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Grat Article On The Polians (Stampede...)


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I like the article, I'm not sure it is 100% accurate.

What I do know is, it's not fair Polian's son is in the Organization, nepotism is a terrible thing, I seriously doubt out of 6.97 billion people in the planet, Bill's son is the best fit for the job, too much of a coincidence, I think that's a sign of Bill having too much control over Irsay's brain, If I was the owner, I'd say: NO, not your kid Bill, that would create a terrible CONFLICT OF INTERESTS...

I like Polian and I think he's done a lot, and I think he deserves to leave whenever Peyton leaves, but he has to leave someday along with all his relatives.

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I have never read an article on Stampede Blue that was worth reading. :hush: So I can't agree that this is a good article. rotfl It's just some ones opinion and we have enough opinions on the forum that are way better than Stampede Blue. IMO of course

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So whats everyones suggestion then? For us to become The Indianapolis Polians? How much is too much? Does 0-5 not start a fire? Will 0-10? 0-16? At what point can we finally criticize 'ole Billy? Nothing in that article was even remotely out of line, or a stretch. Should we as fans just continue to let the Indianapolis Polians botch draft after draft, or not address glaring needs year after year, because 10 years ago we had a good couple of picks?

Dont offend 'ole grumpy papaw Polian. Lets not expect excellence and quality roster management from a guy who brought excellence and quality roster management to Indy.

Bill has been selling everyone in Indy hamburger and calling it steak for 6 years now, its just Manning made such a darn good burger that no one minded.

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I am not familer with the inner workings of fan bloggers...but what is wrong with Stampede Blue? Do they say the same things about this board?

This article is spot on, IMO. Bill Polian is like an aging pitcher who has lost his fastball and the Polian apologists are the star struck fans who can't or won't see that he is a liability rather than an asset. Jim Irsay, who was possibly the worst GM in the history of pro sports, has far too much confidence in Polian and is too afraid to make changes because change is risky. Chris Polian would be mopping floors if daddy did not set him up with the GM job.

Meanwhile, the Colts keep regressing, drafting midget players (especially DBs) and bringing in and starting the least talented free agents that no one else wants and who can't stand up to the rigors of the NFL, our next man up replacements are literally bums off the street that should be an embrassment to the organization, our fans and generally anyone who is expecting a minimal level of talent in a so called NFL player. We have the worst HC and worst DC in the NFL bar none and the rest of the coaching staff couldn't coach anything. When was the last time anyone on the Colts coaching staff was considered for a lateral or higher level position with another NFL team? Never - because they suck. As a Colts fan for four decades I am sickened, angry and dismayed by the state of our organization and the (non) performance of our team. Looks like we are back to the - Count On Losing This Sunday (COLTS) era.

Lord help our Colts.

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So whats everyones suggestion then? For us to become The Indianapolis Polians? How much is too much? Does 0-5 not start a fire? Will 0-10? 0-16? At what point can we finally criticize 'ole Billy? Nothing in that article was even remotely out of line, or a stretch. Should we as fans just continue to let the Indianapolis Polians botch draft after draft, or not address glaring needs year after year, because 10 years ago we had a good couple of picks?

Dont offend 'ole grumpy papaw Polian. Lets not expect excellence and quality roster management from a guy who brought excellence and quality roster management to Indy.

Bill has been selling everyone in Indy hamburger and calling it steak for 6 years now, its just Manning made such a darn good burger that no one minded.

Good thing I love hamburger or steak, or whatever the heck it is that I have been eating.

Look, there is no doubt that the recent drafts have set this franchise back. But the first picks in his first 8 drafts that he made were absolutely fantastic and led the franchise to unparalled success. That cannot be discounted.

BBS says the Colts have regressed since the Super Bowl. Really? I guess if regressing is 4 straight double-digit wins since, 3 division titles and another Super Bowl appearance is regressing, then I guess they have. Probably most teams would like to regress like that.

My point is 1) Big Blue Shoe is a categorical *. Arguing otherwise is pure folly and 2) the suggestion to fire Polian after the first bad year in the last decade seems completely ignorant.

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2) the suggestion to fire Polian after the first bad year in the last decade seems completely ignorant.

2 helps explain a lot. This isn't Polians first bad year, this is his 6th, it's just now all coming to a head. Which brings me to my previous point. How long is long enough? Do we simply want a Polian here as long as they are willing? Will a Polian fire a Polian? At what point is change needed? After 5, 10 years? After 12-4? After 2-14?

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BBS is a Polian hater...and borderline libelous in his childish name calling w/ regards to Bill Polian...If I were BP I'd sue his butt off for libel...He makes no attempt to hide his utter comtempt for Polian, and ignores the good things he's done. I think he's mad that he is pretty much dead to the Colts organization...and to the Star. In their "quick links" section you see 18to188.com referenced, and Coltzilla, but rarely if ever Stampede Blue. And it's sad really, b/c all he needs to do is be a more professional. I realize blogs aren't really "old school" journalism and the interwebs are the Wild West of the 21st Century, but BBS is ridiculous, as are most of the rest of the "staff" over there.

That said, I am sick of the Polian bashing....really folks? WE KNOW he has whiffed on some draft picks!! WE GET IT!! But this year's draft has been pretty solid thus far, until Nevis and Costanzo got hurt (can't blame that on being undersized, and neither were really injury prone in college....crap happens). Carter is going to be a solid RB, and Rucker should be ok given time.

0-5 is bad, yes. But a few things here and there, and we're probably sitting at 3-2 right now, or 2-3 at worst.

I do want to see something done in the strength/conditioning staff....The guys getting hurt aren't always the "undersize" guys everyone thinks we have. Powers is no midget, neither is Addai, and I already mentioned Costanzo and Nevis (forgetting Ijilana too, he's real small...or not)

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this year's draft has been pretty solid thus far, until Nevis and Costanzo got hurt (can't blame that on being undersized, and neither were really injury prone in college....crap happens). Carter is going to be a solid RB, and Rucker should be ok given time.

Agreed, I am quite pleased with this draft.

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This isn't Polians first bad year, this is his 6th, it's just now all coming to a head.

By what definition? The first round?

Are you comparing him to other GMs, or to himself when the Colts were picking higher?

I think that you are completely off base.

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I like the article, I'm not sure it is 100% accurate.

What I do know is, it's not fair Polian's son is in the Organization, nepotism is a terrible thing, I seriously doubt out of 6.97 billion people in the planet, Bill's son is the best fit for the job, too much of a coincidence, I think that's a sign of Bill having too much control over Irsay's brain, If I was the owner, I'd say: NO, not your kid Bill, that would create a terrible CONFLICT OF INTERESTS...

I like Polian and I think he's done a lot, and I think he deserves to leave whenever Peyton leaves, but he has to leave someday along with all his relatives.

That was a thing of beauty.

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