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Raiders making strong push for Gruden

dudley dawson

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My response to this is the same as it was in the Tampa Bay thread. A unique homecoming with something to prove would make a motivated coach out of Gruden and they should definitely try to get him.


Anybody else though, I just don't think it would be smart. It would be like Ditka's comeback, Spurrier, etc. He might win a few games but a few games is it and even if he won a bunch he probably wouldn't stay long. 

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If they are truly offering an ownership stake to a head coach, they are nuts. As much as I want Gruden here in indy, no head coach should get an ownership stake. That's just asking for problems down the road. Even the great Hoodie doesn't have ownership stakes.....

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I would have liked see Gruden coach the Colts but I would have had doubts about it working after hiring Chris Ballard this past January.


I know some don't think much of Gruden but I think he is a very good coach. The NFL needs good coaches on the sidelines and not in broadcast. 


I don't know the Raiders roster all that well but I was thinking they have plenty of talent plus whoever they have with early draft picks. He will have plenty of talent to work with. From a roster standpoint the Raiders might be the best situation for Gruden to inherit.

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39 minutes ago, King Colt said:

I hope you are thinking Chuck Roast because Pagano is the last guy the Raiders would ever consider. No nice guys allowed.


Thought it was common knowledge that Gruden's nickname was "Chucky"...

From his Wikipedia page:

While Gruden was with the Raiders, Gruden acquired his nickname "Chucky" from Raiders defensive lineman Grady Jackson, who thought that the coach looked like the fictional character "Chucky" in the 1988 movie Child's Play.. 

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17 hours ago, csmopar said:

If they are truly offering an ownership stake to a head coach, they are nuts. As much as I want Gruden here in indy, no head coach should get an ownership stake. That's just asking for problems down the road. Even the great Hoodie doesn't have ownership stakes.....

Well Al Davis ended up crazy so maybe the apple don't fall far from the tree? haha

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The reality here is that Gruden's "success" is largely a mirage and his reputation far outweighs his actual record.


In the 6yrs following TB's SB Title in Jan 2003, JG was 45-51 in the regular season and 0-2 in the post-season.  In large part, the Buc's D was considered by many as a foundational piece of the NFL's next dynasty after winning SB37.  Gruden, however, was at the helm as their success immediately undermined any hopes of a dynasty.  Instead, the locker room began to shut him (Gruden) off and they became just another franchise looking to rebuild.


Colt's fans should be hoping this guy ends up in Oakland IMO.



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I don't know why people keep putting a negative spin on the Gruden situation. He was never a bad coach, just an unmotivated one after he won so much so fast. That translates to the same unhappy ending yes but that's no reason to make something that it wasn't out of it. This is all following 3 years of defending another coached who just plain sucked. 

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8 hours ago, PickledColt said:

I like Gruden but I think that he is a little overrated. I think he is a good coach and motivator but Belichik he is not.

He's pretty good though. If it wasnt for poor officiating (tuck rule), Gruden would have won with a warm weather team traveling from the west coast and up ended the patriots on the their home turf.  Not shabby

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