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the fourth and one call last week was kinda that as was the call to have Brown in the game on a third and one today when Bradshaw is better in those scenarios and same can be said with trying to run Bradshaw outside when Brown is more suited for that. All and all though I think he's doing alright for a rookie NFL coach. He's learning and will get better like any rookie. In think we as fans need to realize that sometimes it's failure to execute the play calls that's the issue and not always the play calls themselves.

we also have to remember Pep may not necessarily sub in Brown and Bradshaw when he sees fit to do so, One may head toward the sidelines and the other comes in, Brown in on a 3rd and 1 wasn't that big a deal to me

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we also have to remember Pep may not necessarily sub in Brown and Bradshaw when he sees fit to do so, One may head toward the sidelines and the other comes in, Brown in on a 3rd and 1 wasn't that big a deal to me

brown was in there for the play before which was pretty much the same play call. Call plays that suit the personal on the field. He will learn.
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Yeah, Bruce knew what plays work in the pros with the personnel he had.

Pep is a college OC trying to fit players into the system he wants to run...and a lot of the players don't fit.

I suppose Pep is learning on the job and using the Colts to do it.



Actually, Bruce was guilty of this more than anyone else, IMO


I think Arians was a horrible play caller, but his aggressiveness and ability to coach, I do miss. I sometimes wonder if Pagano is responsible for the vanilla scheme in place right now. Pep came into the job talking about wanting to do a lot of different things with Luck (Pistol formation, which we have yet to see) but it got shutdown relatively quick by Pagano, if I remember correctly. Pagano is a defensive minded coach, so naturally, he's passive when it comes to offense. Bruce wasn't, and for as many bone-headed play calls as he made, he was ballsy enough to give Luck and co a chance to make something happen. 9 times out of 10, Luck turned nothing into something and pulled out a win for us. I think the new coaching staff is going to the other extreme now, whereas Arians had little to no regard for the health and well-being of Luck (or how his scheme affects it), this new regime is trying too hard to protect him, and might even be holding the offense back a little.


These are all just my own opinions, of course. I'm not speaking in absolutes. Take it with a grain of salt.

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Never called myself a football genius.  I'm like just about everyone else on here, I like to talk about football.

Sorry if you don't like what I have to say.....


I love people who love to talk football. We'll see what happens with Trent Richardson, hopefully he will give the running game a jolt and help the play-action game. I still feel strongly we need better blocking, but he is a guy you have to feel better about feeding carries to.

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