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Bringing Back Wheeler


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I have no hard evidence that this will come to fruition, but the fact that we'll be shifting to a new defensive philosophy where we'll actually be aggressive and blitz leads me to believe that Phillip Wheeler will remain a Colt. When we drafted him out of GT he was one of the best blitzing LB's in college football. We forced a square peg into a round hole with him, but he came on pretty strong his last 2 years on both ST's and Defense. The kid has size, speed, and athleticism. What's not to like?!

My gut tells me that Pagano and Manusky will like this kid, and I wouldn't be suprised if he had double digit sacks next season...

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He has been improving every year he's been in the league. I like the way he plays and I'm definitely a fan. I would be happy if we brought him back. He seems like he has great character too; even after getting benched and losing his starting position, he never went to the media to say that the coaches were wrong and that they were forcing him to play a wrong position or anything. He kept his mouth quiet and kept working hard.

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He is a definite resign IMO. Didn't he make that amazing juggle/catch in the endzone a couple of years ago? He was not a great fit for our past defensive style but I think he as a perfect fit for the direction I feel we are going.

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He is better in coverage than any of our other LBs, he stops the run better than the rest, and he can rush the passer. He, Angry Pat, and Conner make a very solid LB core. He better be resigned, but I just wonder why it hasn't been done yet. It's not like he should be too expensive.

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He is a definite resign IMO. Didn't he make that amazing juggle/catch in the endzone a couple of years ago? He was not a great fit for our past defensive style but I think he as a perfect fit for the direction I feel we are going.

i agree he struggled in the past, but he def deserves a chance in the 3-4

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I wouldn't mind having Wheeler back but if we lose him it wont break my heart. I can go either way on him. If we bring back Brackett back I think him and Angerer will be our inside linebackers and that means we could have a log jam at OLB depending on what we do with Freeney and Mathis. Add to them we have Hughes who might factor in there and then the forgotten man from last year Conner. I loved Conner. If Angerer is the most underrated player in the NFL I hate to think what that makes Conner. He lead the NFL in tackles behind the line last year and was up there with Angerer most of the year in leading the league in tackles. So we might be over crowded at OLB before we add Wheeler to the mix. With that said Wheeler is at his best when we let him blitz. Frankly an OLB in a 3-4 is pretty much the same role as a DE in a 4-3, rush the passer. I think Wheeler might really excel at that. So like I said I could go either way on Wheeler.

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I've always liked Philip Wheeler since he was at Georgia Tech. If we used him in a similar role that Denver uses Von Miller, then I think he would excel. He's a talented linebacker who played very well last season. I hope we resign him because he shouldn't cost too much.

By the way, Miller plays the same position that Wheeler does at SLB in a 4-3. He doesn't need to be a 3-4 OLB to blitz and get pressure on the quarterback, as evidenced by Miller.

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I have no hard evidence that this will come to fruition, but the fact that we'll be shifting to a new defensive philosophy where we'll actually be aggressive and blitz leads me to believe that Phillip Wheeler will remain a Colt. When we drafted him out of GT he was one of the best blitzing LB's in college football. We forced a square peg into a round hole with him, but he came on pretty strong his last 2 years on both ST's and Defense. The kid has size, speed, and athleticism. What's not to like?!

My gut tells me that Pagano and Manusky will like this kid, and I wouldn't be suprised if he had double digit sacks next season...

I will be shocked if PW makes the team.

A player can either play or not... take Hughes...... fe.

He doesn't do anything...... anytime...... ST, starting... playing ball boy!!!!!!?????

Chap brought up a great point regarding Jerry on DD's show a week or two ago...

"when Mathis was a rookie... and played ST's he was an ANIMAL." Hughes playes ST's and .... the K/P dwarfes Jerry's T #'s for dudes........... CAREER I am thinking? Totally embarassing.....

Players can either play or not.... look at some film.

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