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A 2nd Colts Fan Forum League (Andy246)


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Hey guys!

I've gotten great responses for our first league (which is full). I've gotten a few other guys saying that they would like to join, but because it's full they can't. Well here's your lucky day. If you are not apart of the other league and would like to play fantasy football, here's your chance.

I'm looking for :

- 11 interested people (may accept 9)

- Have Yahoo Accounts

- Are a part of this forum

Just drop me a message here and I'll send you more information. The draft will be in late August.

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Ok, I've now joined. Slight proiblem for me is that being based in the UK, the draft will be after midnight UK time so I won't be able to take part live. Is it possible to set preferred positions in the yahoo game? (i.e. draft QB 1st round, RB 2nd round etc) If not then this is going to be a problem for me...

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Ok, I've now joined. Slight proiblem for me is that being based in the UK, the draft will be after midnight UK time so I won't be able to take part live. Is it possible to set preferred positions in the yahoo game? (i.e. draft QB 1st round, RB 2nd round etc) If not then this is going to be a problem for me...

Well the draft is going to be at 1230 in England. Unless you're very young, you can stay up until 1230. Then you can partake in the early and middle rounds, then go to bed.

There will be no preferred positions. I've never been a fan of that, and not many people like it. Sorry :(

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Guys, this league is not looking good in terms of numbers. English Colts left, so we need 6 more guys. Why don't you guys ask around the forum, because if we don't have 10 guys by the 15th or so, I'll have to close this one down.

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I changed the draft date to August 25th at 730. I figured, people should be there on the weekend, it's just after supper, but before the time where some of you guys like to go out (I assume).

Is it good for everyone?

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I changed the draft date to August 25th at 730. I figured, people should be there on the weekend, it's just after supper, but before the time where some of you guys like to go out (I assume).

Is it good for everyone?

sounds great. thanks for putting this together Andy. Should be a fun league for me to win ;)

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Guys, here's how it's looking:

- We need 2 guys by August 15th

- Once we get that, we need 2 guys by the August 21st

Im doing this because, I don't want to just get a few guys at the last second, that aren't even that interested. We need to get guys that are excited.

Ok, so that's that.

Now, I don't really know many of you guys, so to make this more friendly and even comfortable, I think we should say a bit about ourselves. I'll toss out a few questions, with my answers in brackets:

1. Where you from? (Montreal, Canada)

2. Job (don't have to answer it if you don't feel comfortable)? (Journalist, Semi-Pro Golfer, and Football Coach during Fall)

3. How long you've been doing fantasy football? (6 years, with about 32 leagues)

4. Your favorite team? (Colts)

5. Your favorite player? (Peyton Manning)

6. Why you decided to do Fantasy Football, and why this league? (This is a great forum, and it'd be nice to have fun while getting to know some of you guys better).

If we answer these questions, everyone will be a bit more familiar with each other and it will make it more enjoyable. And if you're wondering if you did this in preschool, you did.

Cheers guys!

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ok, let´s go

I´m from Innsbruck, thats in austria (central-europe), working as a Driver (car parts) and as filmer & "Stats Guy" for a local amateur football team. Of course I´m a Colts fan (since 04) otherwise I wouldn´t be here, my fav player is every Colt & Peyton.

That will be my fourth year of fantasy football, probably about 20 leagues...

this is my first yahoo-league normally doing nfl.com, I´m always searching for active leagues!

btw Drafttime is 01:30 am in central europe, but that´s no problem for me.

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1. Where you from? (Fort Wayne, IN)

2. Job (Own and manage a retail building with a few small businesses)

3. How long you've been doing fantasy football? (10 years, lots of leagues)

4. Your favorite team? (Colts)

5. Your favorite player? (Reggie Wayne)

6. Why you decided to do Fantasy Football, and why this league? (I love fantasy football and thought it would be really fun to do a league with some of the guys from the forum).

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If there is still room I want it!

1. Where you from? Jasonville, IN about 20 minutes south of Terre Haute

2. Job: Private Investigator

3. How long you've been doing fantasy football? Around 5 years

4. Your favorite team? Colts of course

5. Your favorite player? Peyton Manning/Drew Brees

6. Why you decided to do Fantasy Football, and why this league? New to the forum and looking to meet new and fellow Colts fans!

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If there is still room I want it!

1. Where you from? Jasonville, IN about 20 minutes south of Terre Haute

2. Job: Private Investigator

3. How long you've been doing fantasy football? Around 5 years

4. Your favorite team? Colts of course

5. Your favorite player? Peyton Manning/Drew Brees

6. Why you decided to do Fantasy Football, and why this league? New to the forum and looking to meet new and fellow Colts fans!

There is my good man!

If you scroll up to the top of this thread, you'll see a link to join. Click it and register for the league.

Once you're done that, just come back to this forum and post your team name.

Thanks for your response!

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'The Replacement Refs' here:

1. Where you from? (Indianapolis, IN)

2. Job? (Team Leader of outbound truck operations for a well known package delievery service. :shh: )

3. How long you've been doing fantasy football? (6 years with about 5-10 leagues per year)

4. Your favorite team? (Homer pick = Colts, Other = Bears, Others this year = Lions, Falcons, Bills)

5. Your favorite player? (Tough one... Vet = Drew Brees, Rookie = ANDREW LUCK :foam: )

6. Why you decided to do Fantasy Football, and why this league? (I decided to play fantasy football starting 6 years ago as a way to get more involved while watching the sport. I used it as a tool to broaden my knowledge past my hometown Colts. I joined this league because I would like to be a contributing member of the forum every week and doing this should open up so great conversation).

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Do an ESPN one please!!

Yahoo has consistently been rated as the best FF site and has the most users. Im sorry, but I'm not going to make one on ESPN when realistically it would be you, me, and a couple other people.

Coltsguy511, it would make more sense for you to make an Yahoo Account (it's very easy and quick) and play on Yahoo. There are tons of fantasy games and there are many good apps like Finance, or Sports, or Mail.

I'd like to have you in this league, because I like reading your comments.

Consider it!

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My team is Im Feelin LUCKy!!

The draft is on a saturday right?

That's very funny, because in my some of my other leagues my name is Andrew Feels Lucky and in one it's Im Feeling Lucky. For this league, it's Pagano Crime Family, so I like your name.

The draft is Sat. Aug 25 at 730. I figured it's after dinner, and if you like to go out, it's before that.

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