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How to think like a GM....

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In this week's Peter King Monday Morning QB column, he has a section right on page 1 talking about Giants GM Jerry Reese...

And Reese shares his philosophy about players and free agency and when to sign and when not to, and King talks about some of the interesting draft picks Reese has made and why he made them, etc, etc.

If you like this kind of stuff (and I really, really do) then you like this.... It's not very long... if it takes you more than a few minutes to read this section then you have other issues...!

It's toward the bottom of page 1.... You only have to scroll about 1/3 of the way down the page, the bottom 2/3rds of the page are readers comments... it's above that...



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The key word here that I cherish is 'patience.' Patience in a player to live up to his draft potential. That said, when that potential has not been met and we are reaching new salary levels, as Gavin says above not being "scared" to part ways.

The Kevin Boss example is 'perfection' in terms of the GM process IMO. You have a player waiting in the wings whom is read to 'fly,' pull the trigger. Some GMs fall in love with their players(no names mentioned to avoid arguments) and they wear out their welcome....even Brandon Jacobs in NY....a great example.

Thank you NewColtsFan for sharing a well run operation's perspective. t was a refreshing article after yesterday's negativity. :thmup::applause:

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The key word here that I cherish is 'patience.' Patience in a player to live up to his draft potential. That said, when that potential has not been met and we are reaching new salary levels, as Gavin says above not being "scared" to part ways.

The Kevin Boss example is 'perfection' in terms of the GM process IMO. You have a player waiting in the wings whom is read to 'fly,' pull the trigger. Some GMs fall in love with their players(no names mentioned to avoid arguments) and they wear out their welcome....even Brandon Jacobs in NY....a great example.

Thank you NewColtsFan for sharing a well run operation's perspective. t was a refreshing article after yesterday's negativity. :thmup::applause:

Thanks for the kind words, BMac.... and back at you....

And I've been preaching that favorite word of yours, "patience" since I arrived here in May.... and I know some posters here must be sick of it and me. But, it's one of my favorite words/concepts as well. The Colts can build something really special here. But it will take time. Even a year from now, we won't be done. Two years from now we'll be in serious playoff contention. And three years from now.... hopefully, it's "watch out for the Colts!"


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    • Trade him? He just handed him a nice extension.
    • Yes, thanks, you’re right. When the Panthers traded to get the 1 is when Ballard said he didn’t have all the information to make the trade. That’s strange to me.  “Didn’t want to make a blind decision without all the information,” Ballard told reporters Monday. “I know for people, they might not understand that. But I think history kind of tells you that when you do that, you better know what you’re getting. And we weren’t quite ready to do that at that time. And then we feel like there’s enough depth in the draft that we were gonna be okay.”   This was in late March. Ballard had a chance to get the 1 and use it to take Stroud not Young. I think it’s strange he said he didn’t move up to 1 because it would have been a “blind decision.” Why would it be a blind decision in March? Why wouldn’t you know what you’re getting? You’re getting whoever you want if you get the 1. It didn’t happen, but Ballard could have recognized that Stroud was going to be superior, could have made the trade and could have drafted him. Ballard admits it never occurred to him to attempt the trade because it would be a “blind decision.” 
    • I cringed after seeing the way his leg bent underneath him to the point of him sitting down on it. Buckner is one tough dude and to see him needing help to get off the field is when I knew he was going to be out for a while.
    • He probably felt confident Bowers would still be on the board at 15 once he made it past NYJ at 11.  He could've been trading up with other teams to move up to get Brock Bowers, but unfortunately, the Raiders had their eyes set on him and took him at 13.
    • Not now...   Let the year play out. Maybe at the end of the season... 
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