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Andy Dalton...... Thin Skin or what?

Jackie Daytona

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Why do it at all, especially after the game? I really like watt, but this was childish.



Were not professional athletes that have every word scrutinised either. I haven't seen one of these threads all over espn and Fox sports.

Why say anything about the opponent after the game is over?

I actually like putting the nail in your opponent's coffin after the game is over because it means more after the game than before since the proof is in the pudding & it's not false bravado. 


I don't view what JJ said as inappropriate at all. It was a pretty tame PG statement in reference to Dalton & if JJ had said the same thing in the locker room no fan or media member would care. 


Plus, you have to remember that it's been a trying season for the Texans win wise so Watt probably just got excited about the victory & wanted to put an explanation point on it for emphasis simply because he was happy getting a W vs an L in the record column. It's not like JJ slammed Dalton's mother or girlfriend. 

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Good thing Watt didn't. There was a huge difference in the remarks they made. Dalton even apologized when he actually heard Watt's words.

Glad to hear that QB. I applaud you Andy for clarifying your previously outlandish statement over how uncalled for JJ's words were. It takes a big man to admit you were wrong, see the incident in full context, & edit your original commentary on the matter. Nice work Andy.  :thmup:

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Because the winners have mic's shoved in their face asking them about the game that just ended?

Yeah, how often do you hear a player taking shots at the opponent afterward? Think about colts players. Have you ever heard a player interviewed after the game take a shot at another player after a win?

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Just to be clear, I have no qualms with Jvan. The man knows his football no question. If I'm being honest with myself, I'm probably overprotective of JJ since he & I graduated from the same university.

No worries Jvan. We're cool. Enough said.

Watt is my favorite non Colt in the league except peyton. So I have no bias against him

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Yeah, how often do you hear a player taking shots at the opponent afterward? Think about colts players. Have you ever heard a player interviewed after the game take a shot at another player after a win?

I really wouldn't call what JJ said taking a shot at Dalton.  Whether its' what JJ actually said, or if he had said "we were trying to make a good QB look like a bad one, and we did that."  I don't really see the difference.  It' would be different if it went all Richard Sherman into the camera like he was auditioning for the WWF (or whatever its' called these days).

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All in all there is way too much "me, me, me" in professional sports. They sound like punks and look like fools that are way too concerned with celebratory dance rehearsals instead of playing football. I don't want it from little kids on up. Everyone is too caught up in the celebrity crap to the point of having a ship of fools like the Dallas Cowboys to name one where character and discipline are in the sewer as long as the team wins but winning seems to elude the boys from Texas. The sooner we stop worshipping these losers known as professional athletes the better of the entire culture will be and if you don't think they are losers try looking a few up a some of them few years after they leave the game. If you need a place to start your search try skid row.

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Watt has been to the playoffs twice. Won defensive POTY twice and is probably the best player in the NFL. He can trash talk whenever he wants, but what he said about Dalton wasn't trash talk.

Best player in the league on a perpetually losing team. Rich.

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I do think it borders on stereotyping and making fun of a person's personal features, whether it is red hair or whatever. The "red" part didn't needed to be emphasized, he could gloat that they made the QB look ordinary but using "red" targets Dalton's personal appearance. Whether you like Dalton or not, I did not feel it was the right choice of words from JJ.


If other jokes are not dismissed in the name of political correctness, why should this one be? Just saying. :)

Not sure if you are serious, but if you are, you realize Andy Dalton already had the "red rifle" nickname and Watt was just playing on that?   Either way, watch out for PC Principle.  Also, if Dalton considers Watt to be a poor role model for making corny jokes, than what does he think of his teammate Adam Jones, who is just a horrible person?  


Honestly though, I think the times of pro athletes being role models is a thing of the past, especially in the NFL.  If anything, Watt seems to be one of the good guys especially considering the rapists, murderers, wife beaters, child beaters, convicted felons and other real winners in the NFL.  Not to say that Andy Dalton doesn't seem to be a good guy either, but obviously a bit of a baby.  

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