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Peyton Manning: ''Will He Ever Return To Indianapolis?"

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6 hours ago, CF4L said:


I think he's glad Irsay gave up on him but he's not going to forget being tossed aside that easily either(I mean he chose to retire with Denver not that it matters but Irsay wanted him to do that lame one day contract thing and Manning declined and sure someone will say he was still under contract with Denver. They weren't going to bring him back they wouldn't have cared where he went after that SB)


He might've been cool with Irsay had he not made those comments about Star Wars numbers and how he wants players who win more than 1 ring. I mean even the Patriots didn't say this about Drew Bledsoe and him being hurt was one of the best things to happen to that franchise. You say this about the dude that kept you from being on par with the Browns right now? 


Jimbo dumped him because he was old, injured and expensive and thought Andrew Luck could easily replace Peyton Manning.


And well look at them now.


He likes his memories from the Colts and the fans  but I hold no delusions that he loves the Colts enough to want to work here either. 



Gave up on and tossed aside?  :facepalm:

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If the situation is right yes he will.  He’s come back three times since he retired to be honored by the Colts.  He wouldn’t do those things if he truly hated Irsay, see Bobby Knight refusing to ever go back to IU for an example of someone who truly hates the “person who wronged him.”  He’s to the point he even requested they leave him out of a statue.  


However, the situation is going to have be right.  I don’t think he’s going to put himself in a spot he can be fired by Irsay or anyone else and I think it’s clear he wants some kind of stake in ownership.  He’s also not going to be a coach.  He seems to want to be a front office guy.  Can Irsay and him find the right situation?  Time will tell.


i will say for an angry fanbase finding out Peyton Manning is coming back to run the ship will probably restore some fans faith so I am interested to see what happens this off-season in regards to Peyton.  

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8 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

If the situation is right yes he will.  He’s come back three times since he retired to be honored by the Colts.  He wouldn’t do those things if he truly hated Irsay, see Bobby Knight refusing to ever go back to IU for an example of someone who truly hates the “person who wronged him.”  He’s to the point he even requested they leave him out of a statue.  


However, the situation is going to have be right.  I don’t think he’s going to put himself in a spot he can be fired by Irsay or anyone else and I think it’s clear he wants some kind of stake in ownership.  He’s also not going to be a coach.  He seems to want to be a front office guy.  Can Irsay and him find the right situation?  Time will tell.


i will say for an angry fanbase finding out Peyton Manning is coming back to run the ship will probably restore some fans faith so I am interested to see what happens this off-season in regards to Peyton.  

Even putting Peyton and Knight in the same sentence kinda makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

Peyton has class while Knight is a horses behind. :peek:

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10 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Even putting Peyton and Knight in the same sentence kinda makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

Peyton has class while Knight is a horses behind. :peek:

Kinda my point.  


Peyton’s not dumb.  He knows why the Colts released him and it wasn’t personal.  He’s also smart enough to know he played in two Super Bowls winning one in his four years in Denver and that wouldn’t have happened here most likely so it worked out for him.  


I dont think he holds a personal grudge with Irsay.  I think he’s smart enough to take the emotion out of it and realize his release was in his best interest as well as the Colts.

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39 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Kinda my point.  


Peyton’s not dumb.  He knows why the Colts released him and it wasn’t personal.  He’s also smart enough to know he played in two Super Bowls winning one in his four years in Denver and that wouldn’t have happened here most likely so it worked out for him.  


I dont think he holds a personal grudge with Irsay.  I think he’s smart enough to take the emotion out of it and realize his release was in his best interest as well as the Colts.

I totally agree. IMO those who make an issue there is some kind of negative issues between Peyton and Jim are off base. Peyton knew Jim made a business choice and at the time it was the thing to do. Peyton himself said Luck being the #1 pick overall needed to be a starter just like he was.

This talk of Peyton retiring a Bronco over a Colt is petty fan talk. I highly doubt Peyton will ever disrespect either organization by saying one over the other. Players enter the HOF as a player, not from a specific team.

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17 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

Gave up on and tossed aside?  :facepalm:


Well that is what happened. I don't see the point in sugarcoating it. I mean that's what happens to players who are cut. Like Dwight, Reggie, Dallas and others. Its the NFL.


Putting that aside the only person to have benefitted from this (at least at this point in time ) is Peyton so there's no need to feel that bad for him(assuming anyone does)



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17 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

If the situation is right yes he will.  He’s come back three times since he retired to be honored by the Colts.  He wouldn’t do those things if he truly hated Irsay, see Bobby Knight refusing to ever go back to IU for an example of someone who truly hates the “person who wronged him.”  He’s to the point he even requested they leave him out of a statue.  


However, the situation is going to have be right.  I don’t think he’s going to put himself in a spot he can be fired by Irsay or anyone else and I think it’s clear he wants some kind of stake in ownership.  He’s also not going to be a coach.  He seems to want to be a front office guy.  Can Irsay and him find the right situation?  Time will tell.


i will say for an angry fanbase finding out Peyton Manning is coming back to run the ship will probably restore some fans faith so I am interested to see what happens this off-season in regards to Peyton.  

Of course he returned to the Colts he was being honored did anyone think someone as image conscious as him wouldn't? He wouldn't have nearly as many endorsements as he does if he wasn't. Knight doesn't give a % about his Q rating so no its not surprising he doesn't care about IU.


That doesn't mean he wants to run the Colts or put himself in a position where he will be fired twice by the same team either. And that's okay he doesn't have to. I just think there will be a contingent of fans who will hold it against him and its baffling considering he doesn't owe the Colts anything beyond the 14 years he was here.


Like Chad72 said earlier I think it will be ownership and less to do with running a team where people will turn on him if he doesn't live up to their unrealistic expectations(see Chris Ballard)

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12 minutes ago, CF4L said:

Of course he returned to the Colts he was being honored did anyone think someone as image conscious as him wouldn't? He wouldn't have nearly as many endorsements as he does if he wasn't. Knight doesn't give a % about his Q rating so no its not surprising he doesn't care about IU.


That doesn't mean he wants to run the Colts or put himself in a position where he will be fired twice by the same team either. And that's okay he doesn't have to. I just think there will be a contingent of fans who will hold it against him and its baffling considering he doesn't owe the Colts anything beyond the 14 years he was here.


Like Chad72 said earlier I think it will be ownership and less to do with running a team where people will turn on him if he doesn't live up to their unrealistic expectations(see Chris Ballard)

IMO you are putting way too much into this Peyton not wanting to be fired two times by the same team. Why you think that is an issue is beyond me. If (I highly doubt) Peyton does return to the Colts him being fired wouldn't enter the picture. Quit making assumptions only a fan could think of.

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1 hour ago, CF4L said:

Of course he returned to the Colts he was being honored did anyone think someone as image conscious as him wouldn't? He wouldn't have nearly as many endorsements as he does if he wasn't. Knight doesn't give a % about his Q rating so no its not surprising he doesn't care about IU.


That doesn't mean he wants to run the Colts or put himself in a position where he will be fired twice by the same team either. And that's okay he doesn't have to. I just think there will be a contingent of fans who will hold it against him and its baffling considering he doesn't owe the Colts anything beyond the 14 years he was here.


Like Chad72 said earlier I think it will be ownership and less to do with running a team where people will turn on him if he doesn't live up to their unrealistic expectations(see Chris Ballard)

This again, you have went on about this for 2 years :facepalm:.

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1 hour ago, crazycolt1 said:

IMO you are putting way too much into this Peyton not wanting to be fired two times by the same team. Why you think that is an issue is beyond me. If (I highly doubt) Peyton does return to the Colts him being fired wouldn't enter the picture. Quit making assumptions only a fan could think of.

She thinks Peyton doesn't like (or holds a grudge) Irsay because we let him go which is just false. She has been going on and on about this for months every time Peyton coming back to Indy comes up. We did Peyton a favor by letting him go as we were in rebuild mode. Peyton was able to go to a better team and not only that Irsay paid him 25 Mill for not even playing in 2011. Now he builds him a statue on top of it. If Peyton doesn't want to come back to Indy it's because he doesn't want to Coach or be GM, it will have nothing to do with Irsay.

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3 minutes ago, JPPT1974 said:

Really he needs to let him grow with his kids. As he had kids late in life remember. So that he can enjoy them when it was time. Denver stop was the beginning of the end for him football wise.

I think most people would love to see him back here but if I was him I would enjoy my family. Enjoy retirement with his 5 MVP's and 2 SB wins.

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2 minutes ago, JPPT1974 said:

Really he needs to let him grow with his kids. As he had kids late in life remember. So that he can enjoy them when it was time. Denver stop was the beginning of the end for him football wise.

Exactly. Just because Peyton loved the game and had a fantastic career why some think they know him well enough the know what his plans are in the future amazes me. He has his hands in so many things taking a job in the NFL may or may not be in his plans. He sure don't need any money. He has made enough for him and his whole family to be very comfortable.

He has been seen at different training camps and has dinner with some NFL people but nothing can be read into that. The media makes something out of it and the some of the fans eat it up. Till we hear something directly from him there is no use in believing anything the media has made up for their hits.

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9 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I think most people would love to see him back here but if I was him I would enjoy my family. Enjoy retirement with his 5 MVP's and 2 SB wins.

It would be a good frame of mind to be in for sure. He has earned everything he is enjoying right now.

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17 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I totally agree. IMO those who make an issue there is some kind of negative issues between Peyton and Jim are off base. Peyton knew Jim made a business choice and at the time it was the thing to do. Peyton himself said Luck being the #1 pick overall needed to be a starter just like he was.

This talk of Peyton retiring a Bronco over a Colt is petty fan talk. I highly doubt Peyton will ever disrespect either organization by saying one over the other. Players enter the HOF as a player, not from a specific team.

Not to mention he did return to Indianapolis for a retirement ceremony as well.  He retired with both teams.

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23 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

IMO you are putting way too much into this Peyton not wanting to be fired two times by the same team. Why you think that is an issue is beyond me. If (I highly doubt) Peyton does return to the Colts him being fired wouldn't enter the picture. Quit making assumptions only a fan could think of.


Yet people here are putting too much in him saying he will "Always be a Colt" despite playing in Denver at the end of his career and retiring with them. Hell he still lives in Denver despite the statue being here and his number being retired. I don't think he's as attached to Indy as people want to believe he is.  So no he wasn't always a Colt. Did you expect him to publically trash the Colts? No it would make him look bad.


Just like he won't trash Denver for wanting to get rid of him after the SB. It would also make him look bad. 


People around here seem to overlook Tennessee wanting him to return home but he has turned them down too. Probably for the same reasons he doesn't want to come back here he doesn't want to ruin what people think of him.


If he wants to come back here fine his choice but if he doesn't and possibly goes elsewhere I see a contingent of this fanbase resenting him for it. Which I think would be ridiculous since many wanted him gone to begin with.



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1 minute ago, CF4L said:


Yet people here are putting too much in him saying he will "Always be a Colt" despite playing in Denver at the end of his career and retiring with them. Hell he still lives in Denver despite the statue being here and his number being retired. I don't think he's as attached to Indy as people want to believe he is.  So no he wasn't always a Colt. Did you expect him to publically trash the Colts? No it would make him look bad.


Just like he won't trash Denver for wanting to get rid of him after the SB. It would also make him look bad. 


People around here seem to overlook Tennessee wanting him to return home but he has turned them down too. Probably for the same reasons he doesn't want to come back here he doesn't want to ruin what people think of him.


If he wants to come back here fine his choice but if he doesn't and possibly goes elsewhere I see a contingent of this fanbase resenting him for it. Which I think would be ridiculous since many wanted him gone to begin with.



You dwell on this way too much. I honestly could give a rodents behind if he ever comes back here but if he doesn't come back here it wont be because of Irsay trust me. Irsay just put up a statue of him.

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5 minutes ago, CF4L said:


Yet people here are putting too much in him saying he will "Always be a Colt" despite playing in Denver at the end of his career and retiring with them. Hell he still lives in Denver despite the statue being here and his number being retired. I don't think he's as attached to Indy as people want to believe he is.  So no he wasn't always a Colt. Did you expect him to publically trash the Colts? No it would make him look bad.


Just like he won't trash Denver for wanting to get rid of him after the SB. It would also make him look bad. 


People around here seem to overlook Tennessee wanting him to return home but he has turned them down too. Probably for the same reasons he doesn't want to come back here he doesn't want to ruin what people think of him.


If he wants to come back here fine his choice but if he doesn't and possibly goes elsewhere I see a contingent of this fanbase resenting him for it. Which I think would be ridiculous since many wanted him gone to begin with.



I wouldn't put to much thought into Peyton living in Colorado. If I had the money he does I would have a house in Colorado myself. I don't think it has anything to do with him playing for Denver or Indy.

Denver didn't get rid of Peyton, he retired. Big difference.

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2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I wouldn't put to much thought into Peyton living in Colorado. If I had the money he does I would have a house in Colorado myself. I don't think it has anything to do with him playing for Denver or Indy.

Denver didn't get rid of Peyton, he retired. Big difference.


..... Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Washington, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Maryland, dot dot dot...

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2 hours ago, CF4L said:


Yet people here are putting too much in him saying he will "Always be a Colt" despite playing in Denver at the end of his career and retiring with them. Hell he still lives in Denver despite the statue being here and his number being retired. I don't think he's as attached to Indy as people want to believe he is.  So no he wasn't always a Colt. Did you expect him to publically trash the Colts? No it would make him look bad.


Just like he won't trash Denver for wanting to get rid of him after the SB. It would also make him look bad. 


People around here seem to overlook Tennessee wanting him to return home but he has turned them down too. Probably for the same reasons he doesn't want to come back here he doesn't want to ruin what people think of him.


If he wants to come back here fine his choice but if he doesn't and possibly goes elsewhere I see a contingent of this fanbase resenting him for it. Which I think would be ridiculous since many wanted him gone to begin with.



He isn't from Tennessee,   he is from Louisiana

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2 hours ago, CF4L said:


Yet people here are putting too much in him saying he will "Always be a Colt" despite playing in Denver at the end of his career and retiring with them. Hell he still lives in Denver despite the statue being here and his number being retired. I don't think he's as attached to Indy as people want to believe he is.  So no he wasn't always a Colt. Did you expect him to publically trash the Colts? No it would make him look bad.


Just like he won't trash Denver for wanting to get rid of him after the SB. It would also make him look bad. 


People around here seem to overlook Tennessee wanting him to return home but he has turned them down too. Probably for the same reasons he doesn't want to come back here he doesn't want to ruin what people think of him.


If he wants to come back here fine his choice but if he doesn't and possibly goes elsewhere I see a contingent of this fanbase resenting him for it. Which I think would be ridiculous since many wanted him gone to begin with.



After rereading this it's hard to comprehend the reality of it. There is so much wrong it's ridiculous, sorry.

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On 10/24/2017 at 10:34 AM, PrincetonTiger said:

It would destroy his legacy 

That's what I'm afraid of.  

Same reason I don't want him to go into politics.  


Although I think if he took some advisory role it might be okay.  


No idea what Peyton wants to do though. 

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6 minutes ago, ricker182 said:

That's what I'm afraid of.  

Same reason I don't want him to go into politics.  


Although I think if he took some advisory role it might be okay.  


No idea what Peyton wants to do though. 

He would probably be better off getting into broadcasting like Romo. Maybe on Colts Radio when Lamey retires.

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On 10/25/2017 at 7:08 AM, chad72 said:

Peyton is too smart to take anything but an ownership position. It is more likely he will go after a minority ownership for an NFL team than anything else, most likely the Titans. Plus, he is still popular enough and keeping himself relevant in public eyes with his commercials etc., so I doubt he will risk the cushy life of commercials and Papa Johns franchise ownership with the stress of being a GM anywhere, period.


Agreed....at some point I would more expect PM to be part of an NFL ownership group somewhere rather than being a GM.

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