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On a roll Colts defeat Jags

I don't know who flipped the switch,but this team is really clicking on almost all cylinders The offense has really been effective and balanced ever since they started running the hurry up...Luck has looked very sharp and is spreading the ball around to his many options and everybody has stepped up and contributed, Hilton has re-emerged and Whalen has been making key plays, Fleener has been so close to making big plays, but hasn't made (some of) them. The running game wasn't real sharp today, bu



Solid Colts knock off Chiefs

This was a team that for the past 6 weeks, could not play football...could not throw the ball, run the ball, stop the run or stop the pass and was not all that solid on special teams, could not make third downs, score touchdowns, get takeaways, pressure the QB, really could not do much of anything, I felt their play over that span would rank them as probably the worst team in the NFL (or very close)......fast forward: the past 2 weeks, they have looked very solid, not spectacular.... but flashy



Colts/Texans-Colts football is back (finally)

It's been a long time since this team has shown that kind of production, a very good overall complete team win. Offense: the game was set up early by Brown's running (then he missed the rest of the game ) Richardson has looked a lot better the past few weeks and had a very good game today. The recievers are taking turns stepping up, last week Rogers and Brazill, today it was Whalen, Hilton was again a factor after a month of being a non factor, along with Fleener and the backs, give Luck more th



Colts/Bengals-AFC South champs

In spite of the recent events, we are the AFC south champs, which is not the only goal everybody had, but it certainly isn't a bad thing One thing this has brought to light, at least to me, is what I have said (many times) the 2-14 colts, were not a bad football team, we all have seen what injuries can do to a team and when a "key" player is lost (Reggie) it can have a major effect on the entire team and process, so when a player (Manning ) is lost for the year and the team struggles, that doesn



Donald Brown vs Titans (very small step in the right direction)

That was a step in the right direction....there is still plenty of concerns, but a better all around performance. The difference in the game....Brown and 4 takeaways. This team would be lost without Brown's running, there really wasn't much production from the running game, until the last drive, there really wasn't much production from the offense, until the final drive. Luck did a good job of spreading the ball around, getting Brazill and Havili involved and some good plays from Fleener. The He



Colts/Cards ( the meltdown continues)

Still trying to figure this last month out I know Reggie's injury is part of it and the rest of the guys are I.R are taking a toll, but ..................... The defense is only missing a few parts and that's a normal, every week scenario in the NFL, but they are being shredded, can't stop the run or pass The special teams have been going down hill The offense is a complete mess, Luck hasn't even looked that good, can't say their is no running game, because there never is when you are getting bl



Colts/Titans (Jekyll and Hyde continues)

What the ..... either you are a good team, or you are not......what is with this beat the really good teams, struggle with the rest.....CANNOT execute, until after halftime....there is an exceptable reason for why that might happen (not saying it is) although it's not something to be proud of....it is still about winning....and that is happening.....really,really strange season!!!!!!!!!! A couple of things really stood out....Donald Brown is playing lights out, which is a REALLY good thing, thin



Colts lose to Austin (Rams)

Cliche wagon.....you are never as bad as you look when you lose......are the Colts that bad? for 7 of the last 8 quarters of football they have played, they have looked like a team that probably wouldn't win many games, they are not as bad as they have looked in those 7 quarters, but...........why have they looked so bad? Again, this is not an off day,etc, it is almost total complete team meltdown. The defense , despite the score wasn't horrendous, wasn't really that good either. I mentioned las



Colts/Texans ( a tale of 3/1 quarters)

Is it possible to play a worse 2-3 quarters of football then we played last night..... throw in a turnover or 2 and the answer is no way, that's about as bad as it gets. Both the offensive and defensive lines were manhandled, the back seven was shredded, Davis looked like a practice squad player...no running game, no passing game, Luck even looked like a journeyman QB and the special teams had a complete meltdown. How can a team that leads their division and has the 3rd best record in the AFC, a



(almost) mid season report

On offense the passing game was good, but now with the #1 TE and the #1 WR out for the year, next man up is going to have to really step up, Hilton is a player just looking for more reps anyways and hopefully Heyward-Bey can start catching the ball more consistantly..... Brazil,Whalen,Reed and Rogers will all be giving a chance to fill that need, Fleener will probably get more activity, as well as more throws to the RB's The running game has been good with Bradshaw and Brown playing well, Richar



Colts cut NFL's all time greatest player (still unaceptable)

I have been trying for over a year now to leave this alone and move on, but...................with all the hype and hoopla with Manning coming to town, it's all coming back out and everyone is giving their opinions. I have made more posts than I care to count on this subject and have looked ( VERY ) deep into all the angles,etc I have been a Colts fan since 1968, so I know the history and have lived it, I was pretty young when the Unitas' Colts dominated and there have been a few (brief) runs




I often use cliches, because they make sense, every time I watch a game like that, that's the first thing I think..... they are not really...that bad. It is very hard to win in the NFL, I hear that every week. What I saw was a team that "looked" like they were not prepared to play a football game, like they just showed up...dropped passes, the defense was practically a non factor. I really don't know what or why that happened. It happens every week in this league, the Broncos struggled against t



Colts/Seahawks...statement game

That is why everyone loves football, kinda had a playoff feel to it, heard many say it was like a heavyweight fight, each side landing a punch and see who is standing at the end. I mentioned in my last blog that the Seahawks are considered one of the best teams in the league, that was quite an impressive performance by the team with the horseshoes, they started out a little slow and had the looks of a game that just might get away from us...... we weren't doing much on offense and really weren't



Colts defeat college team

Not sure how much can be measured by a victory over a team that would struggle in the NCAA........but it was a division game and the Jags usually give us a good game, despite their record. It was another complete all around team win: The offense had a good day, Luck passed for 260 yards, Reggie continues to impress (as always)....5-100-TD....Fleener had a good day (5-77-TD). The running game despite all the hype and hoopla hasn't really been all that good, the numbers are a bit skewed by Luck's



Colts/49ers-blueprint for success

That was the blueprint for winning football. We have heard since Pep took over about the power running game being the focus, today we saw a glimpse, I say a glimpse because when Richardson gets up to speed, it's going to be alot better, as it was Bradshaw and Richardson combined for 130 yards , with another 49 from Brown and Luck totals 179 yards!!!! Still not sure I will be the first in line yelling........run the ball...Luck's passing total ....164 I am always dissing on the O-line, they playe



Trent Richardson-good move?

My first reaction was shock, trade a first round pick, are you kidding me? For a RB, are you kidding me? I really like Ballard and Bradshaw, not many teams in this league have a RB listed at #3 on their depth chart, with the ability of Brown...are you kidding me? It took a while for the shock to wear off, then I gave it alot of thought....why would the Browns trade a guy they drafted #3 overall , would have been a #1 overall most years, a player who had a very good rookie season, on a team despe



Colts/Dolphins-stats do not win football games

Last week, there really wasn't much about the performance and game plan, that I liked and the result was a win......this week, there was so much more positive during the game and the result was a loss, backing up the notion that stats do not win football games Luck almost doubled his yardage from game #1 (321) Hilton and Fleener ,who were non factors last week, led the way with a combined 10-193 and a TD, the running game was a tad better, with Bradshaw and Brown combining for 95 yds (Bradshaw l



Colts vs Raiders: Vets win the game

Just like the pre season really doesn't answer many questions, neither does 1 game, after 3-4 games, there will be some type of pattern and a better idea of what to expect and where the team is at. With that being said, we entered week #1 vs a team , many felt was the worst (or close to it) team in the league and was playing at home and struggled mightily to come away with a victory, it still counts and that's the way it is in today's NFL. Some observations (that have yet to determine a pattern



The almost final 53 man roster-surprises?

There really weren't too many surprises on the almost final 53 man roster. There was only 1 player that I thought would make the roster, that didn't, that was Drake Nevis, that would qualify as a major suprise in my opinion and to take it a step further, I thought he was the best linemen we had....Redding, Jean-Francois and Moala are good players, but none of them would be considered elite, Mathews, like Nevis are younger and have improved each year, from what I have heard and saw, I was expecti



Does winning (or losing) in the pre season really matter? answer included

I am not sure why, but I seem to see everything different than alot of fans, does anyone really care if we win a pre season game? I know the goal is to win, every game you play, but really it means nothing....whether you win or lose a pre season game, there are many reasons for that, such as there are 90 players on the roster and only 53 of them will be on the active roster when the season starts, so that means 37 of these players won't be wearing a horseshoe come opening day, does anyone expect



Can Reggie "catch" Jerry Rice's marks?

I did a blog a few years back about Marvin Harrisons' chances of catching Jerry Rice's career marks, needless to say, Harrisons' career came to a screaching halt. What are Reggie's chances ? I doubt he will make a run for Rice's records, but...... The top 5 career leaders in yardage: 1. Rice-22,895 (41) 2. Terrell Owens-15,934 (37) 3. Randy Moss-15,292 (32) 4. Issac Bruce-15,208 (36) 5. Tim Brown-14,934 (36) 14. Reggie-13,063 Reggie is 9,832 yards behind Rice, that's a pretty good chunk for a 34



The keys to winning and the future of the Colts

There are several "keys" to success in the NFL, the key to the Colts success in years to come.....starts with Coach Pagano, I have always felt that when a coach or player grows up around football, he takes everything to another level, football is in their blood and they "get it", before I go any further, I will re address a topic............there are not alot of "leaders" in the NFL , that get it, all it takes to figure that out,is name how many organizations, win, over and extended period of ti



How will the roster shape up (summary)

On offense, it all starts around Luck, when you have a QB as great as he is, you will have a chance to win any game, any sunday. There are plenty of weapons in the passing game and the 2 TE's will probably be featured more this year, along with the running game becoming more of a priority, Bradshaw will give that a boost, teaming with Ballard to give us a very good duo, the O-line was the area that really needed to be upgraded and it was, time will tell, if it was upgraded enough. Heyward-Bey, I



How will the roster shape up (DB-K's)

CB: Davis-Toler-Butler-Vaughn-Gordy Davis had a very good first year with the team and more is expected this year, has the ability to be one of the best? Toler is somewhat unproven, but has all the tools to be a very good player and has looked great....Butler is one of the better #3 CB's around.....Vaughn has been targeted by some, he isn't a great player and probably not starting material, but as a #4 CB, I think has some value....Gordy adds depth and is very good on the special teams S: Bethea



How will the roster shape up (D-line/LB)

DE: Redding-Moala Redding adds much needed leadership and experience for a young team..........Moala has played well and could get more reps going forward NT: Franklin-Chapman-Hughes I think Franklin will open the season as the starter, but see Chapman taking over, sooner, rather than later.....Hughes is a force, just waiting to happen and has elite-level ability (potential) DT: Jean Francois-Nevis-Mathews Jean Francois is another player who provides leadership and experience and is a proven pla



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