our posters would get IP banned from any other of our division's forums if they were regulars there haha. Just a heckuva lot easier to ignore the ignorant than feed them(I have a couple ignorant colts fans on my ignore list just as I have of our other teams posters haha).

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It happens man, half our posters would get IP banned from any other of our division's forums if they were regulars there haha. Just a heckuva lot easier to ignore the ignorant than feed them(I have a couple ignorant colts fans on my ignore list just as I have of our other teams posters haha).

haha yeah, it takes a while to get integrated into the system, I used to get in trouble way more when I first got here lol. I'm going to try harder, but I'm such an aggressive person in real life that I sometimes can't stop myself even on the internet haha. That ignore feature is pretty useful though, I may have no option soon but to use it. :)

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haha yeah, it takes a while to get integrated into the system, I used to get in trouble way more when I first got here lol. I'm going to try harder, but I'm such an aggressive person in real life that I sometimes can't stop myself even on the internet haha. That ignore feature is pretty useful though, I may have no option soon but to use it. :)


I'm more of a chill person all around haha rather just have a beer n watch the game than argue over opinion, especially with some of the brick wall posters on here haha.

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Don't see how it's disrespectful given it is his number, but maybe it's my lack of sleep or the fact I've heard way worse. Qwiz's only problem on these forums is he responds WAY to much to the jibing and sometimes a little too negatively due too a little too thin skin for the forums. Other than that he is a  decent poster that I, personally, have no problems with. Not saying


This has become a much bigger deal than it was meant to be. I'm not crying myself to sleep because he calls Luck "12."

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