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Painter Works Out For Ravens [Merge]


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It's official.....Painter signed to a one year deal to the Ravens.

I guess we have Jim Caldwell to thank for the # 1 pick for leaving Curtis Painter in so long last year. I guess hippies have the last laugh on 4/20 lol.

Edited by Coltssouth
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Thank you! I love the Colts and I love Peyton Manning. I will never forget when Bill Parcells stated "With Peyton Manning out, it gives the Colts an excuse to lose." I cringed when he said it....and when we were 0-13 with horrific back-up quarterback play i remembered how prophetic that statement was.

I thought Orlovsky should have been the backup at the beginning, but then again nobody thought THE MAN would be out for the entire year.

As for Painter's employment...I say good luck, but there is a horse styling salon in Kentucky called "Mane Clips." He can either work there or get a haircut. :)

again, I agree. I think Polian and Irsay have a lot of blame for the loosing season. It was clear in Painter's 1st game that he was not the back up the Colts needed and yet...definition of insanity.. they kept playing him again, again and the whole Kerry Collins thing and letting Tom Moore get away when the offense needed his mind the most (he is brilliant IMO) good grief! I don't think any player stats for 2011 should count against them, LOL... poor management, poor coaching. I totally agree if Orlovsky had been in and the Colts won more games, Peyton would still be wearing the horse shoe.. but here we are looking at the dawn of a great new season...

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You weren't even one of the people who posted a joke, yet you persist. Were you personally offended by the fact that some here thought that the general tone of that thread was off-putting? Do you not find that ironic? You have now invested 5% of your entire history of posts on this site essentially bemoaning the fact that the sites standards have - what - risen in your opinion? Take that up with the moderators, and good luck to you.

We are both free to say whatever we want within the rules of the forum. It isn't that complicated, and you are no more required to walk on eggshells that I am to laugh at things that aren't actually funny. Now go find someone else to annoy.

What does my post count have to do with anything? I have a job and can't spend all day on these forums. Your post struck a "morally superior than thou" tone, so I said something about it. Next time I'll just ignore it. Now go lord yourself over the people in the main forum making fun of Skip Bayless.

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I think the bottom line here is people have different ideas of humor. I like a teasing humor based on appearances like shecolts emotion-icon Of Tom Brady. Some people that absolutely despised Painters QB play do seem to 'cut' a little deeper into sardonic humor. I rooted for the man every week as we continued to get worse and worse as a football team.

I cannot feel sorry for Painter because he was drafted to play a sport he loved. He made 500K last year. HMMMM....I wonder if I could pay my bills on that? I could have retired in 1987 after 1 year of work on that .

That is why I stated first about "Polian's continued statement that if he had a backup QB he would still have a job." I mixed humor in mine to have fun with my forum friends, and I want anyone on here to know that my humor was not meant to offend or be hurtful. Mine was merely a play on words via the Painter name and his long-haired look. (ala the Brady pic) Good luck Curtis Painter. You still have to "make the team."

I remember once taking a stroll through a park with my wife and her sister. The two were thoroughly engrossed in conversation and I was bored, entertaining myself by sticking my two cents in where I could. Just then about 50 feet in front of us I noticed an absolutely enormously fat woman. She was walking slowly - blocking most of the path - and she was wearing an equally enormous brightly colored shirt - left half green, right half red. You couldn't miss her from a helicopter. I said: "Should we pass to port or starboard?".

Now I thought that this was fiendishly clever, and if one of my friends (or sisters/brother) had been there we would have hurt ourselves laughing. My sister-in-law (whom I hadn't thought was even listening) only paused her rambling dialogue long enough to correct my nautical reference - "port is red, starboard is green". Neither one of them even smirked. I was bitterly disappointed and was left to wonder what exactly it was that I had married into. Yes, people have very different senses of humor, and they can also vary day to day or even hour by hour.

Or maybe my sister-in-law was put-off because she felt that she carried a few extra pounds herself. There was no danger of her blocking the path, but she might have been sensitive to the topic. Similarly the "joke" would have taken on an entirely different context if I had said it to the woman directly. That would be just cruel, and I would never have entertained such a thought in a million years.

In our context here, I see absolutely nothing wrong with Brady jokes. We make fun of his appearance, but he is adored by millions for these same "deficits". He's married to a Super Model for crying out loud. Ours are the grumblings of a disenchanted adversary, and would be easily dismissed by Brady's legions of fans as either inane fabrications or petty jealousy. I don't think it would exactly hurt Brady's feelings if he saw it. Da ya think perhaps that people have a somewhat different intent when they belittle Painter? How do you think he would feel if he read it? Not cool at all.

I don't mean to paint with a broad brush. Many of the comments were harmless, and I thought that CCH and 21isSupermans was amusing. But many of them have the tone "you hurt us, now I'm going to hurt you". Their not "knocking the enemy's hero down a peg", or "teasing a friend", they're just bile and vinegar. What did he do to deserve this exactly? This isn't John Elway, Art Schlichter, Jeff George, Bob Irsay, or Joe Thomas", it's just a nice kid who did his best.

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What does my post count have to do with anything? I have a job and can't spend all day on these forums. Your post struck a "morally superior than thou" tone, so I said something about it. Next time I'll just ignore it. Now go lord yourself over the people in the main forum making fun of Skip Bayless.


OK, for the record. You don't need to defend your post count. There is absolutely no correlation between quantity and quality. The fact that I have more posts than you means absolutely didly. I mentioned yours purely because I thought it was ironic that you have responded to this thread over and over and over and over and over and over coming after me in particular - while complaining about the forum tone changing and it becoming more difficult to post here. Specifically the not so subtle hint that people like me are diminishing your posting experience. I thought it was relevant that you've barely posted at all.

Secondly, my cord struck a morally superior tone because I was taking a morally superior position. The fact that this offends you is also ironic. That isn't to say that my opinion is more valid than yours. We are all equal here, and I don't consider myself to be superior in any way shape or form. Once again, I'll post my opinions, and you post yours. Not that complicated.

Now go clean your perception filter and take that chip off your shoulder. If my comments strike a cord with you, you might want to pause and consider why.

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I remember once taking a stroll through a park with my wife and her sister. The two were thoroughly engrossed in conversation and I was bored, entertaining myself by sticking my two cents in where I could. Just then about 50 feet in front of us I noticed an absolutely enormously fat woman. She was walking slowly - blocking most of the path - and she was wearing an equally enormous brightly colored shirt - left half green, right half red. You couldn't miss her from a helicopter. I said: "Should we pass to port or starboard?".

Now I thought that this was fiendishly clever, and if one of my friends (or sisters/brother) had been there we would have hurt ourselves laughing. My sister-in-law (whom I hadn't thought was even listening) only paused her rambling dialogue long enough to correct my nautical reference - "port is red, starboard is green". Neither one of them even smirked. I was bitterly disappointed and was left to wonder what exactly it was that I had married into. Yes, people have very different senses of humor, and they can also vary day to day or even hour by hour.

Or maybe my sister-in-law was put-off because she felt that she carried a few extra pounds herself. There was no danger of her blocking the path, but she might have been sensitive to the topic. Similarly the "joke" would have taken on an entirely different context if I had said it to the woman directly. That would be just cruel, and I would never have entertained such a thought in a million years.

In our context here, I see absolutely nothing wrong with Brady jokes. We make fun of his appearance, but he is adored by millions for these same "deficits". He's married to a Super Model for crying out loud. Ours are the grumblings of a disenchanted adversary, and would be easily dismissed by Brady's legions of fans as either inane fabrications or petty jealousy. I don't think it would exactly hurt Brady's feelings if he saw it. Da ya think perhaps that people have a somewhat different intent when they belittle Painter? How do you think he would feel if he read it? Not cool at all.

I don't mean to paint with a broad brush. Many of the comments were harmless, and I thought that CCH and 21isSupermans was amusing. But many of them have the tone "you hurt us, now I'm going to hurt you". Their not "knocking the enemy's hero down a peg", or "teasing a friend", they're just bile and vinegar. What did he do to deserve this exactly? This isn't John Elway, Art Schlichter, Jeff George, Bob Irsay, or Joe Thomas", it's just a nice kid who did his best.

MAC....I care what you think! I am not happy with your stance. Funny is in the eye of the beholder......I need your to respect this philosophy! I tell it like it is..and will forever. You are a great guy! Please do not slam on GOOD humor.....I love good football...This fan base backed Curtis. I was on Colts.com and Direct.....Painter will NOT make the Ravens. Good luck to him!!!
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MAC....I care what you think! I am not happy with your stance. Funny is in the eye of the beholder......I need your to respect this philosophy! I tell it like it is..and will forever. You are a great guy! Please do not slam on GOOD humor.....I love good football...This fan base backed Curtis. I was on Colts.com and Direct.....Painter will NOT make the Ravens. Good luck to him!!!

I'm not clear on whether you got my point. I thought that my one liner was GREAT humor, but should I have gone up to the fat woman and humiliated her? Is it OK to go to a Special Olympics event to make fun of the participants too? :P I certainly wouldn't respect THAT philosophy."Telling it like it is" is not always a good thing. Now if you are talking about teasing a bald friend or something, who cares. Well maybe the friend, but you'd find that out soon enough. :)

I find it hard to believe that your views are different than mine on the appropriateness of cruelty - you are one of the nicest people on here. I'm wondering if you simply think that Painter - as a public figure who earns a good living - should be exempt from the kid gloves. No problem. We don't have to agree on everything.

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Well ive got something to say.As far as the Painter situation I along with every Colts fan suffered through it,every week wishing him and my Colts to do well.It didnt turn out well,and i wish him the best,I agree with Brent dont think he will make the team,but if he does its not my problem,its the Ravens.I have no ill feelings toward him and wish him the best,hope he fits in there.Id like to address something else,as far as my Brother Brent hes gonna say what he thinks,and may mix some humor in there,wich is good,hes not the only one.Southwest is another,i respect what these people say,as well as Kayla ,Gramz,Barry.Sarcasm can be a good thing and guess what its protected by Free speech,im tired of people walking on egg shell being afraid they might hurt someone feelings.If they arent wearing them on the shirt sleeve it wont happen,but if we cant voice our opinions and have healthy debate and just agree to disagree whats the use even bothering voicing an opinion,always looking over your shoulder.

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Id like to address something else,as far as my Brother Brent hes gonna say what he thinks,and may mix some humor in there,wich is good,hes not the only one.Southwest is another,i respect what these people say,as well as Kayla ,Gramz,Barry.Sarcasm can be a good thing and guess what its protected by Free speech,im tired of people walking on egg shell being afraid they might hurt someone feelings.If they arent wearing them on the shirt sleeve it wont happen,but if we cant voice our opinions and have healthy debate and just agree to disagree whats the use even bothering voicing an opinion,always looking over your shoulder.

I disagree!

That's a joke actually. People seem to like jokes here I've heard, although some are surely funnier than others.

Lets back up for a second. I objected to the tone of this thread, and voiced my opinion. In the process I started a healthy debate. I seem to recall someone mentioning this recently as a desirable outcome. If someone feels differently they are more than able to say so, and we'll just agree to disagree. There is no absolutely no more need for you to walk on eggshells in deference to me, than there is for me to walk on eggshells in deference to you. In other words, everything you mention goes both ways, and I don't see a victim here (other than perhaps Painter). Don't stifle your opinion on my account - PLEASE.

Every single person that you mentioned is on my friends list, and I enjoy them all enormously. They are all incredibly nice people who use warm humor and teasing as a means of social interaction. I've never seen any of them say a bad word about anyone. They actually DO seem to worry about hurting peoples feelings - many on here do not - so it's odd that you would hold them up as an example.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I happen to agree with MAC. Others don't share our opinion.

As long as one abides by forum rules, there is nothing wrong with sharing differing opinions.

However, this thread has gotten so far derailed that I feel the best thing to do is to close it.

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
    • I'm very interested in Carlie's as well.  I'm just not sold on our starting LB core.
    • I also forgot to say I think Buffalo will also have a down year. 
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