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Projected cap space for Broncos, Patriots, and Colts next year


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You mention Brady.  I never mentioned Brady above.  But if you want to try to squash it quickly before anyone can respond, too bad...


Plenty of players through out the history of sports have stayed with a team for less money, taken pay cuts, turned down better offers from other teams that offered them more and restructured their contracts.  Anquan Boldin publicly begged and threatened the Ravens to keep him and he'd stay for less money.


The thing is Peyton makes a LOT more than all other NFL players when you also factor in sponsorship deals.  Peyton makes the most money outside his football contract from sponsors more than any other NFL player.  In fact Peyton's sponsorship deals alone is worth more than most NFL player's contracts.  So he can live like a king just off sponsorship money alone.


Brady took less to free up cap space for the Patriots.  They back loaded his contract but there is no guarantee Brady will ever see that money when he's 40 either as there are no guarantee contracts in the NFL and everyone is expendable. For you to just claim it had nothing to do with that is ridiculous and envy on your part.



Tom Brady Signed A Contract For $30 Million Less Than He's Worth — Here's Why

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/tom-brady-less-money-contract-2013-2#ixzz2w9NChbHb


Tom Brady signed a three-year contract extension for $27 million yesterday in a deal that will keep him in New England until 2017, Sports Illustrated's Peter King reports.


The going rate for a top-tier QB these days is $20 million a year. Drew Brees and Peyton Manning make that, and Joe Flacco too.

So Brady didn't just give the Pats a hometown discount, he signed a deal for less than half of what he's worth on the open market.

The reasons are simple: He wants to win and he wants job security.

Brady's deal is a brilliant piece of salary cap maneuvering by New England. The specifics are complicated, but at the end of the day Brady's extension frees up $15 million in salary cap for the Pats over the next two years, King reports.

By taking less money, Brady will have better players around him.

Come on Peyton, don't be like Kobe Bryant.

Give me a break. When someone with the user name "Patriots nation" comes onto a Colt board to suggest that Peyton Manning should take a pay cut, he's "talking about Brady".


Players take "discounts" (it's never possible to tell what really happens behind the scenes) because they don't want to move their families, or they feel that they will excel in a certain system (and thus reap greater benefits down the road), or they feel that being on a winning team will help them reap greater benefits down the road. They do what's in their own best interests - PERIOD. It isn't charity. Peyton makes a lot of money, but if he had the mindset of the purely mercenary Darelle Revis for example, he could be making $30 million per year. He's taking a fair salary and he gives a fortune to ACTUAL charities. Do you see an ethical problem here? One could just as easily make the argument that a player saying "my wife is a supermodel making even more money than I do, I don't need to take a competitive salary" IS unethical. I guess that Rodgers can't afford to take less money, should he marry a supermodel in order to provide his team a competitive advantage? Here's a suggestion, how about everybody just gets paid a fair salary and their teams get to compete on a level playing field. I call THAT ethical.


The thing is, there is no evidence that Brady will be playing for a discount in the first place. PLEASE don't get my friend amfootball (an actual nice person who happens to unfortunately be a Pats fan) started. We've been through this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.


In a nutshell, ALL that has happened to this point is that Brady received several million dollars in ADDITIONAL money and the Patriots manipulated the salary cap. Once again, lets wait until Brady actually PLAYS for a reduced salary before elevating him to Sainthood. I expect them to magically renegotiate before the first play of the first reduced year. If that happens, the entire exercise would be revealed as cap manipulation. And THAT'S unethical. If he actually plays for that amount I'll be happy to tip my hat to him at the time. I doubt it will be necessary.


Lastly, envy? Of what? I feel dislike for the Patriots as currently constituted, disgust for Brady (the guy has just rubbed me the wrong way since 2001), and (far more relevantly) intense distain for fans that come onto a foreign teams website to :atroll: .  Your dysfunctional hobby is my misery. But envy? When you are fortunate enough to be able to root for Peyton there is no need to be envious of anyone, I assure you. :thinking: perhaps there is a reason that you feel the need to come to a foreign teams site and I don't. WHAT might THAT be?


Don't be disappointed if I don't "bite" on your inevitably obnoxious and irrational comeback. I've had enough "fun" for one day. .

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It seems like every year now how we hear "next year the Pats will be in cap trouble" but it hasn't happened.  I'm not saying it will never happen but I think a lot of that comes from Pats haters with their wishful thinking and a little jealousy the Pats manage the cap so well.


The Pats already have made and will continue to make tough decisions in order to manage the cap. They aren't anything special in terms of cap management. As a matter of fact, if they keep going the way they are right now, they'll wind up with a cap situation similar to the Steelers and Cowboys.

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Give me a break. When someone with the user name "Patriots nation" comes onto a Colt board to suggest that Peyton Manning should take a pay cut, he's "talking about Brady".


Players take "discounts" (it's never possible to tell what really happens behind the scenes) because they don't want to move their families, or they feel that they will excel in a certain system (and thus reap greater benefits down the road), or they feel that being on a winning team will help them reap greater benefits down the road. They do what's in their own best interests - PERIOD. It isn't charity. Peyton makes a lot of money, but if he had the mindset of the purely mercenary Darelle Revis for example, he could be making $30 million per year. He's taking a fair salary and he gives a fortune to ACTUAL charities. Do you see an ethical problem here? One could just as easily make the argument that a player saying "my wife is a supermodel making even more money than I do, I don't need to take a competitive salary" IS unethical. I guess that Rodgers can't afford to take less money, should he marry a supermodel in order to provide his team a competitive advantage? Here's a suggestion, how about everybody just gets paid a fair salary and their teams get to compete on a level playing field. I call THAT ethical.


The thing is, there is no evidence that Brady will be playing for a discount in the first place. PLEASE don't get my friend amfootball (an actual nice person who happens to unfortunately be a Pats fan) started. We've been through this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.


In a nutshell, ALL that has happened to this point is that Brady received several million dollars in ADDITIONAL money and the Patriots manipulated the salary cap. Once again, lets wait until Brady actually PLAYS for a reduced salary before elevating him to Sainthood. I expect them to magically renegotiate before the first play of the first reduced year. If that happens, the entire exercise would be revealed as cap manipulation. And THAT'S unethical. If he actually plays for that amount I'll be happy to tip my hat to him at the time. I doubt it will be necessary.


Lastly, envy? Of what? I feel dislike for the Patriots as currently constituted, disgust for Brady (the guy has just rubbed me the wrong way since 2001), and (far more relevantly) intense distain for fans that come onto a foreign teams website to :atroll: .  Your dysfunctional hobby is my misery. But envy? When you are fortunate enough to be able to root for Peyton there is no need to be envious of anyone, I assure you. :thinking: perhaps there is a reason that you feel the need to come to a foreign teams site and I don't. WHAT might THAT be?


Don't be disappointed if I don't "bite" on your inevitably obnoxious and irrational comeback. I've had enough "fun" for one day. .



Most of what you posted was not based on facts or evidence, but based on your personal opinion of how you personally think it goes as if you're in the heads of these players.  Basically it's mostly speculation on your part and how you think the world operates.


The basis of your whole opinion is: "Well since Peyton never took a pay cut no other player in the history of sports ever has either so naaa naaaa booo hooo."


There are plenty of honest sincere players who took discounts and restructured their contracts to stay with a team because they wanted to help that team, I know that sounds impossible in your head but it's true and those players do exist and one of them is Tom Brady and because it's Tom Brady who plays for the Patriots that has gotten to you big time to the point where you are willing to paragraph up your posts to desperately defend Peyton as Peyton is selfish and won't restructure his contract like Brady did.  It's already been proven by reporters like Peter King that Brady restructured his contract to give the Pats more cap space.  Now you disagree not because you have any proof but just based on hate.  You can't prove Brady didn't restructure to help his team.  That's the point.  You just go on some long winded excuse trashing every athlete and then using Revis as an example as to why Peyton didn't restructure his contract (even though Peyton is worth much more than Revis is and makes more than Revis.)  And Revis is playing for $12 million for the 2014 season.  Revis could have put himself out there on the free market more aggressively than he did and really play hard ball but he went with the Pats for a one year deal.  Did Peyton ever play for a one year deal?


Brady is already currently playing at a big discount as he's playing well below his market value as he could be playing for much much more than he's currently making as the Peter King story showed.  When did Brady ever put himself out there on the open market to be bid on like Aquib Talib did and sign with the highest bidder?


You also use some conspiracy that the "Pats manipulated the salary cap."   Manipulating the salary cap is what former 49ers owner Edward DeBartolo was accused of doing in the 1990's.  Nothing the Patriots did was illegal or against any rules in restructuring Brady's contract so they could free up more space to bring in better or more players to help them win.  You need to take this at face value and stop the loony conspiracies based on jealousy and hate because Brady did something Peyton didn't do.  Because if Peyton did do what Brady did then this forum would be going off the wall ape sh%^ gaga for love and admiration for Peyton.

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Sorry.....  if that's Landry's cap hit,  I would not expect him to be released.    Not unless something goes terribly wrong.


That's a good sized number.



I'm sorry but I should have said he "counts" 5.7 mill against the 2015 cap. The "hit" if he were released would be 3.5 mill. So the Colts would save a little better than 2 mill in 2015 if they released Landry. So I would say that if he's deemed to be an effective player , he is probably safe for 2015.  Now 2016 he had better be a very good player as those #'s change quite a bit.

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I think you are confused with this year. The cap for this year is 133. It is expected to soar in 2015 from the new TV deals. See quote below from your link.


The NFL has notified clubs that the salary cap for 2014 will be $133 million, NFL Media's Albert Breer reported Friday.

That is an increase of nearly $10 million per team over 2013.


The cap is primed to soar even higher in 2015, after money from the league's new television deals enter the equation.

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I'm sorry but I should have said he "counts" 5.7 mill against the 2015 cap. The "hit" if he were released would be 3.5 mill. So the Colts would save a little better than 2 mill in 2015 if they released Landry. So I would say that if he's deemed to be an effective player , he is probably safe for 2015.  Now 2016 he had better be a very good player as those #'s change quite a bit.


Ahhh....   got it.


Thanks for setting me straight on that!      Appreciate it!

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The Pats already have made and will continue to make tough decisions in order to manage the cap. They aren't anything special in terms of cap management. As a matter of fact, if they keep going the way they are right now, they'll wind up with a cap situation similar to the Steelers and Cowboys.

Yeah that one year deal for Revis was nothing special.

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I think you are confused with this year. The cap for this year is 133. It is expected to soar in 2015 from the new TV deals. See quote below from your link.


The NFL has notified clubs that the salary cap for 2014 will be $133 million, NFL Media's Albert Breer reported Friday.

That is an increase of nearly $10 million per team over 2013.


The cap is primed to soar even higher in 2015, after money from the league's new television deals enter the equation.


Yes, you're right.  I was thinking of the 2014 season which goes into Feb 2015.


Do you think the Pats will be able to resign Revis after next season since the cap will go up?

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Yes, you're right.  I was thinking of the 2014 season which goes into Feb 2015.


Do you think the Pats will be able to resign Revis after next season since the cap will go up?

Your guess is as good as mine. I never saw the one year deal coming much less that crazy second year option. If the Pats do keep him it won't be at $25 mil. That I am pretty confident of. ;)   Also, I think much depends on if the Pats win the Super Bowl. I honestly believe Revis took this deal to get some of the lime light away from Sherman and to stick it to the Jets. As if it was just about getting paid then he would have signed with Oakland or Cleveland.

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What's special about it?

Getting one of the "it is all about the money" players to play on a one year deal with the chance to neg. the second year option if all goes well in 2014. Not to mention getting one of the all time great QBs to sign a three year 27 mil extension last year. The fact is for 13 years now folks have been waiting the for Pats to crumble and in large part they have not, not because of just cap mgmt. but value deals. They have drafted well historically and made quality FA signings more often than not allowing them to win 12-13 games a year and go deep into the playoffs. As I have said to you before, this Patriot run will be remembered just as much for its unprecedented success in era where teams are supposed to go 8-8 as for the 3 rings in 4 years. Maybe moreso for the former.

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I honestly believe Revis took this deal to get some of the lime light away from Sherman and to stick it to the Jets. As if it was just about getting paid then he would have signed with Oakland or Cleveland.


Ohhhhhh wait a minute here.  According to MAC no player ever goes to a specific team for less money if other teams offer them more money.

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Getting one of the "it is all about the money" players to play on a one year deal with the chance to neg. the second year option if all goes well in 2014. Not to mention getting one of the all time great QBs to sign a three year 27 mil extension last year. The fact is for 13 years now folks have been waiting the for Pats to crumble and in large part they have not, not because of just cap mgmt. but value deals. They have drafted well historically and made quality FA signings more often than not allowing them to win 12-13 games a year and go deep into the playoffs. As I have said to you before, this Patriot run will be remembered just as much for its unprecedented success in era where teams are supposed to go 8-8 as for the 3 rings in 4 years. Maybe moreso for the former.


Excellent points!


But remember the jealous haters will just run to "spy gate" as their only desperate line of defense as that is one of the few things that can give them comfort in football debate (even though the Pats would have won both super bowls if Asante Samuel and Welker caught those two balls.)


We need to also remember that it was reported that Revis wanted to play for the Patriots.  They were on the top of his list.

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he is the highest paid corner in the nfl. 12 million for one season is far from a discount


And he could have did what Talib and his agent did which was put himself out there on the open free market and get bid on and go to the highest bidder that offered him the most guaranteed money with the most amount of years.  Are you saying that no other teams out there made an effort to get Revis and wouldn't have offered him a huge multi year contract if he put himself out there to be bid on?  lol


This has already been discussed by ESPN that this Revis signing is a bargain for the Pats and Revis wanted to go to the Pats.

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And he could have did what Talib and his agent did which was put himself out there on the open free market and get bid on and go to the highest bidder that offered him the most guaranteed money with the most amount of years. Are you saying that no other teams out there made an effort to get Revis and wouldn't have offered him a huge multi year contract if he put himself out there to be bid on? lol

he got 45% of talibs guarantees in one season. Now next year he and Sherman will be free agents at the same time. They will both get ridiculous contracts

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He has a 2 year $32M deal. That's is $16M a season.

Come one Dustin. You are better than this. You know the contract pays him 12 mil in year one with the club option for the second year. The Pats are not paying him 16 this year and certainly will not pick up the option unless it is negotiated down or a new deal is struck.

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he got 45% of talibs guarantees in one season. Now next year he and Sherman will be free agents at the same time. They will both get ridiculous contracts


And the Patriots got him for $12 mil for this upcoming season which is a bargain for his skill level and talent.


Sherman is a bit overrated and a bit of a fraud. Deangelo Hall and Blount came out on Twitter basically standing up to Sherman calling him out.  Sherman is shrinking his market value with his mouth as it's a huge distraction.  There are many teams where the owners and coaches don't want Sherman on their team because of his mouth and the amount of media attention it brings is not worth what he'll be asking for.


Read Deangelo Hall's tweets and comments about Sherman and they make sense.

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No, he has a one year deal for 12 mil with a team OPTION for the second year that would make it 32. He will never see that option.


He will if the team wants him to remain a Patriot.  He's either going to make $20M from the Patriots next season or he's going to get a ridiculous amount from some other team/or extension from the Pats. 


You valuing his "worth" at $16M is just ridiculous. He was making that much because he had NO guaranteed money in his contract. No NFL team in their right mind is going to pay him $16M APY with a ton of guaranteed money.

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He will if the team wants him to remain a Patriot.  He's either going to make $20M from the Patriots next season or he's going to get a ridiculous amount from some other team/or extension from the Pats. 


You valuing his "worth" at $16M is just ridiculous. He was making that much because he had NO guaranteed money in his contract. No NFL team in their right mind is going to pay him $16M APY with a ton of guaranteed money.

He got paid 16 mil last year. As you know, the silly second year option was to protect him from being franchised by the Pats. So, yeah, no way Pats pick that up but they could neg. a new deal.


But whose to say what he will get next season. If he has the type of season many are expecting him to have with the Pats, he will be able to name his price.

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Because he had no guaranteed money. Come on you're better than this. If he had gotten the normal percentage of guaranteed money as other player he would never have touched $16M a season.

Did he or did he not collect 16 mil last year? That was his contract and that is what he got. Bottom feeder teams were prepared to pay him in that neighborhood but he chose the Pats on the one year deal for reasons that are only his.

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We're all speculating that Revis will be worth a massive contract for the 2015 season. What if he has a decent or mediocre 2014 season? There's a chance his worth could decline by next year as he's a year older.

if he has a mediocre year, then the patriots made a mistake giving him 12 million

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Getting one of the "it is all about the money" players to play on a one year deal with the chance to neg. the second year option if all goes well in 2014. Not to mention getting one of the all time great QBs to sign a three year 27 mil extension last year. The fact is for 13 years now folks have been waiting the for Pats to crumble and in large part they have not, not because of just cap mgmt. but value deals. They have drafted well historically and made quality FA signings more often than not allowing them to win 12-13 games a year and go deep into the playoffs. As I have said to you before, this Patriot run will be remembered just as much for its unprecedented success in era where teams are supposed to go 8-8 as for the 3 rings in 4 years. Maybe moreso for the former.


That's quite a recalibration for someone who is known for saying "it's all about the rings." Now winning a bunch of games is a greater accomplishment than three titles in four years... That's rich.


And even if you believe that Revis is playing for a discount, which I don't -- he's still the highest paid corner in the league, and one of the highest paid defensive players; the reason the Bucs cut him is because his $16m/year was untenable, and no one would accept those terms in a trade -- that deal speaks to salesmanship and negotiation, not cap management. In a year, this will either be a one year rental with a dead cap charge of $5m, which there's nothing wrong with, or a longer team deal with increasing cap hits in the future. Again, nothing wrong with that, no matter how it works out, but it's not evidence of great cap management.


In fact, it's more of an evidence of pushing cap pain into the future, which gets dangerous. Even if Brady does play for those lower salaries in future years, the Pats still don't have a lot of cap flexibility, because they've pushed a bunch of money in to the future. 


There's nothing wrong with the way the Pats are managing their cap, but it's not outstanding cap management. Signing a guy for two years, $32m, with a $10m signing bonus, and only having a $7m cap hit in the first year, to some people that looks like cap magic. It's not. That bonus money gets accounted for, now or later. If the Pats win the Super Bowl this year, it's worth it, no matter what. But it's not cap magic. It's just paying for today's investment tomorrow.

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Did he or did he not collect 16 mil last year? That was his contract and that is what he got. Bottom feeder teams were prepared to pay him in that neighborhood but he chose the Pats on the one year deal for reasons that are only his.

more speculation

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Did he or did he not collect 16 mil last year?



Yep with no guaranteed money. If you want to be delusional and think that he going to get that with any guaranteed money then be my guest. 



Bottom feeder teams were prepared to pay him in that neighborhood but he chose the Pats on the one year deal for reasons that are only his.


<citation needed>

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