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Rivalry Week Against The Patriots


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2004 playoff game. I don't think many people remember, but for the most part, everyone predicted that the Colts, who had put up 49 on the Broncos the previous week, would roll over the Patriots in NE. Corey Dillon was a monster, the Pats' D frustrated Manning all day long, and the Patriots held Indy to 3 points. 


The other epic (from our side) was the 2007 regular season game in Indy, which NE won, 24-20. Two undefeated teams, Colts lead 20-10 with less than 10 minutes left. Brady lead the Patriots back to score twice to retake the lead, and then the D strip-sacked Manning to essentially seal the game.

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Clearly your better half has better taste in football teams than she does in male companionship.  ;)




Back in the early 90s... can't remember exactly which year it was... there was a late-season Pats/Colts tilt that was mockingly dubbed "The Toilet Bowl" around these parts. It was a fierce battle with the winner escaping the fate of being last place in the AFC East!

Dear Mr Tenzing, Mrs Wallace has very good taste in male companionship. It's her taste in QB's that is seriously lacking.

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That was rather slippery of you Starling! On topic, this is one game I really do not have a clue on how it is going to pan out. Just going to watch it and hope for the best.

You and me both. I officially predicted that the Colts edge the Pats in this one but nothing would really surprise me.

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As an Indy resident from Boston, it's been interesting to see the rivalry from both sides. My biggest disappointment, which I only realized a few weeks ago, is that Peyton left. It dilutes the whole thing for me. As a Pats homer, it was incredible to watch the Pats-Cincy game after the media-heads had concluded New England was done and 'not very good.' The way the crowd rallied behind Brady was awesome! Since I watched the game from Indy, I couldn't help but also realize that the city Manning currently plays for doesn't really see him as one of their own...they see him more as a hired gun. And Manning will never be fully tied to Indy anymore either, having had his 'best' seasons (statistically) elsewhere. It feels tainted. Hopefully I never have to wear a Brady jersey split in half with another team like I see so often around here...maybe Luck can be that for Indy eventually. Can't help but jokingly thing who will ultimately have a worst record against NE, Luck or Manning?!

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2004 playoff game. I don't think many people remember, but for the most part, everyone predicted that the Colts, who had put up 49 on the Broncos the previous week, would roll over the Patriots in NE. Corey Dillon was a monster, the Pats' D frustrated Manning all day long, and the Patriots held Indy to 3 points. 


The other epic (from our side) was the 2007 regular season game in Indy, which NE won, 24-20. Two undefeated teams, Colts lead 20-10 with less than 10 minutes left. Brady lead the Patriots back to score twice to retake the lead, and then the D strip-sacked Manning to essentially seal the game.


Thanks for bringing up those memories.  I was actually at both of them.  The playoff game after the 2004 season was the coldest I have ever been.  It got really blustery about 30 minutes before kickoff and our beer actually became slushies before we could drink them.  Then the game went poorly.  And on the way out of the stadium, some runt Boston reporter stopped me to ask about the game, which I was in no mood to discuss.


Yeah, thanks for peeling off that scab.

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I liked the 4th and two. Even though it didn't go the Patriots way it epitomized how they are as a team. Confident and willing to take risk...winners either way. That was a great game and really the SB. I was happy the Colts finally got to taste victory after having been slapped down so many times in the past.

Personally, i never understood the grief heaped on BB for that.

I was quaking in my boots when he went for it.

Hind-site is 20/20 and the fans blasting him for that would have been praising him for it if it had worked

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Thanks for bringing up those memories.  I was actually at both of them.  The playoff game after the 2004 season was the coldest I have ever been.  It got really blustery about 30 minutes before kickoff and our beer actually became slushies before we could drink them.  Then the game went poorly.  And on the way out of the stadium, some runt Boston reporter stopped me to ask about the game, which I was in no mood to discuss.


Yeah, thanks for peeling off that scab.


Tips for the Cold, Volume 1


A shot of whiskey (or really any brown liquor) poured into a beer cup will keep it from freezing.

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