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Troy Aikman Rips Colleague Over Luck Criticism


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Brissett has gotten full time PT and the team plenty of time to work with him. 


Its not like Luck hogged the offseason PT then quit. 


If he would have retired immediately after the draft, nothing significant would have been different, IMO.

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Just now, DougDew said:

Brissett has gotten full time PT and the team plenty of time to work with him. 


Its not like Luck hogged the offseason PT then quit. 


If he would have retired immediately after the draft, nothing significant would have been different, IMO.

Yep. I don't think anything would have been different even if he retired before the draft. IMO Ballard and Reich wanted to give Brissett the chance to prove either way whether he's good enough or not and they seem to really like him. I don't think we would have drafted a QB because it wasn't a particularly good draft at QB. I think it's possible we would have gotten a vet backup QB like Fitzpatrick or something of the sort, but nothing major. 

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39 minutes ago, stitches said:

Yep. I don't think anything would have been different even if he retired before the draft. IMO Ballard and Reich wanted to give Brissett the chance to prove either way whether he's good enough or not and they seem to really like him. I don't think we would have drafted a QB because it wasn't a particularly good draft at QB. I think it's possible we would have gotten a vet backup QB like Fitzpatrick or something of the sort, but nothing major. 

I don't disagree that the end result will be that much different, but I think the reaction would have been much more favorable. The worst part about all this, Luck will forever be remembered for retiring at the last minute, right before the season. That part stinks, for him.

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1 minute ago, csmopar said:

I don't disagree that the end result will be that much different, but I think the reaction would have been much more favorable. The worst part about all this, Luck will forever be remembered for retiring at the last minute, right before the season. That part stinks, for him.

I said it in another thread and I will say it again - I don't believe this. There is no possible world where Luck retired this off-season and the fans wouldn't be upset, angry, frustrated, confused, shell-shocked, flabbergasted etc. NONE! Not if he retired the day after the KC game, not if he retired after the pro-bowl... not if he retired in March, not in May and not now...


There simply isn't a scenario where this wouldn't hurt and hurt like hell when you know this team is the best it's been since we got him and it's ready to compete and we just needed our franchise QB to be healthy. People now try to justify their reaction and say things "it was the timing, not the retiring"... "why right before the season", etc. My point is not to crush the fans for reacting badly at the stadium or even here and blasting off and ranting and feeling like their whole Colts world is crumbling... on the contrary - my point is - it's understandable, even if not ideal... but the fans would have felt betrayed and angry any time he retired this off-season. 


I personally think retiring without him even trying to get back on the field would have been much worse. He tried... he was trying for 5 months to get rid off a calf-strain pain... that then turned into Achilles worry... and then into 'little bone issues', then into ankle issue... and to come to the point where we don't know what exactly it is... He tried to come back. In my books he gave it his all, just his body betrayed him and he couldn't take anymore. 


I think we would have saved ourselves the embarrassment of  booing him on his way out off the field for the last time as a Colt... but that's about it. People still would be calling the local shows with their frustrations and wonky conspiracy theories, people would still have blasted and ranted on the forums and social media, people would still be calling Colts HQ to seek their money back for season tickets, etc. It is what it is... 



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15 minutes ago, stitches said:

I said it in another thread and I will say it again - I don't believe this. There is no possible world where Luck retired this off-season and the fans wouldn't be upset, angry, frustrated, confused, shell-shocked, flabbergasted etc. NONE! Not if he retired the day after the KC game, not if he retired after the pro-bowl... not if he retired in March, not in May and not now...


There simply isn't a scenario where this wouldn't hurt and hurt like hell when you know this team is the best it's been since we got him and it's ready to compete and we just needed our franchise QB to be healthy. People now try to justify their reaction and say things "it was the timing, not the retiring"... "why right before the season", etc. My point is not to crush the fans for reacting badly at the stadium or even here and blasting off and ranting and feeling like their whole Colts world is crumbling... on the contrary - my point is - it's understandable, even if not ideal... but the fans would have felt betrayed and angry any time he retired this off-season. 


I personally think retiring without him even trying to get back on the field would have been much worse. He tried... he was trying for 5 months to get rid off a calf-strain pain... that then turned into Achilles worry... and then into 'little bone issues', then into ankle issue... and to come to the point where we don't know what exactly it is... He tried to come back. In my books he gave it his all, just his body betrayed him and he couldn't take anymore. 


I think we would have saved ourselves the embarrassment of  booing him on his way out off the field for the last time as a Colt... but that's about it. People still would be calling the local shows with their frustrations and wonky conspiracy theories, people would still have blasted and ranted on the forums and social media, people would still be calling Colts HQ to seek their money back for season tickets, etc. It is what it is... 



Oh it would have hurt, but he wouldn't have been booed and it would be a LOT easier to defend and take.  But no, he led the fans on, intentionally or unintentionally, including throwing Saturday night pre-game, including last week in various ways, including last Saturday at the bills doing workouts.  I really think that's why some fans are so upset. 


Not just the timing, but the illusions that played out in front of their own eyes by Luck himself.  I get that he tried and that something in the last 10 days or whatever changed his mind, but the statements, the actions all the way up to Saturday is really upsetting to a lot of fans, myself included.  I can forgive the timing and believe the last week, he thought it over and changed his mind. But the nail in the coffin for that is the throwing Saturday( from all the pre-game tweets), combined with the quotes about how he was prepping for week 1 all last week, including some by Luck himself.  

Now, if he'd found something out Friday night that said he should retire physically, then I could even understand that, IF he wasn't throwing in front of fans before the game. 

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12 minutes ago, csmopar said:

Oh it would have hurt, but he wouldn't have been booed and it would be a LOT easier to defend and take.  But no, he led the fans on, intentionally or unintentionally, including throwing Saturday night pre-game, including last week in various ways, including last Saturday at the bills doing workouts.  I really think that's why some fans are so upset. 


Not just the timing, but the illusions that played out in front of their own eyes by Luck himself.  I get that he tried and that something in the last 10 days or whatever changed his mind, but the statements, the actions all the way up to Saturday is really upsetting to a lot of fans, myself included.  I can forgive the timing and believe the last week, he thought it over and changed his mind. But the nail in the coffin for that is the throwing Saturday( from all the pre-game tweets), combined with the quotes about how he was prepping for week 1 all last week, including some by Luck himself.  

Now, if he'd found something out Friday night that said he should retire physically, then I could even understand that, IF he wasn't throwing in front of fans before the game. 

Yeah... that's the one thing I don't think he ever learned how to handle - the promises to the fans for things he has little to no control over. I was saying the same thing earlier this month when I said the Colts are doing horrible job with the PR and everybody from Luck, Reich, Ballard to Irsay should just shut up about injuries and let a professional speak about projections of recoveries, etc. This was again badly handled. 


And him going out last week in front of the fans with the optics it creates while seriously leaning towards retirement was a HORRIBLE decision. And the way he explained it yesterday left me scratching my head even more(he basically said "I wanted to throw for one last time on the field"... like wth... with everybody watching and all cameras at you? You decided you wanted to give the fans hopes you will be ready game 1 while seriously contemplating retirement at the very same moment? wth are you thinking?). To me it feels like he doesn't understand what small signs and statements in front of the media do to the fans. Either that or he's a sociopath of some sorts and he doesn't look like one so... 


It's a shame the way it ended indeed. 

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1 minute ago, stitches said:

Yeah... that's the one thing I don't think he ever learned how to handle - the promises to the fans for things he has little to no control over. I was saying the same thing earlier this month when I said the Colts are doing horrible job with the PR and everybody from Luck, Reich, Ballard to Irsay should just shut up about injuries and let a professional speak about projections of recoveries, etc. This was again badly handled. 


And him going out last week in front of the fans with the optics it creates while seriously leaning towards retirement was a HORRIBLE decision. And the way he explained it yesterday left me scratching my head even more(he basically said "I wanted to throw for one last time on the field"... like wth... with everybody watching and all cameras at you? You decided you wanted to give the fans hopes you will be ready game 1 while seriously contemplating retirement at the very same moment? wth are you thinking?). To me it feels like he doesn't understand what small signs and statements in front of the media to the fans. Either that or he's a sociopath of some sorts and he doesn't look like one so... 


It's a shame the way it ended indeed. 

110% agree.  I said it Saturday, Ballard needs a new PR guy/gal/staff. 

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Great job Troy, I can't stand Gottlieb or Skip for that matter. The only thing I had a problem with Luck's retirement was the timing of it. He led us to think he was going to play. I was even 90% sure he would start in week 1 just by how he talked, etc.. Had he retired after last season (a week or 2 after the Chiefs loss) that would've been easier to take. He could've just said he was still playing in pain all season and was tired of doing so. 

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49 minutes ago, lollygagger8 said:

Good for Troy!  


I don't even know who this Doug dude is, but he sounds like an ID01T.  


Troy's also spot on about Bayless too. 

DG is a former Oklahoma State Basketball player who was never drafted in the NBA(spent 1 summer camp with the Lakers)


    The straw that broke camel’s back for us his ties to Eddie Sutton

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