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Compensation draft picks to Colts?

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Hey everyone. I have been thinking about the draft lately, and since we don't have our round one pick, or our fourth round pick :ticked: , I was thinking about compensation picks and if we would have any awarded our way? We could definitely use them this year!


We did have a lot of free agents leave the team last year, Freeny, Powers, Stanton, Justice, and I am sure I have missed a few others who were signed away by other teams. Anyone want to opine on whether we will have an extra 6th or 7th round pick coming our way. I know none were large signings, but we did lose a lot of faces from last years team. I appreciate the help?

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It really depends on how they weigh the losses vs. the gains, but I doubt we get any, especially with our biggest player in Freeney not technically producing much (because he was on IR after a few games). We got a ton of free agents this year, so I would bet they cancel out. 

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Hey everyone. I have been thinking about the draft lately, and since we don't have our round one pick, or our fourth round pick :ticked: , I was thinking about compensation picks and if we would have any awarded our way? We could definitely use them this year!


We did have a lot of free agents leave the team last year, Freeny, Powers, Stanton, Justice, and I am sure I have missed a few others who were signed away by other teams. Anyone want to opine on whether we will have an extra 6th or 7th round pick coming our way. I know none were large signings, but we did lose a lot of faces from last years team. I appreciate the help?


you made me curious so I looked up last year ..


Under the rules for compensatory draft selections, a team losing more or better compensatory free agents than it acquires in the previous year is eligible to receive compensatory draft picks.

The number of picks a team receives equals the net loss of compensatory free agents up to a maximum of four. The 32 compensatory choices announced on Monday will supplement the 222 choices in the seven rounds of the 2013 NFL Draft (April 25 to 27), which will kick off in prime time for the fourth consecutive year.

The first round will be held Thursday, April 25 and begin at 8 p.m. ET. The second and third rounds are set for Friday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m. ET, followed by Rounds 4 through 7 on Saturday, April 27 at noon ET.

This year, the compensatory picks will be positioned within the third through seventh rounds based on the value of the compensatory free agents lost.

Compensatory free agents are determined by a formula based on salary, playing time and postseason honors. The formula was developed by the NFL Management Council. Not every free agent lost or signed by a team is covered by this formula.

This year, two teams (the Colts and the New York Giants) each will receive a compensatory pick even though they did not suffer a net loss of compensatory free agents last year. Under the formula, the compensatory free agents lost by these teams were ranked higher than the ones they signed (by a specified point differential based upon salary and performance).

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Hey everyone. I have been thinking about the draft lately, and since we don't have our round one pick, or our fourth round pick :ticked: , I was thinking about compensation picks and if we would have any awarded our way? We could definitely use them this year!


We did have a lot of free agents leave the team last year, Freeny, Powers, Stanton, Justice, and I am sure I have missed a few others who were signed away by other teams. Anyone want to opine on whether we will have an extra 6th or 7th round pick coming our way. I know none were large signings, but we did lose a lot of faces from last years team. I appreciate the help?

Probably two picks but a 6 and maybe a 7th rounder.

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In terms of players who got playing time, the Colts signed Landry, Walden, Toler, RJF, Thomas, Cherilus, DHB and Bradshaw.


Of those players, Landry, Walden, Cherilus and RJF got starter minutes/snaps. Toler has been injured for half the season. Bradshaw and Thomas were injured before they got anything going. 


Now, I don't know how much they take into account in terms of playing time and injuries, but I think it's good to make note of it.


Now, in terms of players leaving...


The Colts lost Freeney, Powers, Avery, Fokou, Stanton and Zbikowski. Of those players, only Powers and Avery have received a starter amount of snaps/minutes. Fokou has been a rotational player. Freeney has been injured and Stanton & Zbikowski have not seen the field.


In terms of straight up numbers, the Colts had more additions than departures, and even if you take into account the amount of snaps and injuries (which I'm not 100% sure they do), the Colts' additions have had much more of an impact on this team than the departures have had on their team.


In conclusion, the Colts should not expect to receive ANY picks. 

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Thanks for all the great input. I knew if anything it would only be a 6th or 7th, but any extras since we are missing two would help.

One thing no one mentioned, and I know is part of the process of figuring out how the comp. picks work is how much the free agents signed for. It goes into the calculation, Unfortunately we signed four picks, Toler,

Walden, Landry, and Cherilus to pretty good contracts, especially for Cherilus. Of course good tackles never come cheap, but that is besides the point. So, when looking at that fact, it does not bode well for us. Still I am holding out for at least one comp. pick, just do to the shear volume of FA's from last years team, and I had forgotten Avery. Thanks for everyones input!

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In terms of players who got playing time, the Colts signed Landry, Walden, Toler, RJF, Thomas, Cherilus, DHB and Bradshaw.


Of those players, Landry, Walden, Cherilus and RJF got starter minutes/snaps. Toler has been injured for half the season. Bradshaw and Thomas were injured before they got anything going. 


Now, I don't know how much they take into account in terms of playing time and injuries, but I think it's good to make note of it.


Now, in terms of players leaving...


The Colts lost Freeney, Powers, Avery, Fokou, Stanton and Zbikowski. Of those players, only Powers and Avery have received a starter amount of snaps/minutes. Fokou has been a rotational player. Freeney has been injured and Stanton & Zbikowski have not seen the field.


In terms of straight up numbers, the Colts had more additions than departures, and even if you take into account the amount of snaps and injuries (which I'm not 100% sure they do), the Colts' additions have had much more of an impact on this team than the departures have had on their team.


In conclusion, the Colts should not expect to receive ANY picks. 


They also take contracts signed into consideration, so that might bump Freeney up a little bit. But I agree with your overall conclusion, and I doubt we receive a compensatory. If we did, it would likely be toward the very end of the 7th round as an overflow pick, like last season.

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They also take contracts signed into consideration, so that might bump Freeney up a little bit. But I agree with your overall conclusion, and I doubt we receive a compensatory. If we did, it would likely be toward the very end of the 7th round as an overflow pick, like last season.


aren't the overflow picks handed out based on team record starting with the worst record?  I know that's why we got the very last pick in the 2012 draft but didn't think that was why we got the last pick last year.

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aren't the overflow picks handed out based on team record starting with the worst record?  I know that's why we got the very last pick in the 2012 draft but didn't think that was why we got the last pick last year.


I don't know. I always have to refresh my memory on the way these picks are handed out.

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I don't know. I always have to refresh my memory on the way these picks are handed out.


I'm 99% sure any leftover picks are handed out in order of record.  In the 2012 draft the last 2 picks were given to the Rams and Colts...in that order because the compensatory picks would essentially be an 8th round and since the order alternates when the record is the same, the rams got the first leftover and the colts got the second and last leftover pick.  I'm not sure who we got the last pick for last year but I'm pretty sure it was for a player.

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I'm 99% sure any leftover picks are handed out in order of record.  In the 2012 draft the last 2 picks were given to the Rams and Colts...in that order because the compensatory picks would essentially be an 8th round and since the order alternates when the record is the same, the rams got the first leftover and the colts got the second and last leftover pick.  I'm not sure who we got the last pick for last year but I'm pretty sure it was for a player.


So the 7th rounder we got last year wasn't an overflow pick, then? That would explain everything. I was under the assumption it was.

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All I know about compensatory picks is that 32 of them are awarded each year.    Just 32.   One round's worth.


It breaks down roughly this way....


4 in rounds 3/4/5/6 = 16

16 in round 7           = 16




Now, the picks in rounds 3/4/5/6 oft times change.   Some times it's only 3 in this round and 5 in that round....  but it's roughly 16 through those 4 rounds.   And 16 in the final round.     Is that hard and fast and set in stone?    No.   But it's close enough to give everyone a good proximation.


Hope that clarifies and doesn't confuse.....

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