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Practice Squad Policy Changes [Merge]


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Mongo would have made a decent Center. Maybe we should put pads on him just in case Holmes gets nicked again. Just a thought...

I don't know if this is a serious comment or not.  Mongo was played by Alex Karras, a 1st round pick of the Detroit Lions who was was on the best DTs in the game when he played andvoted by the Hall of Fame as a member of the 1960s All Decade Team.

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I would even take it a step further. I'd love to see the NFL institute a minor league system, like baseball or hockey, where guys are called up and shuttled back and forth over the course of a season. With injuries being so prominent, teams would benefit, and having guys in a minor league system would give them important experience and coaching that they wouldn't get if they're not fortunate enough to be on a 10-player practice team. 


They sort of tried this with NFL Europe... but it was NFL Europe. 

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1. You are right it was wide left my bad thanks for pointing that out

2. Why would we promise our punter he could try a FG in a real game when we have Adam? That seems strange

3. Maybe he will get another shot in the preseason?

4. It would have to be under very specific circumstances for it to happen in a real game I would think not sure how he could promise that.

5. Does Pagano have a crystal ball?


Because Adam isn't making anything from 64 yards out. At least McAfee has the leg.


Although, AV's kicks have had plenty of leg on them. He hit from 53 against the Giants, and it was a no-doubter, probably had another 4-5 yards on it.

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I would even take it a step further. I'd love to see the NFL institute a minor league system, like baseball or hockey, where guys are called up and shuttled back and forth over the course of a season. With injuries being so prominent, teams would benefit, and having guys in a minor league system would give them important experience and coaching that they wouldn't get if they're not fortunate enough to be on a 10-player practice team. 


They sort of tried this with NFL Europe... but it was NFL Europe. 


It's a lot of infrastructure needed to have minor league games and whatnot. But they could open up the practice squad, make it 20 guys, and just leave a team with a well of developing talent to draw from whenever needed. I think vets would have a bit of a problem with that, because it makes some of the older guys more expendable. 

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It's a lot of infrastructure needed to have minor league games and whatnot. But they could open up the practice squad, make it 20 guys, and just leave a team with a well of developing talent to draw from whenever needed. I think vets would have a bit of a problem with that, because it makes some of the older guys more expendable. 


Lots of infrastructure for sure. While I was posting that I was wondering to myself if baseball farm systems and the IHL actually make money, or if they're basically floated by the professional affiliate. I honestly don't know either way (and will see if I can find any info on that). 


I think if you made a few changes you might get veterans on board. Raise the salary cap, maybe increase active rosters to 60 players, that sort of thing.


The entity that would be REALLY hurt by a farm system would be the NCAA. 

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Because Adam isn't making anything from 64 yards out. At least McAfee has the leg.


Although, AV's kicks have had plenty of leg on them. He hit from 53 against the Giants, and it was a no-doubter, probably had another 4-5 yards on it.

I know. I understand the difference in the leg strength between Adam and Pat.  I just wanted to use the numbers like that other poster did it seemed so warm and welcoming

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Lots of infrastructure for sure. While I was posting that I was wondering to myself if baseball farm systems and the IHL actually make money, or if they're basically floated by the professional affiliate. I honestly don't know either way (and will see if I can find any info on that). 


I think if you made a few changes you might get veterans on board. Raise the salary cap, maybe increase active rosters to 60 players, that sort of thing.


The entity that would be REALLY hurt by a farm system would be the NCAA. 


A full-fledged farm system would presumably hurt the NCAA (assuming the age limit is reduced). But the quality would be inferior, I think, given less practice time and continuity. And the only way they would make money, IMO, would be if they played games from May to August, when football fans are starved for action.


The salary cap is going up, drastically, in the next couple of years. Expanding the active rosters and game day rosters should happen soon, also. I said earlier, 60 man active, 50 man game day. Just do it, it makes sense. And it would help keep guys fresh. We had Mike Adams playing punt return and kickoff coverage the other night, in preseason. He's 33 years old. With a 50 man roster, you can almost have a dedicated return unit on game day.


Also, if they want to expand the season, I think the proper way to do it is to shorten the preseason, add two bye weeks, and have each team play a 16 game schedule over the course of 19 weeks. You'd get a better quality product, and you'd be able to showcase more of your product on national TV. The gate receipts wouldn't go up, but the TV deals would.


Just my ramblings...

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A full-fledged farm system would presumably hurt the NCAA (assuming the age limit is reduced). But the quality would be inferior, I think, given less practice time and continuity. And the only way they would make money, IMO, would be if they played games from May to August, when football fans are starved for action.


The salary cap is going up, drastically, in the next couple of years. Expanding the active rosters and game day rosters should happen soon, also. I said earlier, 60 man active, 50 man game day. Just do it, it makes sense. And it would help keep guys fresh. We had Mike Adams playing punt return and kickoff coverage the other night, in preseason. He's 33 years old. With a 50 man roster, you can almost have a dedicated return unit on game day.


Also, if they want to expand the season, I think the proper way to do it is to shorten the preseason, add two bye weeks, and have each team play a 16 game schedule over the course of 19 weeks. You'd get a better quality product, and you'd be able to showcase more of your product on national TV. The gate receipts wouldn't go up, but the TV deals would.


Just my ramblings...


Very good points in those ramblings... 


When you're up for Commissioner I want a cushy, high-paying job OK?  ;)

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I am assuming this is a brand new agreement between NFL and Players Association. The Practice Squad has increased from 8 to 10 players.


Other eligibility changes: players can now have up to two accrued seasons and it now takes six games instead of three to qualify as a practice squad season. Below is the link. This should help us quite a bit due to some of the FA we would like to develop!



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If they were roster spots, you would be adding another 4-5 M onto your salary cap. I like just having the new spots and a good chance to develop talent. Plus the fact you can have players two years on the PS is huge. That may be more important than the increase of two players, because it will mean so much in terms of development. It may not be roster spots, but players like Swope can have extra time to develop, and Grigson does a great job looking for FA's as we know, and it does not matter where they are from and what sport they play. Found another article talking about the changes. It is a good read due to the fact it talks about cut down dates, 26th and 30th and when players can be signed, in addition to guidelines on players clearing waivers.





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