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Should Indy sign Ray Rice? [Merge]


Ray Rice play for the Colts ?  

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  1. 1. Ray Rice to indy?

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Nope, I have zero personal experience with this. Nice try trying to spin this into something its not tho. Old debating tactic people use when they are losing. I never once said it was "ok" to hit anyone. My whole argument is exactly the opposite actually. That its wrong to hit ANYONE. Not just women and its equally as wrong to hit a man.. And keep your hands to yourself if you do not wish to fight someone or get hit by someone. That is my argument. Learn to read and comprehend what I am saying. What I said is I don't feel any sympathy for any woman or man that hits someone and then gets hit back. Not that its "ok" or that I would even react the same way myself. I just don't feel sorry for these people or treat them as "victims".

Fair enough, we all have our own opinions. Maybe if you didn't have such a "She got what she deserved," attitude people probably wouldn't misinterpret your opinions. It's pretty simplified when you simply say I don't feel sorry for her vs maybe she hit him first, she deserved it and got what's coming to her and trying to turn it into this philosophical garbage about equal rights and acceptance.


Your flawed comments such as:

Hitting a man is just as wrong as hitting a woman. Neither should be looked at as "more acceptable".


Just because there's a drastic size difference that doesn't make her hitting him any more ok if she did hit him.


According to your arguments the very few times I've been hit by women, it would be just as acceptable for me to hit her back which is absolutely not the case.  In this case if his wife did hit him, it would be HIGHLY more acceptable than him hitting her. 


If you want to get "technical," it is more socially acceptable for a woman to hit a man.  That doesn't mean it's condonable by any means.  That being said, I don't think we will ever live in a society where it is just as acceptable for a man to hit a woman as it would be vica versa and neither should we.

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Perhaps I'm old school but it's sickening to think so many Colts fans out there would want this guy to play for the Colts.  I don't expect football players to be boy scouts but there are some things that as a man you just don't do and one of them is hit a woman.  Not only does that make him a despicable human being but it makes him a coward as well.  And people want to cheer for him because he can carry a football?  Some people have serious problems.


The guy made a huge mistake no doubt about it and he has went through the process and is now reinstated.  IMO the league and Roger boy played a huge part in the entire debacle - they all got free walking papers - why did the media let that slide?  They were on it while it was "popular"  no doubt they were all told to cease and desist or lose some $$$$$$ so it got shoveled under a rug!


Either way Rice has made amends and he has been reinstated and thus deserves another shot!  We need a RB and he would make us better right now so why not take a cheap chance?  Personally I'm not one swayed by "popular" public opinion though I am certain many businesses would take it into consideration and if they think it might hurt their pocketbook they will stay away too.   All swayed by politics and a steam roller in the media.


Imagine seeing Colts fans in the stadium wearing Ray Rice jersey's?  That becomes topic of conversation on all the local Indy news and nationally on ESPN.  How so many people will lose respect for the Colts and their fans.  There will be round table discussions on cable news about it on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC.  Colts' players surrounded at their lockers by reporters asking about it.  That's how the media operates.


Why do so many people care what the media thinks or does?  It seems too many people are swayed by what they hear instead of thinking for themselves! 

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The guy made a huge mistake no doubt about it and he has went through the process and is now reinstated.  IMO the league and Roger boy played a huge part in the entire debacle - they all got free walking papers - why did the media let that slide?  They were on it while it was "popular"  no doubt they were all told to cease and desist or lose some $$$$$$ so it got shoveled under a rug!


Either way Rice has made amends and he has been reinstated and thus deserves another shot!  We need a RB and he would make us better right now so why not take a cheap chance?  Personally I'm not one swayed by "popular" public opinion though I am certain many businesses would take it into consideration and if they think it might hurt their pocketbook they will stay away too.   All swayed by politics and a steam roller in the media.



Why do so many people care what the media thinks or does?  It seems too many people are swayed by what they hear instead of thinking for themselves! 

There are so many things wrong with this post.

  1. Roger had nothing to do with Ray Rice hitting his, now wife, and knocking her out cold and then just letting her lay there are the floor.
  2. You want to act like the league was in the wrong with Rice but yet now that they have reinstated him then they are correct.  It seems like you are picking and choosing what part of the league's response you accept.
  3. Just because the league reinstated him does not mean he deserves another shot.  You may be willing to change what you think is right and wrong based on whether or not you think the guy will help your favorite team win football games, but I'm not and hopefully the Colts front office isn't either.
  4. You say you're not swayed by popular opinion but since the popular opinion is that he deserves another shot, you should question that about yourself, if you want to be honest with yourself.
  5. Lastly, the reason to not take a cheap chance on him is because he is a despicable person who should never play in the league again.  And even if the commissioner doesn't have the guts or the principles to make that happen, then hopefully the league owners and GMs will. 

I know that in today's society people don't like to see things as right or wrong, they want to excuse and justify actions and then try to excuse and justify their own feelings on it.  But it really is sad to see such a blatant display of a complete lack of morals, principles and ethics.

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There are so many things wrong with this post.

  1. Roger had nothing to do with Ray Rice hitting his, now wife, and knocking her out cold and then just letting her lay there are the floor.
  2. You want to act like the league was in the wrong with Rice but yet now that they have reinstated him then they are correct.  It seems like you are picking and choosing what part of the league's response you accept.
  3. Just because the league reinstated him does not mean he deserves another shot.  You may be willing to change what you think is right and wrong based on whether or not you think the guy will help your favorite team win football games, but I'm not and hopefully the Colts front office isn't either.
  4. You say you're not swayed by popular opinion but since the popular opinion is that he deserves another shot, you should question that about yourself, if you want to be honest with yourself.
  5. Lastly, the reason to not take a cheap chance on him is because he is a despicable person who should never play in the league again.  And even if the commissioner doesn't have the guts or the principles to make that happen, then hopefully the league owners and GMs will. 

I know that in today's society people don't like to see things as right or wrong, they want to excuse and justify actions and then try to excuse and justify their own feelings on it.  But it really is sad to see such a blatant display of a complete lack of morals, principles and ethics.


Your opinion is there are so many things wrong - my opinion is,  well .... its equal to yours - neither or right or wrong - they simply are opinions!  (just like AH's we all have one!)


1 / 2 / 3 - The league and Roger lied over and over again from the get go of this case/issue so YES they very much played a part in the "issue" - sure they didn't start it, but they sure helped muck it up and the media starving for ratings blew it up like an A-bomb.    As I said he was in the wrong for hitting his fiance that can not be denied and he as said as much - he has made amends for that and I stand by my opinion.  The issue should be between him and her and his maker one day - NOT by AH's running amok.


4 - From my POV the popular opinion is that he does not deserve another shot and certainly not here in Indy 76-52 in this poll alone, so not sure where you are arriving at your conclusions.


5 - And its nice to see God gave you and those who find him despicable and unworthy of forgiveness and a second chance the power to judge another human being. ;)

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Your opinion is there are so many things wrong - my opinion is,  well .... its equal to yours - neither or right or wrong - they simply are opinions!  (just like AH's we all have one!)


1 / 2 / 3 - The league and Roger lied over and over again from the get go of this case/issue so YES they very much played a part in the "issue" - sure they didn't start it, but they sure helped muck it up and the media starving for ratings blew it up like an A-bomb.    As I said he was in the wrong for hitting his fiance that can not be denied and he as said as much - he has made amends for that and I stand by my opinion.  The issue should be between him and her and his maker one day - NOT by AH's running amok.


4 - From my POV the popular opinion is that he does not deserve another shot and certainly not here in Indy 76-52 in this poll alone, so not sure where you are arriving at your conclusions.


5 - And its nice to see God gave you and those who find him despicable and unworthy of forgiveness and a second chance the power to judge another human being. ;)

So, the only reason it's an issue is because of the way Goodell handled it?  I agree they did not handle it correctly mainly because they tried to cover it up.  But the issue is all Ray's.


It's based on other things I've read on the internet and the fact that he was reinstated.


Lastly, God gave all of us that power.

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Fair enough, we all have our own opinions. Maybe if you didn't have such a "She got what she deserved," attitude people probably wouldn't misinterpret your opinions. It's pretty simplified when you simply say I don't feel sorry for her vs maybe she hit him first, she deserved it and got what's coming to her and trying to turn it into this philosophical garbage about equal rights and acceptance.


Your flawed comments such as:

Hitting a man is just as wrong as hitting a woman. Neither should be looked at as "more acceptable".


Just because there's a drastic size difference that doesn't make her hitting him any more ok if she did hit him.


According to your arguments the very few times I've been hit by women, it would be just as acceptable for me to hit her back which is absolutely not the case.  In this case if his wife did hit him, it would be HIGHLY more acceptable than him hitting her. 


If you want to get "technical," it is more socially acceptable for a woman to hit a man.  That doesn't mean it's condonable by any means.  That being said, I don't think we will ever live in a society where it is just as acceptable for a man to hit a woman as it would be vica versa and neither should we.


WRONG, you keep getting my argument wrong. I thought you had it figured out until I ran across this sentence. My argument is NOT that its acceptable to hit ANYBODY. My argument in the case that you just described is that it was wrong for her to hit you and you were wrong if you hit her, period.. Also, her hitting you shouldn't be swept under the rug as no big deal just because she's a woman. I know as of right now its more socially acceptable for a woman to hit a man. That is what I'm AGAINST and I do think slowly but surely that is no longer becoming the case. You see more and more guys nowadays starting to wake up to the flawed logic that a woman should be able to get away with hitting a man because shes "weaker" and yet a man should be crucified if he hits a woman. You don't see as many "white knights" as you use to see. 


So one more time, my argument is that its just as wrong to hit a man as it is to hit a woman. Not that its just as ok to hit a woman as it is to hit a man. I think they are both equally wrong and neither is more wrong than the other. 

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