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I hope Jim Harbaugh gets his ring


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I have been thinking about this today. I would love to see the Ravens win for Ray and all that and Ed Reed too but.......


Jim Harbaugh needs this. He fell short last year. He fell short in 1995 to the God awful rigging Steelers.


The 49ers look loaded. I hope they win it all now.


Not to mention who do you think Luck would be pulling for? HELLO.



Go Captain Comeback!!!! :goodluck:


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As much as I hated the 49ers growing up, I can't help but root for them now. It is Atlanta over all. I have to deal with Saints fans and the excuse "Well I hate the Niners, so I can take Atlanta winning it" MAN UP BOYS! You hate the Falcons, you had to deal with the Niners winning it years ago, this won't hurt! At least Harbaugh is likable is what I tell them. I don't get why ANYONE could hate Jim Harbaugh. Look at him, he sticks up for his players, he gets mad and screams at the refs. i would have love to have him over Sean Payton, yes I said it, I'd take him over Payton and the joke of Carmichael/Vitt we had this year who just sat there and let Brees play for stats and not run the ball.

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There is no way Matt Ryan and Atlanta is beating SF next week.


Harbaugh over Sean Payton - Look Saints fans too, they love complaining about this game and coming up with their laughable conspiracy theories but Harbaugh absolutely 100% out coached Payton. As soon as Thomas went down we stopped running the ball and went into Dan Marino mode with Brees throwing 60 passes. You seen just how scared Harbaugh was of the Saints defense when Alex Smith did a bootleg run play for a touchdown. We wouldn't have came back in that game if their offense was scoring like they did last night.


Harbaugh over Mike McCarthy - TWICE. McCarthy is not a great coach IMO. Last night, he totally exposed that one dimensional passing game. They LET GB run the ball, they did. Look at the stat sheet, they let them run it because they knew they wouldn't keep up with it, and they were all over those great WR's. They had them covered left and right.


Harbaugh over  Smith ALL THE WAY.



Look SF has beat all the best QB's in the league they have played. They beat Brees twice, absolutely dismantled the Saints and made us look like garbage both times. The first time we were only in that game because Alex Smith and company couldn't do anything until the 4th quarter. The second time around oh you saw...you saw how it worked. They beat Rodgers twice, and they beat Brady. Matt Ryan is nothing. The Falcons blew a 27-3 lead today, there is no way I am picking them to "shock the world". Watch what happens when Roddy White pushes off next week, they are going to slam him in the face. They have never been hit as hard as the Niners defense likes to hit. I am serious, look at them. They made the Pats look bad for most the game, they absolutely tortured GB on defense. They destroyed the Saints. Atlanta is going to get their butts handed to them on a silver platter next week.

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There is no way Matt Ryan and Atlanta is beating SF next week.


Harbaugh over Sean Payton - Look Saints fans too, they love complaining about this game and coming up with their laughable conspiracy theories but Harbaugh absolutely 100% out coached Payton. As soon as Thomas went down we stopped running the ball and went into Dan Marino mode with Brees throwing 60 passes. You seen just how scared Harbaugh was of the Saints defense when Alex Smith did a bootleg run play for a touchdown. We wouldn't have came back in that game if their offense was scoring like they did last night.


Harbaugh over Mike McCarthy - TWICE. McCarthy is not a great coach IMO. Last night, he totally exposed that one dimensional passing game. They LET GB run the ball, they did. Look at the stat sheet, they let them run it because they knew they wouldn't keep up with it, and they were all over those great WR's. They had them covered left and right.


Harbaugh over  Smith ALL THE WAY.



Look SF has beat all the best QB's in the league they have played. They beat Brees twice, absolutely dismantled the Saints and made us look like garbage both times. The first time we were only in that game because Alex Smith and company couldn't do anything until the 4th quarter. The second time around oh you saw...you saw how it worked. They beat Rodgers twice, and they beat Brady. Matt Ryan is nothing. The Falcons blew a 27-3 lead today, there is no way I am picking them to "shock the world". Watch what happens when Roddy White pushes off next week, they are going to slam him in the face. They have never been hit as hard as the Niners defense likes to hit. I am serious, look at them. They made the Pats look bad for most the game, they absolutely tortured GB on defense. They destroyed the Saints. Atlanta is going to get their butts handed to them on a silver platter next week.



I hope you are right. But, if Atlanta gets trashed all week and pulls out the upset who knows........




I hope Kapernick does not blow it at some time.

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I too would like to see Harbaugh get a SB ring but I want the Harbaugh that is the coach of the Ravens. :thmup: Who knows maybe they will get to play each other in the SB. Should make for a good game if it comes to happen. :)  Guess we will all know next who will be playing for sure.

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You know something?


Atlanta has the 24th ranked defense in the league.


They are 21st vs the rush, and 25th vs the pass.



And GB was ranked what 16th and they nearly massed 600 yards on them?



Don't be shocked if they have another big game and beat the living crap out of Atlanta. I would not be scared if I was a 49er fan. They blew a 20 point lead. Physically, the Seahawks out played them and wore them slap out. They had little to no pass rush at all, and that's pretty bad considering how average Seattle's offensive line is.



49ers are going to blow them out bad. That defense is built to shut down the one dimensional teams that try to make their QB Dan Marino with no run game. Turner will not be able to run against them. They shut down Brees, Brady, and Rodgers twice. Matt Ryan is not even a top 5 quarterback, watch him drop back and throw a bunch of interceptions in this game.


Harbaugh will have nothing to worry about. They let Russell Wilson tear them up and gave him his first 300+ yard game, god knows how bad Kaep is going to destroy them.



Anyone that thinks they are matched up well with the 49ers top ranked defense, is insane. Atlanta played ONE top 10 team all year. ONE....the rest were average and below average teams. They finally played a good team and they blow a 20 point lead and would have lost if Pete Carroll wouldn't have called a time out. This is a gift for the 49ers. They struggled against tough defenses like Seattle and St. Louis, but Atlanta has a very weak defense. Kaep is going to explode on them like he did the other night against Green Bay.



And to all you "Saints fans" that are selling out to root for Atlanta, you should know our dome is much louder than theirs. I'll never forget that 2010 playoff game. Once it became 28-14, all the Falcons fans left, and you could actually hear "Go Pack Go" louder than anything. They'll clear out again once it becomes a 14 point game.

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