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It's Johnny!

Fx Stryker

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This is why in the RGIII vs Manziel thread it was who would start for another franchise first and it will be RGIII. Manziel will be a Brown...Hoyer will likely be gone after the season because Cleveland is looking for any reason possible to play Johnny. I said it earlier...Browns brass want Manziel to play and as soon as Hoyer struggled even though he has brought them to a 7-4 record entering the game they immediately went to Johnny. For better or worse it will be his team next year and I doubt Hoyer stays around when its clear the franchise doesn't want him to have the reigns. He probably won't find another starting job out there but he will get a fair shake in a couple places I'm sure.

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This is why in the RGIII vs Manziel thread it was who would start for another franchise first and it will be RGIII. Manziel will be a Brown...Hoyer will likely be gone after the season because Cleveland is looking for any reason possible to play Johnny. I said it earlier...Browns brass want Manziel to play and as soon as Hoyer struggled even though he has brought them to a 7-4 record entering the game they immediately went to Johnny. For better or worse it will be his team next year and I doubt Hoyer stays around when its clear the franchise doesn't want him to have the reigns. He probably won't find another starting job out there but he will get a fair shake in a couple places I'm sure.



"Immediately" went to Johnny. In the 4th quarter when Hoyer was playing terrible. 

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One touchdown drive and he is acting like the messiah. Sure if another Browns play comes out and says "we rallied around him" then tha's fine.

It's just the height of arrogance, talking this way.

What is arrogant about it? Honest question, because I don't see it.
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Like I said, kid rubs me up the wrong way. Maybe evokes a bit of an irrational response in me! I suppose I tried to read between the lines and assumed he meant "The team rallied around me, because they wouldn't rally around Brian Hoyer".



So typical. It has nothing to do with his ability to play football and everything to do with the fact that you don't like him. 

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Like I said, kid rubs me up the wrong way. Maybe evokes a bit of an irrational response in me! I suppose I tried to read between the lines and assumed he meant "The team rallied around me, because they wouldn't rally around Brian Hoyer".

Well at least you can admit to irrationality :) I don't think that is what Johnny is trying to say, but I can understand where you were coming from now.

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"Immediately" went to Johnny. In the 4th quarter when Hoyer was playing terrible. 

I'm lost...wasn't a couple weeks ago you telling us Hoyer was your franchise qb and there was NO way he didn't return next year.....are you now saying Manziel is your guy? Honestly it doesn't bother me but I think Hoyer who has had many slow starts to games deserved to finish out the game. He had brought them back several times before. He hasn't been spectacular but I think he deserves to finish this season up as the starter....I'm not very high on Johhny but like I've been saying...he will be the starter next year...the brass have ordained it.

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Probably not his fault but my favorite part of that play is him lying on his back in the endzone pretending like he got ran over by a train all road runner style lol. He had his moments the other day but imo trying to start him during a playoff push and deal with the growing pains while everyone is playing at 100% capacity and your qb is only running a percentage of the offense that he is capable of....limits your team...him...and will simply only infuriate the rest of the team that had worked hard to have a shot at the playoffs. I know they want to give the kid a shot...clearly they like him or they wouldn't have drafted him....I mean they wouldn't have done that to sell tickets would they.....the whole organization would be better off taking a shot at the playoffs with Hoyer and letting Johnny have a go at this next year fresh...instead of blowing up all the good the team has done this year and good will they have built up with the fans. Honestly, I have nothing against the kid...I don't know him....I won't act like he is a likable character with his childish antics but he isn't my qb so I don't care really. But honestly how deflating will it be when Johnny struggles (all rookie qbs do) and shoots them out of the playoffs this year....and then the fans have what to look forward to next year? Another losing team with a qb that lost out on their only playoff chance in a decade or so.....or go with Hoyer....have a great shot to get in or even make the playoffs and then build off that with their young stud they drafted starting fresh on a playoff squad? I just see no scenerio where Johnny is the right choice here....I could be wrong but if they run him out there these last 5 weeks...its going to be rough...and thats not fair to the fans, players, or him imo.

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I'm lost...wasn't a couple weeks ago you telling us Hoyer was your franchise qb and there was NO way he didn't return next year.....are you now saying Manziel is your guy? Honestly it doesn't bother me but I think Hoyer who has had many slow starts to games deserved to finish out the game. He had brought them back several times before. He hasn't been spectacular but I think he deserves to finish this season up as the starter....I'm not very high on Johhny but like I've been saying...he will be the starter next year...the brass have ordained it.



That’s putting words in my mouth for certain. Absolutely ridiculous.


I said if the Browns wanted to sign Hoyer that he wasn’t going anywhere. That there was no way, if the Browns wanted to sign him that he was going somewhere else. That was the extent of it. 

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That’s putting words in my mouth for certain. Absolutely ridiculous.


I said if the Browns wanted to sign Hoyer that he wasn’t going anywhere. That there was no way, if the Browns wanted to sign him that he was going somewhere else. That was the extent of it. 

Thats fine..I misremembered. Of course they could always franchise the guy...nobody HAS to lose one player...but the question was did the Browns WANT to resign him...and if he raised his value and what they had invested into Manziel would they even WANT to resign him....guess that was what I thought was the question but I can freely admit I'm wrong and I'm sorry.


Nevertheless I think they are giving up on Hoyer a bit soon. I don't think he is a franchise qb but I think he has done enough to deserve to try to finish this season out and get them into the playoffs. He has done so much without his best TE and WR and now with Gordon back I think he is keying on him too much but I think they could still pull it out....Manziel...thats just rough to start him with a few weeks left when everyone is playing for their football lives and he is trying to find his way as a rookie taking his lumps....just a hard way to start your career....and a lot of pressure too. Anyways...I just don't see Hoyer back...as I didn't a few weeks ago even when he was playing much better...I think they want to turn over the team to Johnny and I think Hoyer wants to be a starter (even though he probably is just a really good backup).

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Thats fine..I misremembered. Of course they could always franchise the guy...nobody HAS to lose one player...but the question was did the Browns WANT to resign him...and if he raised his value and what they had invested into Manziel would they even WANT to resign him....guess that was what I thought was the question but I can freely admit I'm wrong and I'm sorry.


Nevertheless I think they are giving up on Hoyer a bit soon. I don't think he is a franchise qb but I think he has done enough to deserve to try to finish this season out and get them into the playoffs. He has done so much without his best TE and WR and now with Gordon back I think he is keying on him too much but I think they could still pull it out....Manziel...thats just rough to start him with a few weeks left when everyone is playing for their football lives and he is trying to find his way as a rookie taking his lumps....just a hard way to start your career....and a lot of pressure too. Anyways...I just don't see Hoyer back...as I didn't a few weeks ago even when he was playing much better...I think they want to turn over the team to Johnny and I think Hoyer wants to be a starter (even though he probably is just a really good backup).



I don't disagree with any of that. The offense has a stark contract since Gordon has come back. I'm just not sure that Hoyer will get a better offer than what the Browns would be willing to give him.


Backup a small QB that likes to run for the same backup money another team would give him. 

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