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Wait, Wait, Wait..


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I cant find the link through all the post, any who.. Manning was having a discusion about rehab and working out at the colts facility this off season when Polian was pulled away to meet with Irsay.

Ok, Polian tells Manning not to worry about the Feb date for his evaluationa dnPolian says dont worry about that till March. Then Polian is pulled away and fired.

Manning has been rehabing and is at 85-90% per docs report. So Manning is trying and working to get better and is obviously concerned about the Feb eval, but Polian says dont worry about it till March??

Maybe I am reading into this too much, but it seemed Polian was giving Manning more time to rehab to get to 100% before evals. To stay? To be traded? I dont know. To me Manning wants to come back and play for the colts, why would he be so concerned with rehab if he didnt want to. Idk.. thoughts.. and lets please refrain from insulting comments.. thanks.

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I cant find the link through all the post, any who.. Manning was having a discusion about rehab and working out at the colts facility this off season when Polian was pulled away to meet with Irsay.

Ok, Polian tells Manning not to worry about the Feb date for his evaluationa dnPolian says dont worry about that till March. Then Polian is pulled away and fired.

Manning has been rehabing and is at 85-90% per docs report. So Manning is trying and working to get better and is obviously concerned about the Feb eval, but Polian says dont worry about it till March??

Maybe I am reading into this too much, but it seemed Polian was giving Manning more time to rehab to get to 100% before evals. To stay? To be traded? I dont know. To me Manning wants to come back and play for the colts, why would he be so concerned with rehab if he didnt want to. Idk.. thoughts.. and lets please refrain from insulting comments.. thanks.

I really have no thoughts on this other than Manning can rehab at the compound if he fails his physical. I have no idea why the march 1st date was mentioned in that article and FWIW I think it doesn't have any real meaning.

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Manning was having a discusion about rehab and working out at the colts facility this off season when Polian was pulled away to meet with Irsay.

Ok, Polian tells Manning not to worry about the Feb date for his evaluationa dnPolian says dont worry about that till March. Then Polian is pulled away and fired.

Manning has been rehabing and is at 85-90% per docs report. So Manning is trying and working to get better and is obviously concerned about the Feb eval, but Polian says dont worry about it till March??

Maybe I am reading into this too much, but it seemed Polian was giving Manning more time to rehab to get to 100% before evals. To stay? To be traded? I dont know. To me Manning wants to come back and play for the colts, why would he be so concerned with rehab if he didnt want to. Idk.. thoughts.. and lets please refrain from insulting comments.. thanks.

The only thing that I thought upon reading that was that Polian didn't see the point in having Manning worried about an extra deadline, since the only thing that mattered was his condition at the moment that the bonus was due. It's not like he needs the extra motivation provided by incremental steps, everyone knows he's going to work as hard as he can. So I don't see that the comment says anything about the teams (or Polians) intentions towards him. (And I think it's a given that Peyton wants to be back. I've never seen a thing to suggest otherwise.)

Where did you see 85-90%? I haven't seen anything that specific.

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Just curious on Polians 'Manning playing in Indy' stance vs Luck. It was said in other postts maybe Polian wanted to draft Luck and outst Manning and thats why Irsay canned him. But who knows. It sounded like Polian was on Mannings side in the article though. Just speculating on the true reason Polian's are gone. May never know. Plus everyone was shocked at the firing.. including Manning.

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I don't claim to know hardly ANYTHING about the rules and regulations of the "laws of the NFL"....but I find it very odd that they kept Manning on the active roster even after they knew dang well that he was not going to play. It really makes me curious if having kept him on the active roster vs. injured reserve has something to do with the ability to "restructure" his contract and/or trade him.

I just really believe that without a doubt he was kept on the active roster for other reasons NOT related to practicing and/or possibly playing.

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They were trying to figure out the next evaluation date, and Manning was saying Feb 7 or 8, but Polian said 'let's just wait until Mar 1.' And then he got called away. I didn't read anything into that.

"That's what Bill and I were talking about when he was pulled away -- I asked him about my physical checkpoints," the four-time league MVP said. "I wanted to know if he thought Feb. 7 or 8 (was) a good time for the next one and he told me just make it March 1st. Honestly, I don't know. my rehab is a marathon. Some days are real good, some days are just OK and some days aren't so good. I'm going to just keep grinding but now is the time to pay tribute to Bill and not talk about me."


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Just curious on Polians 'Manning playing in Indy' stance vs Luck. It was said in other postts maybe Polian wanted to draft Luck and outst Manning and thats why Irsay canned him. But who knows. It sounded like Polian was on Mannings side in the article though. Just speculating on the true reason Polian's are gone. May never know. Plus everyone was shocked at the firing.. including Manning.

Why wouldn't you think the true reason that Polian was fired was exactly what Irsay said. It was just time.

If there is any hidden reason, it was largely because Irsay did not trust Chris.

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I don't claim to know hardly ANYTHING about the rules and regulations of the "laws of the NFL"....but I find it very odd that they kept Manning on the active roster even after they knew dang well that he was not going to play. It really makes me curious if having kept him on the active roster vs. injured reserve has something to do with the ability to "restructure" his contract and/or trade him.

I just really believe that without a doubt he was kept on the active roster for other reasons NOT related to practicing and/or possibly playing.

I don't understand why you would think this. It was explained a dozen times over that he was kept on the active roster because if he was put on injured reserve he wouldn't be able to practice. They were giving him a ray of hope to help him through his rehab, and keeping open the possibility that they would be able to evaluate his condition under "quasi" playing conditions before they had to make a decision on his future. His contract and salary continue under i/r just as they do otherwise - the only difference being that you can't play and so the team can get a warm body to take your place. Therefore it wouldn't make any sense that it would have anything to do with considerations of restructuring his contract or trading him.

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All of this speculation is getting out of control and just fueled by the media. I honestly believe if Manning is healthy he's going to play for the Colts next year, if not the team has to move on. It's pretty simple, and it really doesn't seem like Irsay would move him at this point. I think this organization wants Peyton to retire a Colt. Just because they draft Andrew Luck doesn't suggest otherwise, it just shows this organization isn't completely *ic and wants to prepare for the transition after Manning with one of the top QB prospects in the last few years. If this team trades Manning I will be very surprised.

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I don't understand why you would think this. It was explained a dozen times over that he was kept on the active roster because if he was put on injured reserve he wouldn't be able to practice. They were giving him a ray of hope to help him through his rehab, and keeping open the possibility that they would be able to evaluate his condition under "quasi" playing conditions before they had to make a decision on his future. His contract and salary continue under i/r just as they do otherwise - the only difference being that you can't play and so the team can get a warm body to take your place. Therefore it wouldn't make any sense that it would have anything to do with considerations of restructuring his contract or trading him.

That may very well be true and I don't disagree...but again we don't know all the in's and out's of the business so it really is impossible for us to know for sure. It's just a thought and my opinion was all.

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