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Slow-Mo Replay Shows Things A Little More Interesting…

Guest BlueShoe

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Guest BlueShoe

I have been impressed with our run blocking as of late and after hearing so many people complain about the line, I thought I would break out the TV tape of the Packers game and slow it down while taking some notes about the line.

This is a step by step breakdown of the first drive.

First and Ten:

We line up with a two tight end set; Dallas is in tight off of Castonzo, Wayne is wide left, Eldridge covering Link, with Garcon wide right. Offensive line from left to right is: Castonzo, Reitz, Saturday, Diem, and Linkenbach. Addai is the lone back.

Slow-mo shows just how much faster Wayne is at recognizing the snap than Garcon is. Reggie is already moving forward before Garcon even digs in to get going. But that doesn’t surprise me as Wayne has been known for his route running and ability to come off the line ever since he first came out of college. For those who can’t see this though, Reggie is two yards ahead of Garcon in just milliseconds. The Green Bay corners are giving Garcon and Wayne an 8 yard cushion.

Play action is to Joe Addai and Painter sets up. The pocket is strong, however keep in mind that we kept both TE’s in so we have a seven man front against five rushers. Link gets turned inside, so Eldridge picks his man up while Link spins around and resets. The protection is fantastic as it should be with seven on five but no one is even close to Painter when he releases the ball. The ball has a lot of zip on it but is a little high, Wayne tries to make an adjustment on the ball and does a good enough job to get his hands on but drops it. The ball was certainly a catchable ball that Wayne usually pulls in.

Second and Ten:

Same formation as the last play only with Garcon and Wayne in tighter. Packers show blitz to the point that Woodson is almost on top of his right end. Painter motions as if he is changing the play and the Packers back off one man but leave Woodson on the line. Now the strong safety returns as if he is run blitzing. The strong safety Burnett read the play perfectly as he saw run the entire way. Dallas gets away with an illegal block away from the play. It looks like Dallas slips and falls down and the right defensive end falls over the top of him. Link and Diem split a five foot hole between them and drive their men completely out of the play. Very, very impressive blocking by Diem and Link on this play! It’s just the way you hope it runs when you draw it up. Saturday has a questionable block to free Addai into the second level. Sorry just calling it like it is. Garcon has a great block on his man. Garcon’s block is so good that Addai has his choice to cut inside or out. He turns back inside, puts a small move on Hawk, and is eventually ran down by Hawk and the free safety Collins 19 yards down the field. Excellent blocking!

First and Ten:

This time it’s a little different formation than the first two plays. Eldridge is still covering Link, but Dallas is lined up as a split back to Painters left with Addai directly behind Painter. Reggie and Garcon are midway out. Packers show run blitz again. Eldridge takes out the blitzing safety, Dallas seals the backend, Diem springs through the line, while Link and Saturday make a four foot hole for Addai to run through. Reitz and Castonzo take three defensive linemen completely out of the play. Addai had his choice of holes here on each side of Saturday and he cuts back in between Reitz and Saturday. What comes next is rather disappointing. When Diem springs through the line he had a linebacker one-on-one and if he makes that block then Addai scores because Garcon has his man blocked, but Addai is forced back inside into several Packer defenders. Great blocking all around except for the one miss by Diem there. It’s an 8 yard gain but very easily could have gone the distance.

Second and Two:

Same formation as the second play with the receivers and tight ends in tight on the line. Link and Eldridge seal the right side while Saturday, Reitz, and Castonzo seal the left side. Again Diem is the man who springs free and this time he takes out the middle linebacker at the line of scrimmage. Addai probably read this wrong. Had he trusted Diem would make that block he had a nice hole to the right of Diem and Dallas is out front to pave the way for a nice gain. Saturday’s man comes free from his block and makes the stop two yards behind the line of scrimmage.

Third and Four:

Dallas, Brooks, and Garcon are tripped right with Brooks on the line and Dallas and Garcon two yards off the line. Wayne is the lone receiver to the left. Painter is in the shotgun with Addai just to his left. Painter motions to his right and Garcon motions back. Painter motions back again. Castonzo gets a great jump off the ball and seals the left quickly. Addai seemed surprised by it and almost trips over Castonzo as he makes his way to the left flat. Link’s man beats him badly to the outside and Painter is sacked. Link’s feet are just not quick enough to man that right side at tackle on passing downs. Link has been very impressive with run blocking this entire drive but his lateral movement is just not quick enough to play right tackle, especially in the shotgun. It wasn’t even a great move by the Clay Mathews. Everyone else had their men blocked and Saturday had position to secure the middle for any linebackers who might try to come up the middle. Wayne was open at the first down stick over the middle and with just a hair more time this would have easily been a first down and who knows if any more because Wayne had his man beat badly and I can’t see what is happening any further downfield, but it looks like some daylight.

Until we shore up that right tackle spot, we might have to play two tight end sets only because of the pass blocking on the right side. Our run blocking is terrific all across the board. This is the best we have been at run blocking in 10 years. I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but we can run the ball well with this personnel.

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Great write up and thanks for doing it. I did the same thing and the only thing I disagree with is your 2nd and 10. Watch it again, Eldridge takes the LB, Link follows until the LB he breaks free from Eldridge and then blocks him. When that happens, Addai is already past them all.

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Guest BlueShoe

great breakdown on the plays. I have said for awhile, I think we are really going to surprise people with our running game this year. Donald Brown haters beware, give him room and that guy can run wild

I agree. Once Brown gets into the second level he is very dangerous.

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Guest BlueShoe

Great write up and thanks for doing it. I did the same thing and the only thing I disagree with is your 2nd and 10. Watch it again, Eldridge takes the LB, Link follows until the LB he breaks free from Eldridge and then blocks him. When that happens, Addai is already past them all.

Thanks and I will go back and take a look at that. I didn't see your write up on it. Looking forward to reading that.

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Guest BlueShoe

The good thing about this is they are only gonna get better so thats a definite positive.

Hopefully we get Ijalana in the lineup sooner than later. His ability at right tackle would make this a terrific offensive line; pass blocking and run blocking.

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Great job. I'm pretty excited about the line this year. As you know, talent is only part of the equation. Working together and knowing what the guy next to you is going to do is about as important.

With time, and Ijalana's development, this line could be special for years.

And it's "write up" you knuckleheads!

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Guest BlueShoe

Great job. I'm pretty excited about the line this year. As you know, talent is only part of the equation. Working together and knowing what the guy next to you is going to do is about as important.

With time, and Ijalana's development, this line could be special for years.

And it's "write up" you knuckleheads!


Good catch.

I agree this line could be very special.

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Hopefully we get Ijalana in the lineup sooner than later. His ability at right tackle would make this a terrific offensive line; pass blocking and run blocking.

Yea i had hoped they would give Ben a chance since they moved Diem there, they say they arent gonna try him at guard so that definitley says he's going to be the LT but when though.

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Thanks and I will go back and take a look at that. I didn't see your write up on it. Looking forward to reading that.

I just meant I looked at plays in slo mo. It takes a lot of time to do a write up like you did and, to be honest, mine would pale in comparison to yours so I will forgo it.

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Guest BlueShoe

lol, I caught it when I came back to this thread and edited mine.

Don't worry. I did it too and changed mine as well. lol

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Guest BlueShoe

I just meant I looked at plays in slo mo. It takes a lot of time to do a write up like you did and, to be honest, mine would pale in comparison to yours so I will forgo it.

You're far too kind. ;)

Funny story though. After I wrote this yesterday I drove to the gas station and the guy at the gas station noticed me in some Colts gear and he was new there, but had one of the long time workers training him in. I am usually kind of quiet when I go to the gas station. I say hi and thank you and all that stuff, pay for what I am getting and I am on my way.

Yesterday was a little different. The new guy asks me if the Colts are going to be good this year. I said, well we really only have two weaknesses right now outside of Peyton's uncertainty of a return and that is at corner with Lacey and at right tackle with Link. Our defensive line is as good as it has been in several years and it's deep and our offensive line is the best I have seen it in 10+ years. We just need to shore up the right tackle spot but I think Ijalana is going to get there soon enough, until then we might see a lot of 2 Tight End Sets so that Eldridge can help Link out a bit. That might hinder our offense some and we might see some lower scoring games because of it, but certainly more rushing yards per game and definitely more ball control from us.

And then I look up at the guy and said, but you probably already know that, right? Thinking that he was asking because he actually followed the Colts. He said shaking his head, Uh I haven't been able to see them play yet this year. The guy training him had a look on his face like where the heck did this guy go, to Colts College or something? I never elaborate on anything while I am in there and yesterday I just go off on this Colts rant. lol

I was just in the mindset to talk Colts football like I would with someone from here and the real world just doesn’t always get that. :)

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You're far too kind. ;)

Funny story though. After I wrote this yesterday I drove to the gas station and the guy at the gas station noticed me in some Colts gear and he was new there, but had one of the long time workers training him in. I am usually kind of quiet when I go to the gas station. I say hi and thank you and all that stuff, pay for what I am getting and I am on my way.

Yesterday was a little different. The new guy asks me if the Colts are going to be good this year. I said, well we really only have two weaknesses right now outside of Peyton's uncertainty of a return and that is at corner with Lacey and at right tackle with Link. Our defensive line is as good as it has been in several years and it's deep and our offensive line is the best I have seen it in 10+ years. We just need to shore up the right tackle spot but I think Ijalana is going to get there soon enough, until then we might see a lot of 2 Tight End Sets so that Eldridge can help Link out a bit. That might hinder our offense some and we might see some lower scoring games because of it, but certainly more rushing yards per game and definitely more ball control from us.

And then I look up at the guy and said, but you probably already know that, right? Thinking that he was asking because he actually followed the Colts. He said shaking his head, Uh I haven't been able to see them play yet this year. The guy training him had a look on his face like where the heck did this guy go, to Colts College or something? I never elaborate on anything while I am in there and yesterday I just go off on this Colts rant. lol

I was just in the mindset to talk Colts football like I would with someone from here and the real world just doesn’t always get that. :)


great work, link is a beast for run plays, same with eldridge i expect a lot more tighter boot leg plays as well

no way you can post the video with the write up eh;)

id love to visually see this write up

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You're far too kind. ;)

Funny story though. After I wrote this yesterday I drove to the gas station and the guy at the gas station noticed me in some Colts gear and he was new there, but had one of the long time workers training him in. I am usually kind of quiet when I go to the gas station. I say hi and thank you and all that stuff, pay for what I am getting and I am on my way.

Yesterday was a little different. The new guy asks me if the Colts are going to be good this year. I said, well we really only have two weaknesses right now outside of Peyton's uncertainty of a return and that is at corner with Lacey and at right tackle with Link. Our defensive line is as good as it has been in several years and it's deep and our offensive line is the best I have seen it in 10+ years. We just need to shore up the right tackle spot but I think Ijalana is going to get there soon enough, until then we might see a lot of 2 Tight End Sets so that Eldridge can help Link out a bit. That might hinder our offense some and we might see some lower scoring games because of it, but certainly more rushing yards per game and definitely more ball control from us.

And then I look up at the guy and said, but you probably already know that, right? Thinking that he was asking because he actually followed the Colts. He said shaking his head, Uh I haven't been able to see them play yet this year. The guy training him had a look on his face like where the heck did this guy go, to Colts College or something? I never elaborate on anything while I am in there and yesterday I just go off on this Colts rant. lol

I was just in the mindset to talk Colts football like I would with someone from here and the real world just doesn’t always get that. :)

That is a funny story. That is why I like this forum so much. I have one family member and one friend that I can talk in depth football about. All the rest just kind of look at me and say, "All I said Go Colts.".

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That is a funny story. That is why I like this forum so much. I have one family member and one friend that I can talk in depth football about. All the rest just kind of look at me and say, "All I said Go Colts.".

Hey, you should try living in Bama (and being a Buckeye to boot)! The only pro team they know about is the Crimson Tide. Occasionally I run into people who work with Powers mother or knew Mathis from his A&M days. And for most of them, Peyton is a bad memory.

I wish someone could talk to me like BlueShoe did with the guy at the gas station.

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Hey, you should try living in Bama (and being a Buckeye to boot)! The only pro team they know about is the Crimson Tide. Occasionally I run into people who work with Powers mother or knew Mathis from his A&M days. And for most of them, Peyton is a bad memory.

I wish someone could talk to me like BlueShoe did with the guy at the gas station.

If I could have talked my wife into it, we'd be packing our house up now to move to Bama. There was an old plantation house in Dallas County on 17 acres for sale that was my dream property and it was within the range I am willing to spend. But since we live in the middle of nowhere right now in the California high desert my wife said when we move it will be close (within 10 miles) of everything we want to do.

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Who starts at RT if Diem is set at guard? Please don't tell me we are going to start two rookies at Tackle... cause I just don't think that will happen. Looking though our oline depth there just isnt many options. None of this would have happened if we could have resigned CJ.

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Who starts at RT if Diem is set at guard? Please don't tell me we are going to start two rookies at Tackle... cause I just don't think that will happen. Looking though our oline depth there just isnt many options. None of this would have happened if we could have resigned CJ.

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Who starts at RT if Diem is set at guard? Please don't tell me we are going to start two rookies at Tackle... cause I just don't think that will happen. Looking though our oline depth there just isnt many options. None of this would have happened if we could have resigned CJ.


Ijalana isn't ready yet.

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I gotta say some of you guys over exaggerate alot, Lets ignore the fact that the packers have a top ranked defense, better yet lets ignore the fact thats its his 2nd year.... I think freeney was the one who said it perfectly tackles dont come into their own until a few years, link is only gonna get better with time, he's obviously not weak. Is jonothan ogden from the ravens horrible because freeney use to hand it to him? no he wasnt lol jheezus

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remember Linkenbach played last year rather... averagely.... at RT last year, tbh there was a drop off when Diem went down, but Peyton made it look like there wasn't one. With Painter, ya we need more time but Manning survived and did pretty well with Linkenbach at RT, i hope Eldridge plays on his side alot in order for us to get run plays in, but Manning won't need that Max Protection. its like Diem was an 80 in a Madden Rating in RT and Linkenbach is like a 74. If Painter starts, which he won't, then ya i think there may be a big problem

I just can't wait till Ijalana develops and replaces Linkenbach, imagine that

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Thanks for the breakdown, BlueShoe, I feel a lot better about the Colts OL now. All these years, it has always depended on Peyton. Wish Howard Mudd had retired years ago. By mid-season, this could be a running team first and Peyton will have some awesome stats.

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