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If you were the GM of this team, who on this current roster would you say is a must keep, or untouchable?  Or would you say anybody at all?  I have my opinions but I would like to hear from you other armchair GM's out there.  I will just say that the list is mighty short, and I don't think that puts our current GM in a good light at all.



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Must Keep on Defense:
Vontae Davis (our best DB BY FAR and only one that is truly untouchable, was injured a bunch though this year)

Mike Adams (though he probably only has like one year left, IF that)

TJ Green (hopefully our long term safety, has shown flashes and stuff but just has to develop more)

Clayton Geathers (really really good player, just has to stay healthy but when he is he is a very good player and one of the harder hitting safeties in the league. And his coverage skills only have improved and will continue)

Butler (really good slot corner, no reason not to keep him, can play safety in a pinch)

None of the linebackers to be completely honest as every position can be improved (including Mathis unfortunately, though Walden would be the closest one to "must keep" as he has done more good than bad but he can still be improved.) 

Henry Anderson (when he completely gets healthy he is gonna be a beast) 

Hassan Ridgeway (from what little we have seen so far)


Must Keep on Offense:

Luck (nothing to say here)

Hilton (see above)

Moncrief (good second WR and good redone target, just has to stay healthy) 



Haeg (has really impressed me being a late draft pick and coming in and playing two positions, will only get better) 

Doyle (would gladly resign him, every team needs a really good "blocking" tight end and he has shown us that he can do even more, esp in the red zone) 

Clark, as we haven't really seen what he can do, no need to quit on him just yet (Castonzo has just not been worth the money to be honest, but there doesn't appear to be a reason we let him go unless we save a lot of money or we don't have to eat a lot of dead money, IDK about cap stuff) 


Overall, you can see that we have major holes in our team. On offense, we need a better O-line (especially the tackles, i only expect the inside to improve as they all are very young) and a RB for the future. We need a legit TE that doesn't disappear for entire stretches only to come back and make game-changing mistakes. On defense, there are issues with our D-line as we get like NO push or pash rush (Parry is a decent NT but he is better as a rotational guy not starter). Our entire linebacker corp is just dead and needs to be completely revamped over the offseason (Ideally I would like to see a veteran ILB paired with a high-draft pick ILB, either of which should be good in coverage cause we can't cover TEs to save our lives, and we need to draft a pass-rushing OLB as well to pair with Walden who isn't going anywhere). On the back end, the only thing we need is a capable CB 2 (draft looks good to be honest in terms of CB prospects) because I like our safety situation and Butler is a good slot corner/back-up safety if needed.




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An easier question is who am I getting rid of but I'll keep luck, Hilton, moncreif, mewhort, Kelly, Costanzo, haeg, Clark (red shirt rookie year have no idea what he can become yet) Allen, Doyle, swoope, essentially everyone on the d-line besides Jones, Ayers, Walden, Maggit, Edwin Jackson, Morrison, Davis, Melvin(proving to be good depth), butler, green, Geathers, the goat, mcafee, overton. Most of the players I'm ready to move on from there contract is up after this year anyways.

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For the draft I would like to see:


Top three rounds in no particular order(I believe we are gonna get a third round pick compensatory)?



CB (would rather draft our CB 2 than overpay for a CB2 like we have done in the last several years)

OL (only if there is someone that falls to us or is a steal, don't wanna reach as we already have drafted plenty last year) 



Sign a veteran ILB that is younger than jackson

Sign a capable RT 

Sign a veteran WR 2/3, another big body target wouldn't hurt 


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This is a 53-man roster team.      And in the off-season it's a 90-man roster team.


You simply can't gut the entire team as the OP is hinting at.


You're going to keep a sizable number of players on the roster.     Not because they're the best at their spot in the NFL,   but b because every team has players that are good solid player and not sexy all-star types.


You can only do so much in one off-season like this....



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9 hours ago, jimmy g said:

Baltimore Ravens RT Rick Wagner will be a Free Agent after this year.


IU Guard Dan Freeny is an All American.


Something to think about...

Don't know much about Wagner but I am a fan of Feeney's.  And we need a guard.  But if we go the route I think we should go first, which is pass-rusher, Feeney will be long gone.  He's projected as the 25th best prospect in the draft on CBS Sports among those who have declared so far.

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Thanks for the responses everybody.  For me, there are only about 4 guys I would deem "must haves".  Everybody else would be fair game and could be traded, demoted, offered less money, let go, etc. (of course, this level varies by player).  The four guys I would NOT let leave the building are Luck, McAfee, Davis, and Hilton.  That's it.  So for Grigs, it amounts to 2 draft picks, and by FAR his best FA acquisition.  I know Davis hasn't always been stellar this season but I believe a LOT of his struggles have come in games where he was playing injured.  Don't know it for a fact, just from what I'm seeing and reading on the injury reports.  Luck was a no-brainer.  Hilton was a tremendous get where he got him (3rd round) and is playing like a 1st rounder.  McAfee of course was already here and had nothing to do with Grigs.  So he made a great draft pick and a great trade his first year.  Won him GM of the year too.  Since then, everything else has been so-so or not very good or just a dumpster fire.  Kelly could get into that neighborhood but we don't know yet and it's why i didn't list him as a must-have.


Current Draft order has the Colts at 13th.


EDIT: I guess I would keep Vinny too, although his age is definitely a factor here.  And he has nothing to do with Grigs either.



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All of our FAs can go.  That would be 1st things 1st.


Honestly I would keep everyone on offense sans Frank Gore (cut the other RBs as well).  That would be a mercy cut.  Let him end his days in a better situation to run the ball.  He is too good to be stuck behind a young (hopefully developing) O-line.


On defense it's almost the opposite.  I would keep all the guys Grigson drafted and that's about it.  This team needs speed.  We lack that very much.  I would even be open to letting Vontae go.  He may be nearing the end if he can't stay 100%.  He looks like a different guy out there when he's banged up.


This team needs about 4 LBs (1 ILB and 3 OLBs).  We need 2-3 CBs and another S to replace Mike Adams.  We also need a true NT.  Parry is just not an early down NT.  The only position we are set at on D is DE (Parry, Ridgeway and Anderson).

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