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Finish The Year With......


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The guy is a winning coach and a motivator.

It appears Caldwell has lost the team.

Bring him in as interim only. If a spark returns, we have a new head coach.

If we stay the same......things dont improve, We bring in someone else for next year.

(Is there another Harbaugh brother?)

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The guy is a winning coach and a motivator.

It appears Caldwell has lost the team.

Bring him in as interim only. If a spark returns, we have a new head coach.

If we stay the same......things dont improve, We bring in someone else for next year.

(Is there another Harbaugh brother?)

What on earth makes you say that after today? That team was playing very hard today. Firing a coach right now isn't going to help but believe it or not it could make it worse because Tressel is still learning these players and this isn't his system. It's not like he was a coach who had been around here a long time and knows the system who can take over and just finish out the season like most interim coaches are.

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What on earth makes you say that after today? That team was playing very hard today. Firing a coach right now isn't going to help but believe it or not it could make it worse because Tressel is still learning these players and this isn't his system. It's not like he was a coach who had been around here a long time and knows the system who can take over and just finish out the season like most interim coaches are.

I wouldn't want it to get worse. What is worse than 0-11? I don't know but would agree that we don't want it to get worse.

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Both he did some yelling and pumping of fists and even did some high fives. Someone must have slipped some cafine in his coffiee this morning.

then marijuana might be the only way to get some sort of emotion out of him - but on the other hand we lost anyway

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Tressel is a proven winner

4 national championships at Youngstown State

3 NCAA championship title games (Winning one)

6 Big Ten Championhips at Ohio State

.810 record at Ohio State

He covered for his player. He made a mistake.

But...... You have to agree he has the pedigree.

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Tressel is a proven winner

4 national championships at Youngstown State

3 NCAA championship title games (Winning one)

6 Big Ten Championhips at Ohio State

.810 record at Ohio State

He covered for his player. He made a mistake.

But...... You have to agree he has the pedigree.

in college sure, just because you are a good coach at the college level doesn't mean you are a great coach at the NFL level, just ask Sabin and the old ball coach about that.

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in college sure, just because you are a good coach at the college level doesn't mean you are a great coach at the NFL level, just ask Sabin and the old ball coach about that.

Problem is, the reverse holds true. Just because you're a bad college coach, doesn't mean you're a good NFL coach.

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Time out.

Before Caldwell joined the Colts, he was a losing college coach. He became a NFL Quarterback coach under dungy, supervising the quarterback who needed no coach. So who's really unproven here?

I don't think anyone ever said Caldwell was proven before he got the job. In fact I think that is one of most fans biggest complaints about him.

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So why keep him?

because he's the head coach right now and I don't think firing him for Tressel right now is going to help us win games. Unless Jim Tressel knows how to fix Peyton's neck or is hidding the 85 Bears defense and great running game some place I don't think it's going to help much.

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Perhaps it wouldn't help much this season, but if Caldwell has no future with the Colts, why prolong it. I'm all in favor of bringing in someone in the interim until the new coach is in place. But I respectfully disagree that Caldwell should remain on the property longer than 24 hours.

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Perhaps it wouldn't help much this season, but if Caldwell has no future with the Colts, why prolong it. I'm all in favor of bringing in someone in the interim until the new coach is in place. But I respectfully disagree that Caldwell should remain on the property longer than 24 hours.

Why fire a coach for a guy who probably isn't going to be the guy and who is still learning the players and isn't running a system that is his? Also why fire a guy if firing him isn't going to help?

What makes you sure Tressel would be the guy if they fire Caldwell? Odds are they would look to one of the coaches who have been here for a while and knows the team and this system. Also, like I said I don't think coaching is the biggest issue with this team. I think it's Peyton Manning being hurt and no new coach is going to fix that.

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Tressel is a proven winner

4 national championships at Youngstown State

3 NCAA championship title games (Winning one)

6 Big Ten Championhips at Ohio State

.810 record at Ohio State

He covered for his player. He made a mistake.

But...... You have to agree he has the pedigree.

Don't try to reason with the two or three caldwell supporters, because we will have to hear, yea but he took us to the super bowl.
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Don't try to reason with the two or three caldwell supporters, because we will have to hear, yea but he took us to the super bowl.

That has nothing to do with whether or not you hire or fire a coach mid-season, so your attempt to poke a stick in the sides of those two or three people is a worthless effort.

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That has nothing to do with whether or not you hire or fire a coach mid-season, so your attempt to poke a stick in the sides of those two or three people is a worthless effort.

Dude you know what? I don't always hit your posts with a retort, so let me have my opinion and you have yours. This staff is horrible and if you can't see that, you need to borrow the football for dummies book that firejimmies brother sent to, Coach stand and stare.

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This staff is horrible and if you can't see that, you need to borrow the football for dummies book that firejimmies brother sent to, Coach stand and stare.

I would say there arent any areas of strength on this team in the coaching staff.

Some are ok...... But........

I dont see the aggressive wining attitude.

The San Fran turn around is a case in point.

Did Alex Smith suddenly become Pro bowl level?

Jim Harbaugh has brought a winning attitude to the team..........

Do you see anyone on the coaching staff that gets the team to play at a higher level?

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Don't try to reason with the two or three caldwell supporters, because we will have to hear, yea but he took us to the super bowl.

I am just against firing a coach in the middle of the season. Frankly I am not going to be shocked at all with what happens to Caldwell at the end of the season. I don't think he's our biggest problem but I am still not going to be shocked if he's fired either and I wouldn't be against it because I have never thought Caldwell was the best coach the Colts could get. With that said, I don't think firing him in the middle of the year is going to make our team better.

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I would say there arent any areas of strength on this team in the coaching staff.

Some are ok...... But........

I dont see the aggressive wining attitude.

The San Fran turn around is a case in point.

Did Alex Smith suddenly become Pro bowl level?

Jim Harbaugh has brought a winning attitude to the team..........

Do you see anyone on the coaching staff that gets the team to play at a higher level?

Nope, just the opposite
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The guy is a winning coach and a motivator.

It appears Caldwell has lost the team.

Bring him in as interim only. If a spark returns, we have a new head coach.

If we stay the same......things dont improve, We bring in someone else for next year.

(Is there another Harbaugh brother?)

i know this is hindsight but honestly i wanted Harbaugh instead of Caldwell. Captain comeback should be here not in San Fran.
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I am just against firing a coach in the middle of the season. Frankly I am not going to be shocked at all with what happens to Caldwell at the end of the season. I don't think he's our biggest problem but I am still not going to be shocked if he's fired either and I wouldn't be against it because I have never thought Caldwell was the best coach the Colts could get. With that said, I don't think firing him in the middle of the year is going to make our team better.

I get that view, it is just you actually hear people on hear say he is not doing a bad job, and that is just insanity.Almost every paid pro evaluator you listen to is basically laughing at this team and its lack of ability to adjust to anything.I am a huge fan and fiscal supporter of this team and lets face we can't live in the past. Just look at the last 31 games, we are getting beat in every area and all we get is well golly gee, we just gotta get better and do a better job. I do not mean to be confrontational with you, but it just seems Polian and Mr. Irsay don't want to admit just how bad this team is. W hat excuse are we gonna use if Manning does'nt come back.
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I get that view, it is just you actually hear people on hear say he is not doing a bad job, and that is just insanity.Almost every paid pro evaluator you listen to is basically laughing at this team and its lack of ability to adjust to anything.I am a huge fan and fiscal supporter of this team and lets face we can't live in the past. Just look at the last 31 games, we are getting beat in every area and all we get is well golly gee, we just gotta get better and do a better job. I do not mean to be confrontational with you, but it just seems Polian and Mr. Irsay don't want to admit just how bad this team is. W hat excuse are we gonna use if Manning does'nt come back.

and I don't disagree changes need to be made at the end of the year.

With that said I am not going to put this ALL at the feet of Caldwell. People are saying how this year proves that the only reason we've won is because of Peyton Manning. Well now we don't have Peyton Manning and people are saying we are losing because of coaching? That doesn't fly with me. If the only reason we are winning is because of one guy and that guy is gone that tells me the main reason we are losing is because we don't have that guy anymore. I am not sure if any coach would be able to win with this team the way it is made up at the moment without Peyton Manning so I am not sure if this is ALL Caldwell fault. So I am not so much a fan of Caldwell as I just don't think it's ALL his fault. I do think he shares in the blame for some of it though.

If Peyton can't come back then the Colts have no choice, you draft Luck and rebuild.

Again Polian and Irsay aren't going to come out and publicaly say this team stinks. They aren't going to throw the players under the bus like that, and yes I know what Polian said after the Super Bowl but just because he did that once doesn't mean he is going to do it again.

This team's biggest problem has been poor QB play. It's not the only problem but it's the biggest. When you are a team that is built around having great QB play and you no longer have that and not only that now maybe you have the worst QB in the NFL it makes the other problems stand out that much more but the main issue is still a lack of QB play. If we correct that issue I think some of the other issues will take care of themselves or at least get back to the point where we can win with them like we did before.

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