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Favorite Teams To Watch


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To watch for pure football. Not root for or love/ hate

For me in no particular order

Eagles (interesting game plans)

Colts (manning)

Patriots (team strategy) (not including being a fan)

Cowboys (just to see how they do and shades of Landry days)


Saints (offensive show)

Buffalo,Jets,Mia (division games)

Jax (for used to be good hard hitting)

Steelers (just because and usually a good game)

Ravens (defense)

The rest so so.

The least the Lions (because they're the Lions)

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Now JJ you know I can't watch the Cowboys :yuk: I don't care how well they are playing.

I like to watch Bears, San Fran, Dolphins, and the Lions. I also watch the Pats because I like to watch Brady play, although I can't cheer for them. :)

Jax and Ravens.

Cowboys I got hooked on in the Rocger Staubach days. I had just moved to NE and hardly knew we had a team..that's how insignificant the Patriots were lol.

Of course I don't root for Manning but I love watching him play. I think of the modern QBs he and Marino are something to behold in watching. Pure passers at their best.

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I am very opinionated on alot teams like the Steelers, Packers, Patriots and Saints so I just can't enjoy watching them win. Also from watching Manning I am kind of spoiled with great offense, so I enjoy watching great defensive teams. I like watching the Ravens, Bears, Niners and the Lions have been fun to watch this year although I wish they would clean up their act and just play football.

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