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The Waiting Game



123 members have voted

  1. 1. What will be next move by the Colts

    • Release of someone else
    • Signing off the Practice Squad(Rogers,Whalen, or Cunningham)
    • Blockbuster Trade
    • Street FA signing

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No money, no trade bait, no picks to offer.....Grigs will need a miracle to get mega talent for nothing, and then there is the 6 weeks of  acclimation to the offense...it would be mortgaging the future for about 4 games and possible playoffs, so that WR better have a lot of tread left on the tires for years to come to make it a worthy exchange........

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I don't think you need to make a trade. Sign 2 WR free agents.  ie Brandon Llyod; Laurent Robinson or Mohamed Massaquoi. Also, sign a veteran free agent TE & OG.

This way you don't have to give up any draft picks. Vet FA's have had some success in the league in

the past. You may get lucky & get the right vet in the right place to succeed again.


The only issue is that vets command a fairly hefty minimum wage based upon their service.  Our cap space is quite limited and the Colts must have the ability to sign more players as the season progresses (replacements for any  injured players during the rest of the season).  Even applying the new veteran minimum Colts have in reserve, signing just 1 vet player can easily use up $600,000 of the reported 1.2 million the Colts have in Salary Cap reserve.  When it's gone, you can't get anybody else on board, and we still have 9 more games to play and the injuries in the league this year have been alarmingly frequent.  


At some point, you have to put your faith in the players you have acquired and coached up.  The future is now.  And the experience makes them better for years to come.  If we make any move(s), I will be curious how it is worked out to bring them on board and not put possible  future replacement signings at risk.  People keep talking playoffs and Super Bowl, but you need to field a complete team of competent players, especially post season.

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Richardson to jags for blackmon.

Not in a million years would this happen.

I understand most people are underwhelmed with Trent, but could we stop suggesting moving a guy at a position we are just as thin at as WR? Its silly. Conner is more likely trade bait.

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    • I'm not saying he is about to be a sack machine but you can see some of his potential as a one gap penetrator with that frame.    
    • Davis came from Alabama. My point of interest as the writer highlighted is he is moving from being a 2 gapper into now only being responsible for a single gap with a lot more penetration from him versus read and react. With his length and power at 6ft 7 300 plus the expectation for him in our scheme is he will be more disruptive. A much more reliable option for us if Grover goes down in addition to whatever else maybe we can do with him.
    • Thank you. You guys are too kind, but I truly appreciate the support.    Perhaps I am being too hard on myself… But my point still stands that anyone who makes it to the NFL, whether practice squad or starter, has achieved something prestigious that only a rare few ever achieve.    Over a million high schoolers play. Of those only 7.8 percent move on to play in college.    Over 80,000 people play in college. Only 0.4 percent make it to opening day in the NFL.    Only 2,016 players make it to NFL rosters. 
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