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This thread will probably be locked (as it seems as if only the "we'll get 'em next year" ones are left open) but I'm going to post it anyway as I need to express myself.


Although I'm proud that they made it to the AFCCG, I'm embarrassed to be a fan tonight after such a horrific loss.


This team and the coaches played with absolutely no heart against a team that they could have beaten.  


Here's what I'd do:


Let Greg Manusky and Pep Hamilton go.  The offense couldn't move the ball and the defense got dominated by a mediocre running back.  I'm not sure what to do with Pagano but he looks as confused as I've ever seen anyone. 


Bring in Wade Phillips as DC and someone else as OC-I almost don't care who at this point-and I don't know who is out there.  The Offensive play calling is baffling and the defense has no identity.  It is confused half the time and the fundamentals (tackling and coverage) seem very loose.  The O-line has struggled all year.  


Stop getting mediocre free agents and paying them like they are Hall of Fame bound.  


Stop drafting players that do not fit the scheme (4-3 DE as a pass rushing OLB).  


Stop drafting players ahead of where they should reasonably be drafted.


Don't brag about how much you're going to pay Andrew.  Work something that is fair but leaves cash for FA's as needed.  


The Trent Richardson experiment hasn't worked out.  I hate saying that as if defended him up to this point.  I wanted him to do well; I really did as I like him.  His skills do not fit our blocking scheme.  We either need to change our blocking scheme or use a running back that works with our scheme.  


More Moncrief.  


Stop only looking at Cleveland for our free agency.  Redding and Jones have worked out from Baltimore but Redding is likely retiring.  


Anyway.  Thanks.  Had to vent.  







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i think the colts need to really look at the RBs in free agency. the colts for to long have tried to build through the draft, when there has been elite players in free agency.   just my opinion but if the cowboys dont resign demarco murray then i think we need to go after him or maybe even knowshon moreno.  and as far as the defense goes definitly some big run stoppers.    maybe a wr 

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My apologies, then.  It looked like a lot of them were locked....didn't read all of them that were locked; maybe some got out of hand, not sure. 

we lock threads created about the game while the game day thread is open. See announcements or the link in my signature. 

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I love Mathis but we don't know what he's going to do next season coming off this injury. If I had to bet I'd say he comes back strong and gets double digit sacks but we cant bank on that. We really need to add a stud edge rusher, then if Mathis is his old self we'd just be stacked. Mathis, Orakpo, Newsome, Werner, and Walden. I think we could get Orakpo on a 1year deal too.

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Mathis might come back, but as you get older, you are more likely to get injured. I do not hold out much hope that Mathis will have much effect on the team next year. I could be wrong, but watching Reggie's decline this year might say otherwise. He started out strong, but the season is a marathon, not a sprint. I think Mathis, like Reggie will fizzle out. We gotta have someone else ready.

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    • I think even though the sample size was small last season it gave people a false sense of where he is. But we also can’t ignore thst maybe the regression is just because of the lack of off season work. If it’s just the lack of offseason work it should correct itself fairly quickly. We should def him settle in by game 6 or 7.
    • It just seems like people have sold themselves the idea he was going to come out great this season which I think is and was completely unreasonable.   I hope to see some improvement by the end of the season, but I really don't expect a whole lot until sometime next season. AR has got so much catching up to do.   I mean, there's no doubt AR's struggles are affecting MPJ, but MPJ has never been a great separater and seeing a defender right besides MPJ is probably stopping AR from throwing his way at this point.   Also, to be clear, I'm not saying AR will DEFINITELY be great, but I do think we DEFINITELY don't know yet and people need to be a lot more patient with him.
    • They both couldn’t throw or work on footwork. To ignore this could be a possibility with AR is naive. Let’s see where he is by game 7. Especially when it looks like he went backwards  from last season.
    • Other than the fact that Luck was a proven NFL QB in his prime and that his shoulder rehab lasted 3x as long.   
    • His lack of experience was a well-known risk in drafting him and it's a big reason why some were skeptical (including me). On the flip side, it sort of seemed like people disregarded his lack of experience then in favor of things like potential and upside. But now he's struggling and it's showing. If anything, it's validated those initial concerns.   I tend to think WR drops following a QB from college to the NFL says as much about the QB as it does the pass catchers. But they need to do better. I think it will take a combination of improvements from both AR and the pass catchers.   Not sure if something is up with MPJ, but some "regression" this year was very predictable. At one point, I actually thought he might leave in FA when faced with prospect of re-signing with a run-first team and a young QB who is still learning how to throw short and intermediate passes (the area he operates). But he stayed...and I am glad he did. But if it continues, there are going to be a lot of people blaming MPJ, which is pretty ridiculous, when you think about just 6 months ago, people were talking about how great of a contract it was and that MPJ was a legit WR1 with AR.  
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