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2 hours ago, Coltfreak said:

Ma'am,  My intentions are not to insult.  In fact I am only answering because I would feel rude to leave you hanging.  If you would like to end this conversation that is totally up to you.


If your intentions are not to insult, then why are you calling Crazycolt1 "ma'am" and "young lady"?

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17 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:


It's just crazy how you cant mind your own business again....


you realize this is a public forum right?  and that anyone who wants to can reply to anything they want to.  That's kinda how this whole internet message board thing works. :thmup:



btw, nice job deflecting and not answering the question. 

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14 minutes ago, Coltfreak said:


It's just crazy how you cant mind your own business again....

This is an open forum. Anything posted is everyone's business. If you want what you say to be private and not commented on then don't post it. It's common sense. Why you picked this subject to try to make it an argumentative issue is beyond me. Is it really that important to you. So you had a timeout? So what. Now you want to start more horse dung because of it?

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