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Buffalo (+10) @ Denver (12-7-14)


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Peyton is going through a slump I thinks that's what's going on . .

I think that slump is called getting old lol........


It happens to everyone. Not just anybody could come back from 4ishwhatever neck surgeries and even play football. Let alone at his age and/or at the level he has played for the past 3 years. He has a monster drive and work ethic.


Manning even on bad days now  is still better than half the league's QB's. Still, it's hard to ignore that he's clearly not the same guy he was. The velocity is just. Not. There.

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I think that slump is called getting old lol........

It happens to everyone. Not just anybody could come back from 4ishwhatever neck surgeries and even play football. Let alone at his age and/or at the level he has played for the past 3 years. He has a monster drive and work ethic.

Manning even on bad days now is still better than half the league's QB's. Still, it's hard to ignore that he's clearly not the same guy he was. The velocity is just. Not. There.

the velocity wasn't there last year either or the year before

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It's not the fact that he is not throwing, it is how he looks when he is throwing.

I think Peyton who is a volume type passer is suffering a little from not throwing very much these last few games. He has never been a guy that has only thrown the ball 30 times a game unless it was a blow out. Running, running, running and then throwing he just can't get a good rhythem. Add the fact that he is older and likely takes longer to warm up and I think he is going to be a little less accurate. Well we all know his arm isn't as strong as it used to be so if he loses accuracy....well thats a recipe for mistakes. I do think the nerve damage is affecting him...especially when the weather dips. Honestly, I think he can still play at a high enough level to win games and to make big plays....I mean that early throw to Welker was a beauty....but there is no doubt we are seeing the beginning of the end....there is no doubt next year will likely be his last season..as it has been pretty widely reported for weeks now.

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Peyton doesn't need anymore records...he knows it and everyone else does too. He saw how one dimensionaly they became and they corrected it. Now...you can't also swing so far that you only throw 20 times and never get your qb in a good rhythem...i mean 20 throws is Geno Smith stats. I think how the offense played against Miami would be the preference...but understandably they are really tinkering with things. The number 1 seed is likely gone....so unless they lose a couple they can play around with the offense and try to work on things. That and their bye was week 4....THEY REALLY REALLY could use a week off....both Thomas's laboring...Sanders banged up...I honestly felt like if they get a bye week that they could look really scary after a week of rest...Manning too I'm sure. Perhaps suffering from a little dead arm...I remember Brett Favre suffered through that with the Jets but came back the next year....I know pitchers have had that issue as well...guess time will tell...but in the mean time they are running it well and winning games.....something that could really pay off in the post-season. Despite what people think Manning really is a win first guy...everything is secondary to that. He easily could have checked to throws on the goal line today on many occassions but he ran the ball. I'm sure the guy has an ego and I'm sure he has goals and some to break records but its always been clear he cares most about winning...and he is happy his team is doing that....if the running game wasn't producing I'm sure he would try to carry the team.

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The Broncos are trying to win with ground-and-pound and solid defense... hard to argue with the results so far. The D is rounding into form at the perfect time. 


The issue, though, is whether or not they can be explosive offensively if they're running the ball the way they are. In their football DNA, they're a passing team. It seems like Manning and the offense can get it rolling when they throw, throw, throw...but  it's difficult to get into a rhythm if you're not passing the ball a lot and then suddenly face a 3rd-and-12 and need to make a big play through the air. What I'm saying is that when they run the ball like this, their passing game seems like it suffers, probably because everything they do is so heavily predicated on timing. It's almost like they need to throw the ball a ton to be consistently effective with it, if that makes any sense. 


I'm also not trying to deliberately bash the guy here, but the lack of velocity on a lot of Peyton's throws is becoming an issue. He's going to get one of his receivers killed if he's not careful.

The lack of velocity on Peyton's throws is the same as it was the last 2 years. Watching the entire game..he made a couple of

strong throws well down the field. His arm isn't any worse than it was last year at this time. But I have heard today about how he may be washed up and has a rag arm.

I'll say again..On Sunday...Julius Thomas did not play. Demariyus Thomas was only a decoy due to a bad ankle. Jacob Tamme played with bruied ribs wraped up...Cody Latimer as inactive and Isiah Burse had been released

They had 2 healthy wide receives Bubba Caldwell and Wes Welker, who caught 6 or 7..

They led all the way and 24-3 with 13 minutes to go..

Manning underthrew both interceptions but he also overthrew a couple..and with a 14 and 21 point lead there was no need to push the ball down the field.

But I do understand. When a guy throws for 300 a game and then he throws for 180, it seems like something must be wrong with him.

But if you go back and watch the game again.. you'll see he's not hurt. Just like Drew Brees isn't hurt. He's just missing some

I don't think the Broncos are trying to win with defense and rushing. Its just working out that way.

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The lack of velocity on Peyton's throws is the same as it was the last 2 years. Watching the entire game..he made a couple of

strong throws well down the field. His arm isn't any worse than it was last year at this time. But I have heard today about how he may be washed up and has a rag arm.

I'll say again..On Sunday...Julius Thomas did not play. Demariyus Thomas was only a decoy due to a bad ankle. Jacob Tamme played with bruied ribs wraped up...Cody Latimer as inactive and Isiah Burse had been released

They had 2 healthy wide receives Bubba Caldwell and Wes Welker, who caught 6 or 7..

They led all the way and 24-3 with 13 minutes to go..

Manning underthrew both interceptions but he also overthrew a couple..and with a 14 and 21 point lead there was no need to push the ball down the field.

But I do understand. When a guy throws for 300 a game and then he throws for 180, it seems like something must be wrong with him.

But if you go back and watch the game again.. you'll see he's not hurt. Just like Drew Brees isn't hurt. He's just missing some

I don't think the Broncos are trying to win with defense and rushing. Its just working out that way.

I think since the Rams game Fox has purposely taken the ball out of Manning's hands in an effort to run. I think it is the right move but does beg the question if he is indeed hurt or declining. I do wonder if Fox has been seeing things in practice.


When I watch Manning throw this season he seems like he has less zip on the ball certainly compared to last year. And this happens when his feet are set. It used to be that he just lost velocity if he was on the move or unable to get his legs into it. I hear you on the injuries on Sunday and perhaps they did not need him passing but when he did pass it did not look good and that has been true for a few weeks now.


I think we will know more when we see him play SD and Cincy. Denver will not be able to run well against those two teams so they will have to rely more on the pass and of course the Cincy game could have frigid temps.

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The lack of velocity on Peyton's throws is the same as it was the last 2 years. 


Just speaking honestly, I don't know about that... I've admittedly only seen maybe four Broncos games this year. He seems to be putting more air under the ball, if only a little. 

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Just speaking honestly, I don't know about that... I've admittedly only seen maybe four Broncos games this year. He seems to be putting more air under the ball, if only a little. 

I've seen all of them if not live on rewind and he has lost velocity as the season has progressed...compared to last year. I will say though that the temperatures even in Denver has been cooler compared to last years games and its not so much he can't play in the cold is that its clear that his nerve damage really affects his grip on the ball and touch in those situations. We all know when we get numb we can't feel as much...well complicate it with the fact he has nerve damage on top of that...well its easy to see he isn't going to be as good as he would otherwise be. I certainly think down the stretch here he has suffered a little with his velocity....lets be honest...even in his best years in Indy he wasn't throwing nearly as much as he is the last couple years. Combine that with everything I wouldn't doubt his arm is taking a beating. Peyton might be "healthy" but lets not sit here and say he is 100% of what he was before his surgeries. In the end I do think they are running it to be balanced to attack teams in the playoffs....but I would be VERY surprised if they fell behind if they didn't ask Peyton to bring them back.

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I've seen all of them if not live on rewind and he has lost velocity as the season has progressed...compared to last year. I will say though that the temperatures even in Denver has been cooler compared to last years games and its not so much he can't play in the cold is that its clear that his nerve damage really affects his grip on the ball and touch in those situations. We all know when we get numb we can't feel as much...well complicate it with the fact he has nerve damage on top of that...well its easy to see he isn't going to be as good as he would otherwise be. I certainly think down the stretch here he has suffered a little with his velocity....lets be honest...even in his best years in Indy he wasn't throwing nearly as much as he is the last couple years. Combine that with everything I wouldn't doubt his arm is taking a beating. Peyton might be "healthy" but lets not sit here and say he is 100% of what he was before his surgeries. In the end I do think they are running it to be balanced to attack teams in the playoffs....but I would be VERY surprised if they fell behind if they didn't ask Peyton to bring them back.


Very true, I have a bad shoulder (dislocated 2x, fractured clavicle with some Titanium in there) and when it gets colder out, I occasionally experience some tingling and numbness down my arm and into my hand. Those blood vessels constrict and push less O2 to the muscles that need it. Different type of injury but similar outcome, I think. 

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