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NFL draft top 40

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Pre Season-Some Questions Have Been Answered...some Not....

Pre season games, as far as won-loss records mean ...nothing, but they are not meaningless, they are necessary for finding out answers to many questions, mainly, who makes the cut and who doesn't. And they are necessary to get ready for the real games. It's very hard to understand why the Colts for the past decade (+) look so pathetic in these games and then go on to , at times, dominate the regular season, this is a very good team and very good teams, especially very good over an extended perio



Can the Colts win it all...this year?

Offense:   QB: Not much to worry about here, other than, can Luck keep avoiding that critical season ending hit and how much better will he be in year #4   RB: The best situation since the glory days of the Edge, Gore will surprise alot of people on just how good he is going to be this year, the only questions are who are the backups going to be and in what order * Many people forget how good Ballard was his rookie year, avg. 70 yds/gm, for the last 11 games of the season when he was getting mos



The NFL H.O.F. is missing a few (many) players

Just like anything, who's the best QB ever, best RB,etc, it's a matter of opinion and cases can be made for many-who deserves to be in the NFL Hall of Fame? As it stands, there is a select group of people who decide that and from I have seen from the media who cover sports, that should probably be changed, in baseball there are actually people who did not think Babe Ruth was Hall of Fame worthy-he did not get 100% of the votes, nobody ever has-Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Ted Williams-nobody. I have



How the roster will shape up

QB: Luck-Hasselbeck RB: Gore-Ballard-Herron TE: Fleener-Allen WR: Hilton-Johnson-Dorsett-Moncrief-Carter C: Harrison-Holmes G: Mewhort-Herremans-Thortan-Thomas T: Castonzo-Cherlius-Reitz   DT:Jones-Parry NT: Chapman-Hughes-Kerr DE: Langford-Anderson OLB: Mathis-Cole ILB: Jackson-Muamba ILB: Freeman-Irving OLB: Walden-Newsome-Werner CB: Davis-Butler CB: Toler-Smith S: Adams-McDonald S: Lowery-Geathers   P: McAfee K: Vinatieri LS: Overton   Those are the players I feel will (almost) certainly make



Undrafted free agents

As usual there are some really good looking players in this group, some of them sound better than the guys that were drafted and makes you wonder why at least a few them....went undrafted. QB: Bryan Bennett-S E Louisiana-6'2-211-4.7 Great athlete, duel threat QB who had 3165 yds passing and over 1,000 yds rushing his Jr season before getting injured, had the strongest throwing arm at the combines, tranferred to SE Louisiana, from Oregon, after losing his job to #2 overall pick M. Mariota,compar



Colts draft

Have to start with the obvious, this has nothing to do with Phillip Dorsett, I think he is going to be a very good player in the NFL, has rare speed and athletic ability and is a game changer, but there were a handfull of players who I feel were just as good that were sitting there who would have filled major needs, a DT and a lights-out Safety, to mention 2, I really don't care how many reps he gets this year, which probably isn't going to be a lot, as they say there is only 1 football....Hilto



Colts draft

Have to start with the obvious, this has nothing to do with Phillip Dorsett, I think he is going to be a very good player in the NFL, has rare speed and athletic ability and is a game changer, but there were a handfull of players who I feel were just as good that were sitting there who would have filled major needs, a DT and a lights-out Safety, to mention 2, I really don't care how many reps he gets this year, which probably isn't going to be a lot, as they say there is only 1 football....Hilto



NFL draft

One of my favorite times of the year, at least it is before....... I am always anxious to see how teams attempt to make their teams better and of course, always very anxious to see how our leaders go about making those very important decisions, I have always said and always will, everybody knows it's somewhat of a crapshoot, but I really don't think it's as hard as it's made out to be, I do this every year and with my 50-100$ budget, I can hold my own vs the league and even our leaders, with the



Draft needs

QB-Luck-Hasselback not a need area RB-Gore-Herron-Ballard-Tipton-Demps not a need area WR- Hilton-Johnson-Moncrief--Carter-Whalen-Brown not a need area TE- Fleener-Allen-Doyle-Swoope not a need area C-Holmes-Harrison (?) are either of them good enough? prob not- a priority need area G-Mewhort-Herremans-Thomas-Thortan-Louis-Heenan Should be at least 3 solid starters in that group- possible upgrade T- Castonzo-Cherilus-Reitz-Ulrick depends on Cherilus' health-possible upgrade DE-Jones-Langford NT-



Grading Grigson ( free agents +)

2012: The only player of note was Redding, who has been a big part of this era, with his experience and leadership, there were quite a few mid level players signed and none really stood out....Zbikowski-Avery-McKinney-McGlynn-Satele-Staton 2013: Again, there were quite a few players signed, including 1 big name player-Landry, who was just released. There were some productive or quality players....Hasselback-Toler-Butler-Cherilus-Francois-Havili-Bradshaw and Walden and some that didn't.....Frankl



Grading Grigson (draft)

2012: Started out with a bang, with one of the best offensive drafts in NFL history, stats-wise. Some credit has to be given for picking Luck, over RG 111. Followed by Fleener, Allen and trading up for Hilton, then adding Ballard and Chapman, if Ballard can get past the injury bug, I think he can be a very good player. Brazil was another pick who showed some promise, but off field issues led to his release. The other 3 picks didn't amount to much (Anderson-Fugger) although Harnish hung around on



A look at the roster (DB/special teams)

CB: Davis- one of the best all-around DB's in the NFL Toler- very good-some games, average-the others Butler- very good #3 CB, who excells at the hard to master skill of covering the slot receiver Gordy-adequate Very good at the top, with very little depth, This is an area where a team needs to have a lot of depth, Gordy and Bulter are free agents and should be a priority, especially Bulter, The Colts have aquired many players with off field issues in this new era, some have worked out, some ha



A look at the roster (DL-LB)

DE/DT: Redding- played well, but is on the down slide Jones- was supossed to be a difference maker, but missed a lot of games and when he was healthy, wasn't a consistent factor Moala- missed the year Jean-Francois- played ok Pendleton-missed year Nobody in this group strikes fear into the offense and only Jones would be considered above average and maybe that was the problem, not enough talent-overall and teams shifted their attention to him..............both lines need upgraded and it is harde



A look at the roster (OL)

OL-T: Castonzo has gotten better each year and is solid Cherilus is good, prob could use an upgrade, although that prob isn't going to happen until his contract is up Reitz- filled in for Cherilus and played as well, if not better and could move ahead of him. Ulrick- from last years draft class also fits into the mix and if he looks good, may move Rietz inside. Reitz is a free agent, his play and versatility should make him a priority re-signing ..............not an need area G: Thomas has misse



A look at the roster (QB-RB-TE-WR)

QB: Luck- the best young QB in the league and near the top of any list Hasselbeck- a luxury-for now, very good backup, could retire any year and is a free agent, but it's hard to walk away from a job that pays close to 4 million a year, to watch a football game, even at 39 will prob hang on a few more years.....it will be hard to find a quality backup like him, when that time comes....................hopefully not a need area RB: Bradshaw has been the most productive player, but injuries are a



Colts/*s ( Men vs boys)

Offense: QB- one of- if not the worst game he has played,to date RB- rushing-n/applicable receiving- whats that? Receivers- don't think there was an open receiver-all game??????????????????????? O-line- adequate Defense: (manhandled!) LB-n/applicable ( see below) DB- prob the only unit that would get a passing grade D-line- embarrasing, when they don't show up, makes it very hard for the back 7 to be a factor Special teams: Adam-not a good game McAfee- ditto Cribbs- bonehead of the game ( the



Colts/broncos (very good effort, needs to get better)

That is how you win postseason games, all 53 players doing their job, some stepping up and not making too many critical mistakes....we did make a few too many mistakes, but vs a team that was clearly not in sync, they weren't costly. Offense: there were not many individual outstanding games, just a lot of guys contributing, Luck's (27-43-265) numbers weren't great and the 2 interceptions were head scratchers, he did manage the game very well. Hilton (4-72) did enough and 8 players had reception



Colts/bengals ( good effort-needs to get better

A very good effort in all three phases and a nice tuneup, it's not going to be that easy vs the broncos and the *s, if it gets that far. Every defense wants to make the opposing offense, one dementional, the bengals were pretty much that way, before the game ever began. With their great WR (Green) and very good TE (Gresham) out, the Colts were able to stack the box vs their great RB (Hill) and limit him and in essence, shut them down. This is still the NFL and the post season and these teams ar



Colts/titans and on to the postseason

Mission successfull ( hopefully-injuries?)The mission was to win, try to get some mojo back and not lose anybody to injury...check, check and wait and see, as several players left the game with injuries, didn't seem like they were serious, but with next weekends game, the goal is to be at full strength or as close as possible, we will see. I will never be onboard or understand the mindset, that we play 16 games...regardless....Super Bowl appearances are few and far between, you will be lucky to



Thoughts on the talent level of the team

I have read quite a few opinions recently about how the Colts have an average to below average team and how Luck masks some of that, it's not a new opinion, heard it a few times during Peyton's tenure. Having a great QB, will mask some issues, but I always wondered how they would come to that conclusion, we as fans, tend to elevate our players and think they are the best, but it still didn't really make sense to me. We just had 5 selections to the Pro Bowl and have 2 additional players , who hav



Colts/cowboys ( a clinic on how to lose a football game)

Haven't seen too many games over the past 16 years, that looked that bad, a complete domination in all 3 phases of the game. Still not sure what it means, teams can look really bad, one week, then look dominant, the next, but this was really bad and so complete, I think there has to be something made of it, nothing surprises me anymore in the NFL, it only takes 3 wins in the postseason to get the Super Bowl and even teams with holes, can play really good, for a short stretch, I think one other



Colts/texans (Division champs)

Congrads on another division title...That's 4 wins in a row, we hear how teams that get on a roll at the end of the year, often carry that momentum into the postseason and how it's very hard to win in this league and last week, how we will never apologize for getting a win,but.............we also hear how, we need to be playing our best football in December and January...I hope hoping that despite this current wining streak, that is not our best football Offense: very pedestrian numbers for the



Colts/browns (barely!)

A win is a win,we always hear there are things to clean up and there is a lot of things to clean up, if this team wants to go very far in the postseason, mainly the alarming rate of penalties and turnovers, with a great QB and an explosive offense ( as we have witnessed for 16 years) you will always have a shot, but it's very hard and almost impossible to win in the postseason, when you are beating yourself Offense: Very good game for Luck (24-53-294 and 37 yds rushing) Good move drafting a QB



Colts/redskins (Luck dominates)

The stats are a little misleading, it's not that the redskins were all that competative, but it wasn't quite the dominating game it appears to be, thanks to and endless array of big plays, the redskins were forced to play from behind, most of the game and a game that started out very similar to last weeks, with a sack/strip on the games very first play and a interception the next time the offense was on the field and the defense, much like the offense, made big plays to overcome, inonsisitent-ov



Colts/jags ( daddy Hilton leads bounce back game)

Solid all around effort from all 3 units, but with that being said, that effort was vs prob the wost team in the NFL and it took a while to get it going, the way the game started, there had to be doubts it was even going to end up with a victory Offense: Lucks 300+ yardage streak came to end at 8 games, 2nd all time behind Brees' 9. Luck finished 21-32-253 and added 49 yrds rushing, showcasing one of the reasons, he is one of the leagues elite. New daddy Hilton got his new baby girl a TD and led



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