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Question of the Day - 12/30 "Playoff Week - Magic Monday"


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:blueshoe:   First things first - Colts fans - let's clarify our position.  As recently as a month ago - we ALL were sure that IF the Colts made the playoffs - they'd be one & done for a second consecutive season.


Based on the team play in the past 3 games:


:blueshoe:   WHAT is your realistic expectation for our Colts team in this seasons playoffs ??

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If we had to go to KC I would think that it would be very difficult to beat them there a second time.  Coming here puts a whole new twist on things.  They are so sure that they have the best home field advantage and we beat them there.  Let them come to LOS - Come on 12th Man - Lets show them what REAL NOISE IS!!!!!!  We need to bring the roof down!!!!!!  And I hope my fellow season ticket holders didn't sell their seats West :worthy:

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A win vs K.C. providing that Head Coach Chuck does his freakin' job and prepares the team to play and does a good job of game management.

A loss on the road the next week...we would have needed all our key injured players to have a good shot.

Your disdain for the coaching staff is beyond ignorant.

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I think this game will be much tougher than many Colts fans think.  Charles on turf is going to be hard to contain.  Also in the last game the Chiefs didn't take any shots downfield and that has not been their MO for the past few weeks, so look for Avery to go deep early to open things up for Bowe underneath and on the sideline.  The Chiefs had 20 new starters playing against the Bolts on Sunday and were still a missed FG from winning (a FG that should have drawn a flag and be rekicked).  The Chiefs are a deep team with some good players on both sides of the ball and a coach that has been through the playoffs a few times.


I think the Colts can win it but it will be a tough game.

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Win at home vs KC.  Go to NE, and lose due to a terrible call by a terrible official.  Probably will involve Tom Brady being looked at wrong.


I have higher expectations and hopes than that, but I can't express them without stating what I worry will truly happen.

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Well, we have beaten KC before. I just want to start a game fast, score a TD, protect Luck, & jam the Chief receivers off the line. I'm more interested in coverage sacks vs full blitzes & shutting down Charles on the ground. 


How far will get? Just defeat Andy's Reid's squad by any means necessary & then we will talk. 1 game at a time. Every Playoff team is zero/zero now...

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I would not be surprised if we win it all with the way we have played big teams in big games but I also wouldn't be surprised to lose first game with the way we looked during that slow stretch. Hopefully we keep this momentum going. How great would it be for start of Lucks legacy to beat Peyton Tom and Aaron or Drew en route to a superbowl

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