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If you know who "Dr. Z" is...?


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Dr. Z is Paul Zimmerman.    When I read his work in Sports Illustrated way back in the day,  he was known as Dr. Z.      Iff you enjoy the state of writing and coverage of the NFL,  well,  most of the best writers all learned at the feet of the great Dr. Z.       He's the Godfather of modern pro football writers.      He's the gold standard.  


Well.....     he has fallen upon very hard times.      A series of debilitating strokes have left him a fraction of the man he once was.     He and his wife have had to literally spend every dollar they ever saved in order to qualify for a certain level of medical coverage.


On the front of this website, Jim Irsay has announced he's donating $50k to Zimmerman.     Within the story is a link to a GoFundMe page if you'd also like to help.


I've just donated $25.     Not much,  but all I can do right now.      I hope you can help too.     Even if it's only a little...


If you're interested,  here's the story from Colts.com with the link.....






For whatever it's worth:    I interviewed Dr. Z a number of times way back when (80's and 90's) for football shows I was producing in Los Angeles.    He was always very accommodating,  very friendly,   very classy.     A really good guy.      He deserves much better than this.     Frankly,  we all do.


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Sorry to hear about the rapidly declining health of Dr. Paul Zimmerman as well as their most recent break in at his assisted living residence. 


It's nice to hear that he was so polite & welcoming to you NCF when you were fortunate enough to talk with him. I like it when well established journalists never forget their humble beginnings. This situation isn't always the case unfortunately, which speaks to Dr. Z's character & friendly demeanor. 


Thank you Jimmy for such a large contribution & NCF for sharing your thoughts on this man & his dire circumstances as well. 

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