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Grigson Quotes from Press Conference


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I'm really puzzled why people are making excuses for TR. He was down right poor.

All this 'full pre-season' guff is just extending the denial. Irrespective of DB's past, or his starting position, he is a considerably better) than Trent.

And we'll let him go to save face on a very poor trade.

I get where you are coming from BHC. Clearly, this past season was not his best year on the ground. No argument there. I just hope that TR feels comfortable now with our offensive playbook & he can just react instinctually to what he sees vs overthink the situation too much. I'm pulling for ya TR, but my main guy that I wanna see come on like gang busters is Bradshaw. That's our thumper; our bruiser work horse to me. Please God be healthy with no foot issues in September. Thank you. 

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How many carries did Vick Ballard have this season? Was he available when Ahmad Bradshaw went down? Help me out here cause I don't remember. Who were our running backs (healthy) when Bradshaw went down vs the 49ers?

I really don't understand how your question relates to my statement.  Unless you think the only viable option for a RB was for the Colts to trade a 1st round pick.

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Well then this would seem to indicate he isn't too slow per se. So it must be the indecision.

Yeah, I think indecision was a large part of it.  I also think running style is another large part.  At Bama he ran behind a zone blocking scheme for 4 years and then he goes to Cleveland and runs behind a zone blocking scheme then comes to indy, mid season and runs behind a man blocking scheme.  So for literally tens of thousands of snaps the past 6 years he is learning to wait for the hole to develop and then run though it.  Then he comes to the Colts mid season, where practices are spent on game plan prep not fundamental prep and he's told to NOT wait for the hole to develop but to run where the hole is supposed.  That just does not happen quickly.


In a man blocking scheme if a run is designed to go up the 2 hole then the running back runs to the gap between the center and RG.  In a zone blocking scheme if a run is designed to go up the 2 hole then the gap could be anywhere from the left shoulder of the center to the right shoulder of the RG.  It's a different animal.


I remember when TRich was first signed someone asked how long it would take TRich to become acclimated to the Colts offense and I stated then it would be 2014 for the reasons listed above.  At the time the majority of the responses were, in essence, that I didn't know what I was talking about and that offseason/preseason work isn't that improtant. etc. 


I was a bit disappointed in not seeing any improvement during the course of the year, IMO, that is partly to blame on the position coach, but TRich's production was about what I expected last year.

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Yeah, I think indecision was a large part of it.  I also think running style is another large part.  At Bama he ran behind a zone blocking scheme for 4 years and then he goes to Cleveland and runs behind a zone blocking scheme then comes to indy, mid season and runs behind a man blocking scheme.  So for literally tens of thousands of snaps the past 6 years he is learning to wait for the hole to develop and then run though it.  Then he comes to the Colts mid season, where practices are spent on game plan prep not fundamental prep and he's told to NOT wait for the hole to develop but to run where the hole is supposed.  That just does not happen quickly.


In a man blocking scheme if a run is designed to go up the 2 hole then the running back runs to the gap between the center and RG.  In a zone blocking scheme if a run is designed to go up the 2 hole then the gap could be anywhere from the left shoulder of the center to the right shoulder of the RG.  It's a different animal.


I remember when TRich was first signed someone asked how long it would take TRich to become acclimated to the Colts offense and I stated then it would be 2014 for the reasons listed above.  At the time the majority of the responses were, in essence, that I didn't know what I was talking about and that offseason/preseason work isn't that improtant. etc. 


I was a bit disappointed in not seeing any improvement during the course of the year, IMO, that is partly to blame on the position coach, but TRich's production was about what I expected last year.

Well those are good reasons that he hasn't produced. I feel the same way about the failure to improve. I think if he get thru 3 or 4 games next season and he doesn't show some improvement then I'd would say that he just may not be a good fit for this team. I think that as many games as he played this year, a training camp and preseason is more than enough time to get acclimated.

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Well those are good reasons that he hasn't produced. I feel the same way about the failure to improve. I think if he get thru 3 or 4 games next season and he doesn't show some improvement then I'd would say that he just may not be a good fit for this team. I think that as many games as he played this year, a training camp and preseason is more than enough time to get acclimated.

I would completely agree.  If he is still in the 2.9 to 3.1 ypc range (and the other backs on the team are averaging 3.5 ypc or better) then you have to start looking at TRich and not blaming things on the oline and the (false) statement about the only time TRich got the ball was when the Colts were in a power formation.

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well, another thread hijacked by the same old tr stuff. there is a thread for this stuff. the mods need to move it all to that thread when they see it start.

If it really bothers you that much husker why not make a comment about Grigson's press conference rather than another post whining because people are talking about TRich?

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