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25 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:




You're right, it's not just a song, it's the National Anthem and some things are worth getting worked up over and this is one of them.  If you show disrespect during the National Anthem, you are not showing disrespect for the song, you are showing disrespect to all the people that fought, sacrificed and died to make sure that we could fly the Flag and sing that song while doing something as mundane as watching or playing a football game.  And I'm not talking about just soldiers but the families that that sacrificed during times of war, who did without so the soldiers could have it, to the founding fathers who were considered traitors to crown, to the immigrants(legal) that left everything behind in their home countries and came to the US to establish a better life for themselves and their families and waited for days at places like Ellis Island to be welcomed to this country.  Some of you guys may think it's no big deal to disrespect that but there are a lot more of us that think it is a big deal, nor am I going to apologize for it being a big deal to me.

Amen Brother!

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1 hour ago, Coffeedrinker said:




You're right, it's not just a song, it's the National Anthem and some things are worth getting worked up over and this is one of them.  If you show disrespect during the National Anthem, you are not showing disrespect for the song, you are showing disrespect to all the people that fought, sacrificed and died to make sure that we could fly the Flag and sing that song while doing something as mundane as watching or playing a football game.  And I'm not talking about just soldiers but the families that that sacrificed during times of war, who did without so the soldiers could have it, to the founding fathers who were considered traitors to crown, to the immigrants(legal) that left everything behind in their home countries and came to the US to establish a better life for themselves and their families and waited for days at places like Ellis Island to be welcomed to this country.  Some of you guys may think it's no big deal to disrespect that but there are a lot more of us that think it is a big deal, nor am I going to apologize for it being a big deal to me.


Those people, soldiers, and families you refer to died to ensure we would maintain the constitutional freedom (such as the right to peaceful protest) that was first won by forming this country. 


Besides, people are just assigning their own set of values/priorities to what Kaep did, but that doesn't mean that's the way Kaep felt.  People are saying that he has no respect for america, veterans, soldiers etc because of his choice of protest, but it's entirely possible that the 2 are not related.  It is entirely possible that Kaep chose this form of protest while in his heart he still feels the same amount of overall respect for this country and those who've lost their lives defending it as  you or anyone else.

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6 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


Those people, soldiers, and families you refer to died to ensure we would maintain the constitutional freedom (such as the right to peaceful protest) that was first won by forming this country. 


Besides, people are just assigning their own set of values/priorities to what Kaep did, but that doesn't mean that's the way Kaep felt.  People are saying that he has no respect for america, veterans, soldiers etc because of his choice of protest, but it's entirely possible that the 2 are not related.  It is entirely possible that Kaep chose this form of protest while in his heart he still feels the same amount of overall respect for this country and those who've lost their lives defending it as  you or anyone else.

You're first paragraph would have a point if I had said anywhere he didn't have the right to do that.  But just because you have the right to do something does not mean you should do it.  Nor does it mean that you are free from backlash if you do.  It just means he cannot be jailed for it.


Your second paragraph is, in a word, hogwash.  That is like saying that just because someone steals something does not mean they meant to take something that someone else earned.  If he had the save love of country and respect for the people that have sacrificed to give it to us, he would find a different way to protest.

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6 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:

You're first paragraph would have a point if I had said anywhere he didn't have the right to do that.  But just because you have the right to do something does not mean you should do it.  Nor does it mean that you are free from backlash if you do.  It just means he cannot be jailed for it.



And just because you don't think he should have done it doesn't mean anyone else has to agree. 




Your second paragraph is, in a word, hogwash.  That is like saying that just because someone steals something does not mean they meant to take something that someone else earned.  If he had the save love of country and respect for the people that have sacrificed to give it to us, he would find a different way to protest.



No, this part is hogwash.  Just because that's how you think he should feel or act doesn't mean he or anyone else has to agree.  It's his right to protest in the way he did and all you can do is speculate about the level of love and/or respect he has for this country because deep down, you have no idea.


And it is nothing like your stealing analogy.  Kaepernick didn't hurt anyone (other than their feelings) in performing his protest.  He didn't take away anyone else's property.  He didn't commit any crime.  He simply chose not to adhere to what has become a "socially obligatory" tradition. 


Also, to your stealing analogy, you do know that not all thieves are alike right?  Sure, most are lazy, greedy "s who want what someone else has without having to earn it, just as you described a thief to be.  However, imagine a mother or father stealing food to feed their children.  Are they motivated by greed or by the desire take what someone else earned without having to earn it themselves?  or are they motivated merely by the desperate need to feed their children?  And before any replies mistaking what I'm saying, I'm not in any way condoning stealing in any form or for whatever reason.  Just pointing out that the motives are not always the same.  So yes, I do think it's entirely possible for someone to be put into a position where they feel they are forced to steal from someone else while still feeling guilt and remorse about their having to do so.  It would be nice if the world was all black and white (that was NOT about race) but it's not.



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Just read an interesting take from Brandon Marshall chiming in on the Kaepernick discussion...




The line I found particularly interesting, was when Marshall commended Kaepernick for making a stand for HUMAN rights...


I'll agree Human Rights > American Nationalism always... 

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3 hours ago, James Ducheteau said:

Everyone has a feeling on this, whether its wrong and disrespectful or that its his right to protest freely, but I think all of us can agree that he definitely did not do himself any favors in how he choose to go about this.

I think the protest was perfectly fine.  I only had a problem with his Twitter responses that followed....saying there isn't a difference between the US and the confederacy is just a dumb attention seeking statement.

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