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Only We Can Stop It


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I think the time has come for the 30 or so of us that frequent this site at least daily to agree to a moratorium on speculation between JI and PM. In my opinion neither guy needs to put on a side of this issue, when it comes down to it they are the two people most responsible for creating Colts nation, none could have done it without the other and we have been the lucky fans along for the ride. When I first started posting on this site I thought it was fun to be out there and stir the pot a little. I quickly learned that was'nt the best way to be involved. With that being said I think the best fan for the fans to be with this issue is to refuse to be baited into conversations about JI or PM. For me regardless of how this goes down I for one will continue to support and respect both men for I feel they have EARNED it. Most of us on the forum really enjoy the game of football, that is why we chat, so lets talk draft or some of the positive things that await this franchise with our new staff. Now lets go find that 3rd round wideout with the no drop hands and speed to seperate or that 2nd round 3.4 LB that RB's and QBs fear. Remember our favorite players will come and go, but true fandom spans generations. GO COLTS.

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I agree.

I am relatively new and joined in November to express my discontent for Jim Caldwell.

I don't want to judge new members for joining with an agenda (since I too had one when I joined), but there really seems to be a lot of brand new members that are very outspoken regarding cutting PM. I blame ESPN for this.

I really hope that Irsay and Manning can make a decision soon so we can get away from the topic. Unfortuantely I think the date (roster bonus) is going to be pushed back to April, dragging this on for another couple of months.

In the meantime I will avoid the bait. great post!

PS.... I just found the ignore feature on these forums and now the boards are just like they were before January. I highly recommend this feature.

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I think the time has come for the 30 or so of us that frequent this site at least daily to agree to a moratorium on speculation between JI and PM. In my opinion neither guy needs to put on a side of this issue, when it comes down to it they are the two people most responsible for creating Colts nation, none could have done it without the other and we have been the lucky fans along for the ride. When I first started posting on this site I thought it was fun to be out there and stir the pot a little. I quickly learned that was'nt the best way to be involved. With that being said I think the best fan for the fans to be with this issue is to refuse to be baited into conversations about JI or PM. For me regardless of how this goes down I for one will continue to support and respect both men for I feel they have EARNED it. Most of us on the forum really enjoy the game of football, that is why we chat, so lets talk draft or some of the positive things that await this franchise with our new staff. Now lets go find that 3rd round wideout with the no drop hands and speed to seperate or that 2nd round 3.4 LB that RB's and QBs fear. Remember our favorite players will come and go, but true fandom spans generations. GO COLTS.

I second that. all this speculation about PM is getting old. im going to just sit back and wait for what ever happens to happen. us fans speculating stirs up problems because someone hears from someone else that PM is coming back etc etc etc. and then it comes out its all ^cowpatties^. theres nothing wrong with saying why he should or shouldnt come back though.

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Its ok if you have the discipline to take it all as here say. But I completely agree we should be respectful and not think the worst of JI and PM.

the sad thing is its the press who is pushing the fans into thinking JI or PM are being bad about all of this. I believe half the stuff said between those two were blowin out of proportion, and the writers dont care because their trying to be the first to break a story that isnt even ready to be broken.

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"When I first started posting on this site I thought it was fun to be out there and stir the pot a little. I quickly learned that was'nt the best way to be involved. With that being said I think the best fan for the fans to be with this issue is to refuse to be baited into conversations about JI or PM. For me regardless of how this goes down I for one will continue to support and respect both men for I feel they have EARNED it."

For what it's worth, I had you on ignore, and I decided to read your post anyway. I appreciate what you said and I am going to remove the ignore. Thanks for sharing.

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neither guy needs to put on a side of this issue, when it comes down to it they are the two people most responsible for creating Colts nation, none could have done it without the other and we have been the lucky fans along for the ride.

When I first started posting on this site I thought it was fun.

regardless of how this goes down I for one will continue to support and respect both men for I feel they have EARNED it. Most of us on the forum really enjoy the game of football, that is why we chat

I have taken the liberty of cutting part of your post to emphasize what I agree with the most, although I don't disagree with any of it.

The issue has been re-hashed so many times I think everyone pretty well knows where everyone stands on it and I don't care to contribute to the speculization any more just because some yahoo writes another article about his opinion, which is basically no better than anyone's here. At least here I have formed a "cyber-relationship" with the posters. The so called reporters and gossip mongerers I care nothing about, so that is what their opinion means to me.

I find myself spending more time in the NFL general section than the Colts Football section for the first time ever.

For now I am waiting on news from Peyton or Jim. I am done with the others.

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I agree that this is growing tiresome due to media antics yet at the same time my fascination with the potential ramifications of the handling of the Peyton situation on this franchise will not allow me to divert my attention.

IMO, this whole thing with the media portrayal of a Irsay/Manning spat is just a microcosm of how the media attempts to misrepresent facts to manipulate the opinions of the masses regarding the more important aspects of life. It happens in all relms of life from politics, portrayal of world events, perceptions of national and/or global crises, etc. If they can say something long enough, loud enough and flood that message through all mediums eventually people come to accept what they are bombarded with as truth and fact. A culture is then created where it becomes "incorrect" to speak contrary to the "established public opinion". So if anything, use this current smaller scale sports example, involving our favorite team and beloved QB, to help open your eyes to what the media has been doing to us on a much larger scale every day.

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I agree that this is growing tiresome due to media antics yet at the same time my fascination with the potential ramifications of the handling of the Peyton situation on this franchise will not allow me to divert my attention.

IMO, this whole thing with the media portrayal of a Irsay/Manning spat is just a microcosm of how the media attempts to misrepresent facts to manipulate the opinions of the masses regarding the more important aspects of life. It happens in all relms of life from politics, portrayal of world events, perceptions of national and/or global crises, etc. If they can say something long enough, loud enough and flood that message through all mediums eventually people come to accept what they are bombarded with as truth and fact. A culture is then created where it becomes "incorrect" to speak contrary to the "established public opinion". So if anything, use this current smaller scale sports example, involving our favorite team and beloved QB, to help open your eyes to what the media has been doing to us on a much larger scale every day.

True, but you have to have an audience. The media only distorts the truth and stretches facts, because they know that people no longer hold media sources accountable. People don't want boring/right...they want exciting/(who care what the sources are). With the onset of television programming where people are embarrassed and humiliated (reality tv), fake sports drama, (wrestling), and corporate firing/cooking show humiliation.....it is easy to see that the masses dont want anything other than embarrassment, rejection, lies, deceit, and failure. Many have grown up in this era and cant see the changes.

As long as thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread of their bulljack and fake drama keeps getting posted, they are going to keep dishing it up to you. I haven't, nor will I, post a single thread about he said she said. What I did post, was a thread about football. It was a way for all here to learn more about......you know....the game of football. I had three takers.....and the thread died. Why? Because it wasnt about drama, deception, and lies.

Anyway. this wasn't a rant about you personally, I used your comment as a platform to make my own statement. For that, I sincerely apologize.

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True, but you have to have an audience. The media only distorts the truth and stretches facts, because they know that people no longer hold media sources accountable. People don't want boring/right...they want exciting/(who care what the sources are). With the onset of television programming where people are embarrassed and humiliated (reality tv), fake sports drama, (wrestling), and corporate firing/cooking show humiliation.....it is easy to see that the masses dont want anything other than embarrassment, rejection, lies, deceit, and failure. Many have grown up in this era and cant see the changes.

As long as thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread of their bulljack and fake drama keeps getting posted, they are going to keep dishing it up to you. I haven't, nor will I, post a single thread about he said she said. What I did post, was a thread about football. It was a way for all here to learn more about......you know....the game of football. I had three takers.....and the thread died. Why? Because it wasnt about drama, deception, and lies.

Anyway. this wasn't a rant about you personally, I used your comment as a platform to make my own statement. For that, I sincerely apologize.

Well said.....really
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True, but you have to have an audience. The media only distorts the truth and stretches facts, because they know that people no longer hold media sources accountable. People don't want boring/right...they want exciting/(who care what the sources are). With the onset of television programming where people are embarrassed and humiliated (reality tv), fake sports drama, (wrestling), and corporate firing/cooking show humiliation.....it is easy to see that the masses dont want anything other than embarrassment, rejection, lies, deceit, and failure. Many have grown up in this era and cant see the changes.

As long as thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread of their bulljack and fake drama keeps getting posted, they are going to keep dishing it up to you. I haven't, nor will I, post a single thread about he said she said. What I did post, was a thread about football. It was a way for all here to learn more about......you know....the game of football. I had three takers.....and the thread died. Why? Because it wasnt about drama, deception, and lies.

Anyway. this wasn't a rant about you personally, I used your comment as a platform to make my own statement. For that, I sincerely apologize.

A respectable opinion, but I think you're just seeing things in a different light than some others. I don't participate in those discussions out of some sort of obligation or that it's the only thing to discuss. I think it's fun to discuss the media's spin on these "big" stories, and I don't really think it's hurting anything to discuss it either. This forum should be unified in respect for each other, but it's not gonna be unified in opinion. As a matter of fact that would be boring. However, I could agree that some people take some of the media hype a bit too seriously, as to attack other members, Manning or Irsay, etc... I'm of the opinion, that's a bit too far. It's fun and healthy to debate, but a lot of these threads have a lot of ill-intended inflammatory posts.

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When I first started posting on this site I thought it was fun to be out there and stir the pot a little. I quickly learned that was'nt the best way to be involved.

Yes....I remember. You were quite a Betty Bummer.

I've noticed a sudden turn-around in your posting style. It happens though. Sometimes we go to websites with no real intention of staying and may act rude, then we grow accustomed to the place and no longer wish to be a thorn. When I first started here in this community a few years back ( 3, not really sure?), the first correspondence I had was receiving a PM from Tubaguy. He was asking me politely to change my avatar (Tom Brady wearing a mid-riff). I PM'd him back acting like a jerk, telling him if he didn't like it then he can change it. He said something along the lines of "I'll change something alright, but it won't be your avatar". lol...I reckon he meant my membership status from registered to banned.

I don't know why I had an attitude with him and have always regretted handling it the way I did.

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True, but you have to have an audience. The media only distorts the truth and stretches facts, because they know that people no longer hold media sources accountable. People don't want boring/right...they want exciting/(who care what the sources are). With the onset of television programming where people are embarrassed and humiliated (reality tv), fake sports drama, (wrestling), and corporate firing/cooking show humiliation.....it is easy to see that the masses dont want anything other than embarrassment, rejection, lies, deceit, and failure. Many have grown up in this era and cant see the changes.

As long as thread after thread after thread after thread after thread after thread of their bulljack and fake drama keeps getting posted, they are going to keep dishing it up to you. I haven't, nor will I, post a single thread about he said she said. What I did post, was a thread about football. It was a way for all here to learn more about......you know....the game of football. I had three takers.....and the thread died. Why? Because it wasnt about drama, deception, and lies.

Anyway. this wasn't a rant about you personally, I used your comment as a platform to make my own statement. For that, I sincerely apologize.

No apologies needed buddy. That is what these forums are for to share and build upon ideas. Nice post!

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I have to agree and say enough with the speculation already.Not to disrespect anyone's opinion,but enough rumoring and guessing.Just relax and let them sort it out and wait for something to actually be decided.I have to admit that yes I've stated a few speculations myself but at the same time I haven't commented on any posts lately because the majority have been PM/JI posts.Surely there are Colts issues to decide aren't there?

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I think the time has come for the 30 or so of us that frequent this site at least daily to agree to a moratorium on speculation between JI and PM. In my opinion neither guy needs to put on a side of this issue, when it comes down to it they are the two people most responsible for creating Colts nation, none could have done it without the other and we have been the lucky fans along for the ride. When I first started posting on this site I thought it was fun to be out there and stir the pot a little. I quickly learned that was'nt the best way to be involved. With that being said I think the best fan for the fans to be with this issue is to refuse to be baited into conversations about JI or PM. For me regardless of how this goes down I for one will continue to support and respect both men for I feel they have EARNED it. Most of us on the forum really enjoy the game of football, that is why we chat, so lets talk draft or some of the positive things that await this franchise with our new staff. Now lets go find that 3rd round wideout with the no drop hands and speed to seperate or that 2nd round 3.4 LB that RB's and QBs fear. Remember our favorite players will come and go, but true fandom spans generations. GO COLTS.

Ya done went soft on me. *cries*

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lol, not at all, My stress level and attitude has changed since JC's departure. Him and 4192 were the driving force behind my madness, which is still aflame, but is burning lightly. I will take a shot a gasoline if needed,worry not!

Who DN? Don't forget M.C.D.

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I think the time has come for the 30 or so of us that frequent this site at least daily to agree to a moratorium on speculation between JI and PM. In my opinion neither guy needs to put on a side of this issue, when it comes down to it they are the two people most responsible for creating Colts nation, none could have done it without the other and we have been the lucky fans along for the ride. When I first started posting on this site I thought it was fun to be out there and stir the pot a little. I quickly learned that was'nt the best way to be involved. With that being said I think the best fan for the fans to be with this issue is to refuse to be baited into conversations about JI or PM. For me regardless of how this goes down I for one will continue to support and respect both men for I feel they have EARNED it. Most of us on the forum really enjoy the game of football, that is why we chat, so lets talk draft or some of the positive things that await this franchise with our new staff. Now lets go find that 3rd round wideout with the no drop hands and speed to seperate or that 2nd round 3.4 LB that RB's and QBs fear. Remember our favorite players will come and go, but true fandom spans generations. GO COLTS.


I think that speculation is all we have here until March 8...

The entire team is on hold until we decide who the QB is..or who management wants him to be.

I dont think it hurts.....Nobody's going to say that they hate Manning or Irsay and they wish either was never here.

There may be hard feelings at the resolution of this ...but I always want everybody to speak their mind....

I want to point out again...that we are hard core...

Think about it...A month after the end of a 2-14 season....we dicuss our team every day..or two...

I would bet you that if Jim Irsay reads this site.... (and I'd bet he does once in awhile)...he gets a big kick out of it...

he's that kind of guy.....

...and if you think he's a 'stuffed suit, fat cat, one percenter' tell him so..

(At least he's OUR stuffed suit, fat cat one percenter')

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A respectable opinion, but I think you're just seeing things in a different light than some others. I don't participate in those discussions out of some sort of obligation or that it's the only thing to discuss. I think it's fun to discuss the media's spin on these "big" stories, and I don't really think it's hurting anything to discuss it either. This forum should be unified in respect for each other, but it's not gonna be unified in opinion. As a matter of fact that would be boring. However, I could agree that some people take some of the media hype a bit too seriously, as to attack other members, Manning or Irsay, etc... I'm of the opinion, that's a bit too far. It's fun and healthy to debate, but a lot of these threads have a lot of ill-intended inflammatory posts.


I think that speculation is all we have here until March 8...

The entire team is on hold until we decide who the QB is..or who management wants him to be.

I dont think it hurts.....Nobody's going to say that they hate Manning or Irsay and they wish either was never here.

There may be hard feelings at the resolution of this ...but I always want everybody to speak their mind....

I want to point out again...that we are hard core...

Think about it...A month after the end of a 2-14 season....we dicuss our team every day..or two...

I would bet you that if Jim Irsay reads this site.... (and I'd bet he does once in awhile)...he gets a big kick out of it...

he's that kind of guy.....

...and if you think he's a 'stuffed suit, fat cat, one percenter' tell him so..

(At least he's OUR stuffed suit, fat cat one percenter')

all well said. Especially about the 30 or so guys who frequent the site daily. And the part about people's post count fading when their agendas are completed. I hope to continue be a long time contributer even though I too had a wish that has now been granted.

I went as far as looking back several months at the general mood of the boards. Before I joined you guys were always upbeat and there was never conflict, but there were a lot of locked threads. When I joined amidst the begining of The JC debate, the level of conflict was still mildcompared to the irsay/manning debate we see now. Now the boards are literally boiling with conflict.

Now as others have pointed out there seems to be a belittling tone from some new members that I just can't understand.

While I agree that we should avoid these posts....but to some point - if uncle mark is right and JI is reading the boards, then we should express what we want out of the product that we purchase like any consumer has a right to do.

If the minority are silencing us with insults then we lose at conveying our wishes to ownership and FO.

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