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I was disappointed in the Offense's performance


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I hear everybody but this Oline still sucks. Holmes & Thornton can't get in their quick enough. Satele was getting thrown around like a rag doll. Perhaps Allen, Fleener & Bradshaw'll give us some more pop...but they're not skilled Olinemen...just not seeing it. And not prepared to roll with the same excuses from last year. We had an off-season and draft to address this...I thought we did...but the product looks the same.

I'll give'em some more time (in the hope dept). But I'm not holding my fire. They've got to get it together.

:scratch: The Colts won the game pretty easily even without either starting tight end and a couple of oline starters on the field. 

This whole thread is whiny nonsense. 

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I hear everybody but this Oline still sucks. Holmes & Thornton can't get in their quick enough. Satele was getting thrown around like a rag doll. Perhaps Allen, Fleener & Bradshaw'll give us some more pop...but they're not skilled Olinemen...just not seeing it. And not prepared to roll with the same excuses from last year. We had an off-season and draft to address this...I thought we did...but the product looks the same.

I'll give'em some more time (in the hope dept). But I'm not holding my fire. They've got to get it together.


And yet, we dominated the game.  BTW, who's to say the Browns defense isn't one of the best in the league?


Those teams we play against - you know they're pros too, right?  We're not going to win every down, no team does.  We won most of them in that game.  That's all you can ask for.

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Keep in mind that we were without our 1 and 2 TE's. Cleveland has a decent D, and Andrew did pretty much whatever he wanted to.


Agree, and have to laugh at Anyone that thinks an O-Line is going to be immediately good with 2 new starters and still having 40% of the line occupied by Satelle and McGlynn.  Hopeless?

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So when Indy gets all it's starters back, on O and D. Will Indy still NEED to outscore the opponent?

I mean after all the "ones vs ones" the last 2 weeks Indy has outscored the opponent 31 -6...

Just saying.. but it is what it is.

correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't out scoring the opponant the object of the game?

Little known fact. 100% of all teams that fail to out score the opponent lose or tie

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...in the Cleveland game.

Andrew kept it together but the Oline was something less than praiseworthy.

He rarely had a pocket that resembled...you know...a POCKET. And he took some shots. Looked a lot like last year. And we had a whopping 10 points halfway through the 2nd quarter.

That's not gonna hold water against the elite teams.

The defense was awesome...but I was very disappointed in the offensive line.

...just venting.

I saw what you saw. Both tackles got abused by the Browns outside rush. The delayed blitzes by the LB's also worked. Luck was knocked around and blasted a number of times. His toughness got him through the early onslaught. Preseason saved him. Four quarters of that type of line play would have been bad news for the horseshoes. Reitz as back up LT is concerning, I have more confidence in the pure talent of Ijalana. Cherilus getting whooped so bad and so often was also nerve racking. He looked like Linkenbach over there being shoved out of the way, run over, run around and generally out matched.

Luck found a way to read, throw and absorb heavy hits fast enough to cover their butts.  ...additional venting.

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...in the Cleveland game.

Andrew kept it together but the Oline was something less than praiseworthy.

He rarely had a pocket that resembled...you know...a POCKET. And he took some shots. Looked a lot like last year. And we had a whopping 10 points halfway through the 2nd quarter.

That's not gonna hold water against the elite teams.

The defense was awesome...but I was very disappointed in the offensive line.

...just venting.

Remember we were without our two starting tight ends.

Bradshaw has yet to take a snap.

And Hugh Thornton looks impressive..

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It seemed like the problems were at RG and Center.  Satele and McGlynn (at first).  Thornton seemed to improve the position and hopefully, Holmes will do the same.  THe problem is that they're both rookies and lack NFL experience.  Also, the front office seems married to the idea of Satele and McGlynn.   I was surprised at Reitz' performance at LT; he was much better than I expected. 


Cherilus was adequate as was Thomas.   As we've said for years, running game will improve with an improved O-line.  The O-line seems much better than last year's but I think it still has a long way to go.

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